28 Journey to the Raliths Knight Empire (1/1)

Wu Tian went to the scholarly old man under the ruler's clan who lived just outside the palace whose name was Sako Benki and asked whether any weird activity has been spotted anywhere. Wu Tian knew if knew a general direction to go in his Divine Spirit Flame could detect the Demonic Aura and he could eliminate the cults.

Sako Benki scratched his beard in thought before walking into his study and pulled out a scroll. Sak Benki opened the scroll and took out a pen marking 5 different locations, he then crossed out one of them.

Wu Tian walked over and saw each cult was in different continents. Sako Benki looked up and explained ”Based on the notebook, we have extracted that the Demons plan on using a blood sacrifice to revive the Demon Lord. But back during the war, they tried to use the same tactic and revive the previous demon lord from the dead. The Knight of Light luckily stopped them from succeeding. You have told us that a weird circle surrounded the castle where the demon resided in. We believe that these Cults are made to set up and reform the previous Magic Formation from the war 500 years ago. We have gathered all our information about the previous Magic Formations and pinpointed the approximate location, but it will be your job to find the exact location.”

Wu Tian picked up the map, saw the next location he had to go, and put the map in his storage ring when Sako Benki left the room. Wu Tian left the scholar's area and left on his journey towards the closest Cult location, the Raliths Knight Empire

In the Human Continent, the 5 Empires lived right next to each other. To the east was the Eastern Spirit Dynasty, above the Dynasty is the Raliths Knight Empire and in the middle of all the empires touching both the Eastern Spirit Dynasty and Raliths Knight Empire is the 7 Clover Empire. Under the 7 Clover Empire and touching the Eastern Spirit Dynasty is the Church of the Light God. Above the 7 Clover Empire touching the Raltihs Knight Empire was the Sadronia Mage Empire. The entire Human Continent formed a pentagon, which was a perfect formation for the pentagram of the Revival Blood Formation for the revival of the Demon Lord.

Wu Tian grabbed a premium horse from the royal horse chamber, due to his status as the Guardian, everyone treated him respect and all government resources could be used at his disposal. Of course, Wu Tian didn't overuse his powers only getting the bare minimum he needed for travel like ingredients and materials to create new clothing or cook food.

Wu Tian said goodbye to Sako Benki and left the capital on his horse. Wu Tian still thought the journey was going to be simple like before when he traveled around finding the 4 grandmasters but too bad, he was wrong.


At the border of the Raliths Knight Empire and the 7 Clover Empire a grave battle was about to take place. Two men wearing heavy armor, walked towards eachother and behind both the men was an army of 1000 soliders ready for war.

The man wearing the silver armor shouted: ”Commader Tedric, of the 7 Clover Empire, If you do not stand down from your transgressions in our Raliths Knight Empire sovereign borders we will be forced to declare war.”

The Commander Tedric wearing gold armor answered back ”Commander Iesada, of the Eastern Spirit Dynasty, we have not committed any transgressions but just increased the border security.”

Commander Iseada clenched his fist, bringing 1000 solider to your border is just border security? Commander Iseda spoke with a furious voice ”Commander Tedric don't play your luck, we have a treaty that said we can only have 300 Soldiers per 100 kilometers of the borderland. Pull back your troops or else the treaty will be scrapped.”

Commander Tedric smiled and chuckled evilly into the smile causing Commander Iseada's eyebrows to scrunch. But luckily Commander Tedric lifted his hands and the 1000 soldiers retreated back into the 7 Clover Empires land. Commander Iseada did the same but he couldn't stop worrying, why did they do this? Was this a test of our military or worse, a declaration of war?

Even thought Raliths Knight Empire was an empire of fighting and brute force takes all but a war was still something all empires wanted to avoid unless they had the resources to do it and were more than 90% confident of winning. This was what caused Commander Iseada's worry.

Commander Iseada after returning to his resting quarters picked up his ink feather and paper and wrote his concerns, then sent it to the capital hopefully getting some answers about the 7 Clover Empire's actions today.