Chapter 668 (1/2)

Chapter 668


Wu Yan entered his kitchen the moment he got home . He started preparing the dishes meant for Asuna .

SAO’s cooking process is a simplified version of the cooking process in the real world . He made all 10 dishes in about 10 minutes’ time . Wu Yan intentionally made the culinary in such a way that their durability was maxed out . This way, the dishes can still be steaming-hot the next morning even when he didn’t take any extra measures to maintain freshness .

There are no fridges or wraps to keep food permanently edible . Equipment durabilities are reduced by usage but the durabilities of food diminish with time . The food will shatter into data fragments after their durabilities are used up .

Chefs don’t really cook a lot as a result of this . They only made food on-demand . Wu Yan would cook all the materials in his storage if food permanence was a thing . That would greatly help make his life easier .

Wu Yan sat down on the couch after he was done cooking . He opened his interface and he materialized sheets of papers out of thin air as the stacks of papers fell neatly onto his table .

He poured himself a cup of tea as he read the papers . He stopped drinking and reading when he saw something that caught his attention .

“Those players did it again, they cleared another floor again . Dang, the frontline raid members sure are giving it their all . ”

Wu Yan’s expression is one of dissatisfaction .

The ones who cleared that floor are usually regarded as the MVP of that floor . In terms of Exp points, it’s enough to level Wu Yan up a few times . However, when divided up over a raid-group, the players don’t get much after accounting for factors like contribution and damage done . It would be way more efficient to grind in the labyrinth .

The rewards are secondary to Wu Yan . He is just displeased that the raid group found the floor boss’ room before him .

It’s easier to locate something if there are more eyes looking for the target . Wu Yan can be the most OP or game-breaking player in the game but it still wouldn’t mean anything if he couldn’t locate the boss’ room at the end of the day .

“Maybe Asuna felt good about clearing another floor today so that’s why she wanted to come and dine over at my place?”

Wu Yan reckoned that this theory held up better than the I-am-mad-because-you-didn’t-ask-me-first theory .

“She got hooked by the bait . ”

Wu Yan bitterly laughed .

He placed the clearing news at the back of his mind and he gleaned the rest of the papers . There wasn’t any more useful information contained within the papers so he placed the papers back on the table .

“Looks like I have to put in more effort…”

The penalty quest only required all 100 floors in Aincrad to be cleared . It didn’t specify that Wu Yan must be the one who clears all 100 floors . In other words, if the players take down the floor boss of the 100th floor, Wu Yan would still pa.s.s his mission .

It’s only reasonable that the System allowed him this much leeway . He can be the strongest player in this game and he still wouldn’t be able to find and clear all 100 floors on his own . Quant.i.ty is a quality in itself . This was proven with the time required to find the Floor Boss room .

That is to say, even if Wu Yan sat on his b.u.t.t and watched others clear floors, he would still be released from this penalty quest if other players beat all 100 floors .

It sure sounds good to wait for other players to clear this game for him . However, with Wu Yan’s personality, is sitting and watching really his thing?

Even if he could do so, Wu Yan would have to wait for a long time . In the meantime, what would he do without money to rent even a hotel room?

Wu Yan isn’t the type to watch as the world him by . Even if he couldn’t clear all the floors on his own, at least, he needed to give it his best or he would be wasting this opportunity given to him to explore a gaming world .

“It’s a shame that Hinagiku, Mikoto and the other ladies couldn’t come…”

Thud thud thud

A series of knocking sounds came, waking Wu Yan up from his stupor . Wu Yan stood up and he opened the door .

“You came at jus-…”

“Wu Yan-nii, I came to visit you!”

Wu Yan stopped talking when he saw the pet.i.te figure greeting him at his door . His eyes almost popped out with surprise .


Wu Yan yelled in a slight shock .

“What brought you here?”

Silica scratched her cheek with a bashful expression .

“I heard Sachi-nee talking about how your place looked out of this world so I came to check it out…”

Silica continued sneaking peeks at Wu Yan while giving him the puppy eyes .

“Is that not good?…”


Wu Yan sighed after chortling a bit .

“It’s fine . I was expecting a guest, I didn’t think you would turn up that’s why I am a bit surprised . ”