Part 249 (1/2)
”When THIS _and_ THAT, or THESE _and_ THOSE, refer to a preceding sentence; THIS or THESE _represents_ the latter member or term, _and_ THAT or THOSE, the for of them became his first care; their fruit, his first food; and _the_ e”--_N Butler cor_
”After the period used with abbreviations, we should employ other points, if the construction demands _them_; thus, after 'Esq,' in the last example, there should be, besides _the_ period, a comma”--_Id_
”In the plural, the verb _has_ the same _form_ in all the persons; _but still_ the principle in _Rem_ 5, under Rule iii, that the first or second person takes precedence, is applicable to verbs, _in parsing_”--_Id_
”Rex and Tyrannus are of very different characters The one rules his people by laws to which they consent; the other, by his absolute will and power: that _government_ is called freedom; this, tyranny”--_L Murray cor_
”A noun is the na, _that_ can be known or oodness, charity”--See _Brown's Institutes_, p 31
”Etyy treats of the classification of words, their various modifications, and _their derivation_”--_P E Day cor_
”To punctuate correctly, i of words and phrases, as well as _with_ all their corresponding connexions”--_W Day cor_
”All objects _that_ belong to neither the ender, _except certain things personified_”--_Weld cor twice_
”The analysis of the Sounds in the English language, presented in the preceding statements, _is_ sufficiently exact for the purpose in hand
Those ish to pursue _the subject_ further, can consult Dr Rush's admirable work, 'The Philosophy of the Human Voice'”--_Fowler cor_ ”nobody confounds the name of _w_ or _y_ with _the_ sound _of the letter_, or _with its_ phonetic ie as such a blunder is, it has actually occurred See, in Orthography, Obs 5, on the Classes of the Letters, at p 156--G B]
”Order is Heav'n's first law; and, this _confess'd_, Soreater than the rest”--_Pope_
”_From_ adjectives of one syllable, _and so _r_ or _er_ to the positive; and the superlative, by adding _st_ or _est_: as, _sweet, sweeter, sweetest_; _able, abler, ablest_”--_Bullions cor_
”_Fro with a vowel or the accent_, the co _er_ or _r_ to the positive; and the superlative, by adding _est_ or _st_: as, _tall, taller, tallest_; _wise, wiser, wisest_; _holy, holier, holiest_; _complete, completer, completest_”--_Id_
”By this method, the confusion and unnecessary labour occasioned by studying graes, constructed on different principles, _are_ avoided; the study of one is rendered a profitable introduction to the study of an other; and an opportunity is furnished to the _inquiring_ student, of coraree, and wherein they differ”--_Id_
”No larger portion should be assigned for each recitation, than the class can easily master; and, till _the previous lessons are well learned_, a new portion should not be given out”--_Id_ ”The acquisitions made in every new lesson, should be _riveted_ and secured by repeated revisals”--_Id_
”The personal pronouns may be parsed briefly, thus: '_I_ is a personal pronoun, _of_ the first _person_, singular _nuender_, (feminine, if the speaker is a female,) _and_ nominative _case_' '_His is_ a personal pronoun, _of_ the third _person_, singular _nuender, and_ possessive _case_'”--_Id_
”When the male and _the_ female are expressed by distinct terms, as, _shepherd, shepherdess_, theboth male and female; and is always to be used when the office, occupation, _or_ profession, and not the sex, of the individual, is chiefly to be expressed; the fe used only when the discrimination of sex is indispensably necessary Thus, when it is said, 'The poets of this country are distinguished _for_ correctness of taste,' the term 'poets' clearly includes both male and female writers of poetry”--_Id_
”Nouns and pronouns connected by conjunctions, ersoll cor_
”Verbs connected by _and, or_, or _nor_, enerally_ be in the _same mood_ and _tense_; and, when _the tense has different forms_, they must be in the same form”--_Id_
”This will habituate hi of the author; and, without any great effort on his part, impress indelibly on his ive After the exercises under _any_ rule have been gone through, _agreeably to the direction_ in the note _at the bottoain in a corrected state, the pupilan emphasis on the correction , at the next recitation”--_Bullions cor_
”Man, but for that, no action could attend; And, but for this, _were active_ to no end”--_Pope_