Chapter 727: Centipede? Skeleton? The Skull Reaper! (1/2)

The door was large enough to span a person's entire field of vision. As it slowly inched open, the grim reverberations made the frontliners here take out their weapons. Their stares were fixed on the door.

Kirito took out Dark Repulser and he gripped it tightly. Souta, Klein, and Agil also took out their weapons. Meanwhile, Wu Yan calmly placed his hand on the grip of the Heaven Gazer behind him.

Heathcliff took out the sword sheathed within his s.h.i.+eld and he raised it up high. The moment the door fully opened, he gave a rallying cry.

”Let the battle begin!”


The fighters roared loudly to psyche themselves up for the epic battle ahead. With Heathcliff at the helm of the formation, they marched steadily into the boss room!

They were all prepared to lay down their lives in this battle because there is no turning back now!

When the last of the clearers entered, the boss slowly revealed its gnarly countenance to the brave adventurers.

In this s.p.a.cious room that looked larger than a Roman colosseum, the oval arena and the dark walls extended up into the ceiling. The whole boss room looked like the insides of an egg split in half.

Silence greeted the clearers. The darkness crept up on the frontliners here. Even the players with the best night vision can only see dozens of meters away. It looked like there was nothing here but rocks and walls. There are also boulders scattered around the place.

The players got into formation and the door behind them closed with a loud boom. It sounded like the gavel has fallen on their hearts. They couldn't help but get anxious.

One of two things will have happened when that door opens again: Either the boss is dead, or the players are dead.

Their knuckles were cracking under the immense pressure they exerted on their weapons. The deathly silence here didn't help to ease the anxiety gripping their hearts. They scanned the whole room with frantic glances to try and locate the boss.

However, no floor boss could be seen.

The fear of the unknown is the greatest fear, under this uncertain situation, the players started panicking. They are so tense and attuned to their environment that any minor movement will cause a huge uproar.

Except for one player, of course...


Like an arrow, a player leaped into the sky with tremendous force. He reached the ceiling in no time at all as a thunderous boom scattered overhead.

Clang Bam


”Up there!”

A player shrieked in horror. They looked at the ceiling and sure enough, almost all the clearers reacted with immense shock. Kirito & co's eyes almost popped out with surprise.

”What the heck is that?!”

The hysterical player yelled again but n.o.body paid him any attention. They were too preoccupied with the creature hanging above them.

It was a creature dozens of meter long that lurked above them.

Like a skeletal centipede, it had a bunch of ribs that functioned like scythes. Like a centipede, those scythes looked gnarly, the creature had freaking scythes for arms and legs! The creature emitted boiling sounds like a train of death whenever it moved.

Its head resembled an elongated skull that looked like a combination of a Spider's body and a human's skull. It had glaring-red eyes and sharp teeth lining its enormous jaw. The pincers near the head were enourmous scythes that replaced its arms.

A monster, a true monster.

However, this creepy creature is screeching like crazy. It was flailing around like a giant insect that's under attack. It had a good reason to freak out, a certain player with an oversized black sword is currently anch.o.r.ed to the creature by stabbing his sword into the monster's head.

It was Wu Yan!


Souta, Klein, and Agil were speechless.