Chapter 124 (1/2)


The time stopped, along with everything else when Wu Yan shouted that line.

Lulu is stunned, her happy expression froze there as she tries to understand what Wu Yan is trying to achieve here.

Fei Fei is stunned as well, she don’t know how to react just as she doesn’t know how things developed this way. She’s suddenly rendered at a loss of how to respond.

Grey is shocked and then anxiety started building up. He doesn’t know what the h.e.l.l Wu Yan is thinking but he knows one thing, Wu Yan’s line is a major slap to the face to the other party.

Tigre was shocked at first but then he quickly recovered and stayed silent. He has only one thought going through his mind at the moment,

He’s so dead…

Hughes was stunned followed by outrage, his nonchalant att.i.tude from before went straight into the rubbish bin as he leered at Wu Yan with killing intent.

Hinagiku, Mikoto, Lirin and even Ikaros is surprised. They might have been together with Wu Yan for quite a while now, but even they don’t what to say when Wu Yan acts so spontaneously.

The same applies to everyone else there, they aren’t exactly sure what is going through the mind of this super who, just a few days ago, took down the Group leader of the Iron Dogs Mercenary group in one bout like a boss. However, since he insulted the Lori family, strong as he is, he’s dead meat, the only way he can get out of this situation is if he’s a tier 9!

But, could that really be true?

At the very least the present spectator don’t think so. To them, Wu Yan is just another youth who got too for his own good after defeating the group leader of Iron Dogs Mercenary Group and now his is kicking in full throttle.

After a bit of time had pa.s.sed, Lulu who had yet recover from the sudden change got mad after hearing him call her a ‘witch’ even though she didn’t know why.

She puffed up her chest and stood arms akimbo. Those bountiful mountains blinded Hinagiku and Mikoto with their magnificence. Lulu didn’t notice this though while she pointed at Wu Yan and retorted back.

“Who’s a witch! Do I look like a witch to you?!”

Wu Yan smirked and then waved his hand to dismiss her further reb.u.t.tal before pointing at Lulu and talking with the full confidence of someone who is right.

“Then you tell me, how exactly aren’t you a witch?”

“This young miss here does not resemble a witch at all, I am clearly a human!” (Tl: she used a rather pompous 1st person p.r.o.noun to refer to herself here : 本小姐)

A fuming Lulu roared.

Wu Yan instantly lost strength. Not just him, everyone else lost their strength as well.

You’re retorting to the wrong statement here aren’t you? n.o.body is doubting whether you looked like a human…

Wu Yan awkwardly laughed and shrugged.

“Alright, even if you’re a human…”

“What if?! I am a human, a bona fide human down to the core!”

Lulu shouted at him in retort, the way she’s reacting it’s like the word ‘witch’ very offensive to her ears.

Wu Yan coughed and then put on his serious face before continuing.

“Well then, so you’re the human that wants to pick a fight with the Midobia family?”

“Who wants to pick a fight with you..”

Lulu pouted before continuing in an irritated manner.

“I don’t want to do something like coming up to someone’s house and then bully people. It’s all that guy’s fault, he made me come here!”

Her jade fingers pointed at a surprised Tigre. She pa.s.sed the buck right on over to him while sounding like she’s justified without the slightest notion that she’s dragging people down with her.

Wu Yan’s poker face collapsed. He rolled his eyes before continuing in an agitated tone.

“But you’re the biggest one here aren’t you? Isn’t it a bit irresponsible of you to blame someone else….”

“Oh~ don’t give me that, it’s the truth!”

Angered, she continued.

“I didn’t come here with the slightest intention to bully someone!”

“Then what are you here for?”

Wu Yan curiously asked her. He’s actually puzzled as to why Lulu would appear in a town like this.

Regarding Lulu leading a party to come challenge Midobia family?….

It’s not that Wu Yan is looking down on her or something but screw challenging someone. If she were to be sold one day, one might not even be able to find her… (Tl: implying she’s too ditzy to come up with an idea like this)