Part 281 (1/2)

_Series_, of terms, proper use of the _articles_ in, --of words, how to be conif and employ child may be spoken of without distinc of, --whether ani represented as having

--_sexes_, distinction of, by _words_, in diff ways, --denoted by _ternated by _proper nanif of, --explet use of

--_Shall_ and _will_, discriminative application of, in the fut indic

_Sheridan, T_, actor and orthoepist, his literary reputation; the worth of his writings

_Side_, noun, peculiarities of usage in regard to

_Silent_, or _mute_, when a letter is said to be

_Silliness, literary_, Crit N concerning

_Sio_, --derivation of, fronif of

_So_, as expressing the sense of a preced word or phrase, --derivation of, from Sax

--_So --as, as --so_, correspondents

_Soever_ or _soe'er_, whether a word or only a part of an other word; how explained by WEBST

_Soleuished frorammar, --is not adapted to familiar discourse, --pres and pret terminations of, what, and how uttered, --exahout the verb LOVE, conjugated

_Soree_, (”SOME _longer_,”

SANB) _Somehow_ or _other, somewhere_ or _other_, what the construc _Somewhere, nowhere, anywhere_, &c, their class, and how should be written

_Sort_, see _Kind_

_Sound_, of a letter, commonly called its _power_, --_elementary_, of the voice, defined

--_Sounds_, si, --elementary, what meant by; are few in numb; their _combinations_ may be innumerable

--_Vowel_ sounds, or vocal ele, and how may be modified in the format of syllables; do, how may be written, and how uttered

--_Consonant sounds_, si, how many, and what; by what lettersand short, SIGNS used to denote thee of, how acquired, --iht to pronounce those of one's native lang

--Passage exe

--_Sounds of the Letters_, treated

_Speak, to speak_, what is meant by

_Speaker_, why often speaks of himself in the third pers, --represents hi, should ant speaker_, by what distinguished

_Species_ and _figure_ of words, what so called, --unsettled usage of the lang with regard to what relates to the latter _Species_ and _genus_ of things, how admits limitation by the article

SPELLING, defined

--_Spelling_, how to be acquired, --cause of the difficulty of its acquisition, --Rules for, --_usage_, as a law of, --uniformity and consistency in, how only can be attained

--The _right spelling_ of a word, what, PHILOLOG Mus

--_Oral spelling_, how should be conducted