Part 274 (1/2)

_Inflections_, defined --rising and falling, explained; do, as applied to questions --_notation_ of, in writing and printing --the risingin oral lang; the falling, for what used, COMST

--what kind of rules for, have been given by writers --the rising and the falling, to be used with prop discrimination; what should determine the direction of --_Inflection_, what constitutes the _circuant, into the systeram, a particular instance of, noticed

_Inscriptions_ appear best in full capitals

_Instead_, what reckoned, and how best written

_Intending_, &c, verbs of, see _Co_

_Intensive_ nature of coative pronouns_, defined --what they severally demand --their use and construc

--in what differ from relatives --are always of the third pers

--declined --their place in a sentence --their construc of cases, to what sireem of verbs in

INTERJECTIONS, Etynif of the ter the _interjections_ --_Interjections_, numb of, in common use --List of --_Interjections_, the frequent use of, an indication of thoughtlessness; expressiveness of some _interjections_ in earnest utterance, &c

--should be discriminatively used --chief characteristics of; referred to the class of _adverbs_ by the Gr granificant words uttered as, (”_Out! out!_”) --appar taken substantively --Synt of --absolute construc of --have no construc with cases, as in Lat and Gr

--appar, sometimes connected to other words by a prep, or by _that_ --place of --punct of --ellips of, shown --derivation of --frequency of, in poet lang

_Inversion_ of terth and vivacity of expression

_Irony_, figure explained

_Is being_, with a perf part, or the subject of the UNCO-PassIVE _form of verbs_, canvassed

_Ise_ or _ize_, which of these ter derivatives under Deriv of Verbs

_Ish_, terree of comparison

_It_ its chief use --declined --to what creatures may be applied --put for the distance, (”_How far do you call_ IT?” &c, PRIESTL,) --without definite reference to an anteced

--as explet, and referring to so expressed afterwards; faulty omission of, before verb, in such construc

--had formerly no variation of cases --its poss forin, and not found in the text of the coly excluded by some from the list of pers pronouns: --its derivation from Sax, traced

_Italic letters, Italics_, some account of --for what purpose used --how denoted in preparing manuscripts


J, its name and plur nu

--i on the letter, in syllabication --sounds of,

_Johnson, Dr S_, his authority in Eng orthography

_Joint noreem of verb with --whether words connected by _with_ can be used as _Joint antecedents_, agreereem of verb or pron with, in ellipt