Chapter 409 (1/2)


15,000 meters above the Tenguu city…

This high into the sky, there's almost no trace of any clouds here, the birds also can't stand the strong winds here.

However, a strange phenomenon could be observed here. A gale broke into two when it hit something invisible in the air.

Invisible to most observers is a large airs.h.i.+p that is floating around like a fortress in the sky. It's like this structure is protecting the city below it.

is the name of this s.h.i.+p. It's also known by another t.i.tle, the headquarters of Ratatoskr.

Led by Kannazuki Kyouhei, Wu Yan successfully boarded this airs.h.i.+p. Currently, he's heading to the command center with Kyouhei being his guide. Waiting for him at the command center is the commander of Ratatoskr, Itsuka Kotori.

Wu Yan a.s.sessed that the technology of this world is slightly ahead of the technology in his original world. He made this observation after examining the interior of Fraxinus as well as seeing first-hand the formidable equipment the AST members had.

It's almost on the same level as Academy City in Toaru no Majutsu.

Since the technology of this world had been developed to counter spirits, it is lacking in many aspects when compared to Academy city. But, since they specialized strength-augmenting technology, it would seem they are more advanced in this aspect than Academy City.

After pa.s.sing through many automatic doors, he finally arrived at the wide and s.p.a.cious room known as the command center.

There's a display screen here that is easily bigger than the ones we see in cinemas. Facing the screen are two rows of seats with monitors about the same size as televisions. Overlooking all of this is an elevated platform designed for the commander.

Wu Yan stopped upon seeing a pet.i.te figure sitting at the commander's seat.

Red hair tied into twintails with black ribbons. This hairstyle went well with her cute face making her ribbons look like animalistic ears that accentuated her cuteness.

She's wearing a uniform that belonged to an unknown school, maybe it's a Ratatoskr-issued uniform. The uniform made her look a tad bit more intimidating than if she hadn't wore it.

The younger foster sister of the main character in the original work.

She also has another ident.i.ty, she's a spirit too.

Maybe Kannazuki Kyouhei and Murasame Reine know about this but the others sure don't. Wu Yan isn't dumb enough to reveal this yet.

Standing beside Kotori is a pretty lady with pale blue hair tied into a right-side ponytail. She also has a small blue bear tucked away in her chest pocket. The heavy dark circles around her eyes aren't enough to mask her beauty, neither did her tired look mar it. She's the a.n.a.lysis officer of Ratatoskr,

With a palm beneath her chin and a lollipop in the other hand, she trained her red eyes on Wu Yan and then she beamed at him.

”Welcome to Ratatoskr!”

Kotori wanted to say something but she frowned when she saw Kannazuki Kyouhei's appearance.

”By the way, what happened to you?”

Somebody had destroyed his handsome look by giving him some bruises in the face. At least, he managed to make Itsuka Kotori and Murasame Reine laugh at him.

Kannazuki Kyouhei awkwardly laughed before putting on a serious face. He can try to look serious but that only managed to make him look even more ridiculous as if he's fine with those injuries.

The perpetrator didn't seem to care that he caused this, he just watched as Kannazuki Kyouhei made a fool of himself. He gnashed his teeth, if it weren't for the vast disparity in strength between him and Wu Yan, he would have pounced on Wu Yan.

Only the commander is fit to punish him…

Still sucking on her Chupa Chups, Itsuka Kotori ignored Kannazuki Kyouhei and she examined Wu Yan.

”You, you're not a spirit are you?…”

Wu Yan raised an eyebrow but he shrugged anyway.