Part 255 (1/2)

3 The feeble or faint _y_, accentless; (like _open e feeble_;) as in _cymar, cycloidal, eneral, exactly the sa derivatives, we often change one for the other: as in _city, cities; tie, tying; easy, easily_

_Y_, before a vowel heard in the same syllable, is reckoned a _consonant_; we have, therefore, no diphthongs or triphthongs _co_ with this letter


The consonant _Z_, the last letter of our alphabet, has usually a soft or buzzing sound, the same as that of _s flat_; as in _Zeno, zenith, breeze, dizzy_ Before _u primal_ or _i feeble, z_, as well as _s flat_, sometimes takes the sound of _zh_, which, in the enumeration of consonantal sounds, is reckoned a distinct elelazier; osier, measure, pleasure_





Derivation, as a topic to be treated by the gray, which explains the various methods by which those derivative words which are not forrammatical inflections, are deduced froarded as prilish, may be traced to ulterior sources, and many of theuages froin, and literal sense of these, is also a part, and a highly useful part, of this general inquiry, or theh insignificant in those whose studies reach to nothing better,--to nothing valuable and available in life,--is nevertheless essential to education and to science; because it is essential to a right understanding of the import and just application of such words

All reliable etyhly valued by the wise The learned James Harris has a remark as follows: ”How useful to ETHIC SCIENCE, and indeed to KNOWLEDGE in general, a GRAMMATICAL DISQUISITION into the _Ety_ of WORDS was esteemed by the chief and ablest Philosophers,_Plato_ in his _Cratylus; Xenophon's Memorabilia_, IV, 5, 6; _Arrian

Epict_ I, 17; II, 10; _Marc Anton_ III, 11;” &c--See _Harris's Here of the _Saxon, Latin, Greek_, and _French_ languages, will throw lish; nor is it a weak argu these, that our acquaintance with the of what is borrowed, and what is vernacular, in our own tongue But etylish words, their co of the student the power of reading foreign or ancient languages, or of discoursing at all on General Grammar And, since many of the users of this work lish, to whon word is a particularly uncouth and repulsive thing, we shall here forbear the use of Saxon characters, and, in our explanations, not go beyond the precincts of our own language, except to show the origin and pri particles, and to explain the prefixes and terlish derivatives

The rude and cursory languages of barbarous nations, to whos which, by the hand of time, are irrecoverably buried in oblivion The fabric of the English language is undoubtedly of _Saxon_ origin; but as the particular fore spoken by the _Saxons_, when about the year 450 they entered Britain, cannot now be accurately known It was probably a dialect of the _Gothic_ or _Teutonic_ This _Anglo-Saxon_ dialect, being the nucleus, received large accessions froues of the north, froes of _Rolish_ The speech of our rude and warlike ancestors thus gradually ie, advanced the arts of life in Britain; and, as early as the tenth century, it beca all the sentiments of a civilized people Froress s which relish_, as I have shown in the Introduction to this work, till about the thirteenth century And for two or three centuries later, it was so different froible at all to theby th beca, refined, iree of beauty and harmony


1 For the derivation of our article THE, which he calls ”_an adjective_,”

Dr Webster was satisfied with giving this hint: ”Sax _the_; Dutch, _de_”--_A to Horne Tooke, this definite article of ours, is the Saxon _verb_ ”THE,” imperative, fro to _that_ or _those_, because our _that_ is ”the past participle of THEAN,” and ”means _taken_”--_Diversions of Purley_, Vol ii, p 49 But this is not very satisfactory Exa rese it, or akin to it, written in various forms, as _se, see, ye, te, de, the, tha_, and others that cannot be shown by ourit as one article, or one and the sah e suppose to be the oldest of these forns of different roots, we should sooner regard it as originating in the imperative of SEON, _to see_

2 AN, our indefinite article, is the Saxon _oen, ane, an_, ONE; and, by dropping _n_ before a consonant, becolish writer, wrote _ane_, even before a consonant; as, ”_Ane_ book,”--”_Ane_ lang spere,”--”_Ane_ volume”


OBS 1--The words of Tooke, concerning the derivation of _That_ and _The_, as nearly as they can be given in our letters, are these: ”THAT (in the Anglo-Saxon Thaet, ie Thead, Theat)an, Thion, Thihan, Thicgan, Thigian; suet_, to _take_, to _assume_

'Ill mote he THE That caused _ 4

THE (our _article_, as it is called) is the imperative of the same verb Thean: which lo-Saxon article Se, which is the imperative of Seon, videre: for it answers the same purpose in discourse, to say _see_ man, or _take_ man”--_Diversions of Purley_, Vol ii, p 49