Part 269 (1/2)

_Caesura_, signif and application of --_Caesural_ or _divisional pause_; _demi-caesuras_, or _minor rests_; (see _Pauses_)

_Can_, verb, varied --derivation and signif of --_Can not_ and _cannot_, hat distinction used --_Cannot_, with a verb of _avoiding_, or with BUT --_Can, could, would_, as principal verbs, by poet use

_Capital letters, capitals_, for what used; how s are exhibited wholly in, --Rules for the use of, --use of, in comp prop, names, --needless, --lavish use of, its effect, --discrepancies with respect to, abound in books

_Cardinal nu ordinal, --should _follow_ the ordinal, in a specification of a part of a series, (”_The first_ TWO,”)

_Caret_, in what used, and for what purpose

_Cases_, in grammar, what, --nauished, --on what founded, and to what parts of speech belong

--(See _Nominative Case_, &c) --_Cases_, whether infinitives, participles, &c, can take the nature of, --what is the proper nu nouns, --what authorities for the true doctrine of three, --discordant doctrine of sundry gra the nu do

--_Cases_, whether personal pronouns have two, only, --rules for the construc of, --whether a noun overn two, --whether in Eng, as in Lat, when a verb governs two, the pass

retains the latter case

--_Cases, same_, (see _Same Cases_) --_Cases_, what kinds of words take different, after theoverned by prep, whether undetermined; err of SANB and BULL hereon expos; GREE false teaching, do, --_doubtful_, after participles, in what kind of exa do

_Case_, technical term with printers, (”Letters of the _lower case_”)

_Catachresis_, how co

_Catalectic_, when a measure is said to be

_Cedilla_, froe_, of nu, --of the connective of two no

--_Changing_ the scene, or deserting the principal subj, in a sent, PREC against

_Chaucer's_ imperfect measures, DRYDEN'S remarks on

_Cherokee_ alphabet, some account of


_Chief terms_, or _principal parts_, of a verb, necessary to be first ascertained

--_Chief words_ uished by capitals

_Circumflex_, inflection, (see _Inflection_,) --mark, use of

_Classes_ under the parts of speech, what meant by

_Classification_ of words, explanations to assist beginners in , --DR WILSON'S observations on

_Clause_, see _Menomination_, relation of the article, in instances of, (”_Alexander the Great_”)

_Collective noun_, defined