Part 272 (1/2)
_Fable_, how may be defined --What the term denotes in the Scriptures
_Fall short of, make bold with_, &c, how the adjective in such phrases is to be explained in parsing
_False identification_, (under synt of SAME CASES,) Note exposing the error of
_Falsities_ in sentences, Crit N directed against
_Feel_, its construc with the infin
_Few_ and _many_, form and construc of _Fewer_, see _Little_
FIGURES, treated --_Figure_, in graures_, distinctive naure of words_, signif of the terestions additional to do
--unsettled and variable usage in that which relates to --_Figure of orthog_, what; what the principal _figures of_ do
--_Figure of etyures of etyure of synt_, what --_Figures of synt_, the principal, naures of rhet_, why certain are called _tropes_ --on what mostly founded --the principal, nareeures_, how ures_, definitions of sundry, in the lang of authors, _corrected_, KEY _Figures_, Arabic, in what cases _pointed_ by so; other finals than, in do
--_ck_ or _c_, use of --_ll_, to what confined --_e_ of a primitive, when omitted; when retained --_y_ of a pried --_ise_ or _ize_, which termination to be taken --_Finals_, what letters may assume the position of; what reem of, with subjects_, a principle of Univ Gra --_Fin verb_ understood, punct of _First words_, initial capital to --faulty practice of grammarians with respect to
_Foot, poetic_, see _Poetic Feet_
_Foreign_ words or idioms, unnecessary use of, in opposition to purity
_For_, with _all_, as equivalent to _although_ --_For asthe nature of conjunctions --_For that_ --_For_, with perf part, (”FOR _lost_”) --with _ever_ --before TO _and infin_ --as introducing its object before an infin _For_, conj, _because_, from Sax; anc expressed _for that_
_Forever_, or _for ever_, its class
_Former_ and _latter_, nature and applic of _Forms of letters_, in type or character --_For nif and use of
_Friends_, the Society of; their e pron of the second pers
--generally neglect to compound their numeral names of the months and days --their , different fro the verb with the pron _thou_; their simplificat of the verb
_From_, derivation of, from Sax
--_From forth, from out_, construc of, explained --_Off from_, examp of the use of
_Full_, in permanent compounds, horitten; in temporary do, do
--compounds in, (_spoonful, handful_, &c,) how pluralized
_Future, contingency_, how best expressed
_Future tense_, FIRST, how formed, and what expresses --SECOND, do, do, and how varied
_Futurity_, often denoted by the infin, (”_The world_ TO COME”)