Part 230 (1/2)
”That Caesar's horse, _which_, as faoes, Had corns upon his feet and toes, Was not by half so tender-hoof'd, Nor trod upon the ground so soft”--_Butler cor_
”He instructed and fed the crowds _that_ surrounded hiives currency to ht to be exemplary” p
187 ”Nor does he describe classes of sinners _that_ do not exist”--_Mag
cor_ ”Because the nations ae”--_Murray cor_ ”A nations _that_ are in the first and rude periods of society”--_Blair cor_ ”The overnment prevailed”--_Id_ ”France, _which_ was in alliance with Sweden”--_Priestley's Graland, _which_ most powerfully opposed his arbitrary pretensions”--_Ib_ ”Weup the street'”--_Cobbett's E
Gram_, -- 204 ”Such members of the Convention _which_ formed this Lyceum, as have subscribed this Constitution”--_N Y Lyceum cor_
”_The name_ of the possessor shall take a particular form to show its case”--_Kirkham cor_ ”Of which reasons, the principal one is, that no noun, properly so called, i named_”--_Harris cor_ ”_Boston_ is a proper noun, which distinguishes _the city of Boston_ from other cities”--_Sanborn cor_ ”_The word_ CONJUNCTION ether _Conjunctions are_ used to join or _connect_ either words or sentences”--_Id_ ”The word INTERJECTIONbetween Interjections are_ interspersed a or sudden_ emotion”--_Id_ ”_Indeed_ is composed of _in_ and _deed The words_ may better be written separately, as they formerly were”--_Cardell cor_ ”_Alexander_, on the contrary, is a particular nauish _an individual only_”--_Jaed _its_ course” Or:--”that _Nature herself_ had changed her course”--_History cor_ ”Of re from the United States and _their_ territories the free people of colour”--_Jenifer cor_ ”So that _gh_ may be said not to have _its_ proper sound” Or thus: ”So that _the letters, g_ and _h_, may be said not to have their proper _sounds_”--_Webster cor_ ”Are we to welcome the loathsome harlot, and introduce _her_ to our children?”--_Maturin cor_ ”The first question is this: 'Is reputable, national, and present use, _which_, for brevity's sake, I shall hereafter siood use_, always uniform, [i
e, undivided, and unequivocal,] in _its_ decisions?”--_Campbell cor_ ”_In personifications_, Tihty efficacy; Virtue, feminine, _by reason of her_ beauty and _loveliness_”--_Murray, Blair, et al cor_ ”When you speak to a person or thing, the _noun or pronoun_ is in the second person”--_Bartlett cor_ ”You no the noun; for _noun_ means _name_”--_Id_ ”_T_ What do you see? _P_ A book _T_ Spell _book_”--_R W Green cor_ ”_T_ What do you see now? _P_ Two books _T_ Spell _books_”--_Id_ ”If the United States lose _their_ rights as a nation”--_Liberator cor_ ”When a person or thing is addressed or spoken to, the _noun or pronoun_ is in the second person”--_Frost cor_ ”When a person or thing is _merely_ spoken of, the _noun or pronoun_ is in the third person”--_Id_ ”The _word_ OX _also, taking_ the same plural termination, _makes_ OXEN”--_Bucke cor_
”Hail, happy States! _yours_ is the blissful seat Where nature's gifts and art's improvements meet”--_Everett cor_
(1) ”This is the most useful art _that_ men possess”--_L Murray cor_ ”The earliest accounts _that_ history gives us, concerning all nations, bear testimony to these facts”--_Blair et al cor_ ”Mr Addison was the first _that_ atteular inquiry into the pleasures of taste”--_Blair cor_ ”One of the first _that_ introduced it, was Montesquieu”--_Murray cor_ ”Massillon is perhaps the most eloquent _sermonizer that_ reatest barber _that_ ever lived, is our guiding star and prototype”--_Hart cor_
(2) ”When prepositions are subjoined to nouns, they are generally the same _that_ are subjoined to the verbs from which the nouns are derived”--_Murray's Gram_, p 200 Better thus: ”_The_ prepositions _which_ are subjoined to nouns, _are_ generally the same _that_,”
&c--_Priestley cor_ ”The sareeable in a large building”--_Kames cor_ ”The same ornaments _that_ we admire in a private apartment, are unseemly in a temple”--_Murray cor_ ”The same _that_ John saw also in the sun”--_Milton cor_
(3) ”Who can ever be easy, _that_ is reproached with his own ill conduct?”--_T a Kereen?”--_Inst_, p 267 ”Who _that_ has either sense or civility, does not perceive the vileness of profanity?”--_G Brown_
(4) ”The second person denotes the person or thing _that_ is spoken to”--_Kirkha _that_ is spoken of”--_Id_ ”A passive verb denotes action received, or endured by the person or thing _that is signified by_ its nolected or favoured the growth of this power”--_Bolingbroke cor_ ”The no _that_ acts, or _that_ is the subject of discourse”--_Hiley cor_
(5) ”Authors _that_ deal in long sentences, are very apt to be faulty”--_Blair cor_ ”Writers _that_ deal,” &c--_Murray cor_ ”The neuter gender denotes objects _that_ are neither ender denotes things _that_ have no sex”--_Kirkham cor_ ”Nouns _that_ denote objects neither ender”--_Wells's Gram of late_, p 55 Better thus: ”_Those_ nouns _which_ denote objects _that are_ neither ender”--_Wells cor_ ”Objects and ideas _that_ have been long fareeable exercise to our faculties”--_Blair cor_ ”Cases _that_ custorammarian's province”--_L Murray cor_ ”Substantives _that_ end in _ery_, signify action or habit”--_Id_ ”After all _that_ can be done to render the definitions and rules of grammar accurate”--_Id_ ”Possibly, all _that_ I have said, is known and taught”--_A B Johnson cor_
(6) ”It is a strong and manly style _that_ should chiefly be studied”--_Blair cor_ ”It is this [viz, _precision] that_ chiefly ant”--_Id_ ”I hope it is not I _that_ he is displeased with”--_L Murray cor_ ”When it is this alone _that_ renders the sentence obscure”--_Campbell cor_ ”This sort of full and ample assertion, '_It is this that_,' is fit to be used when a proposition of importance is laid down”--_Blair cor_ ”She is not the person _that_ I understood it to have been”--_L Murray cor_ ”Was it thou, or the wind, _that_ shut the door?”--_Inst_, p 267 ”It was not I _that_ shut it”--_Ib_
(7) ”He is not the person _that he_ seeersoll cor_ ”He is really the person _that_ he appeared to be”--_Iid_ ”She is not now the woman _that_ they represented her to have been”--_Iid_ ”An _only child_ is one _that_ has neither brother nor sister; a _child alone_ is one _that_ is left by itself, _or unaccompanied_”--_Blair, Jam, and Mur, cor_
(1) ”A Substantive, or Noun, is the na; (i e,) of whatever we conceive to subsist, or of _whatever_ we _ine_”--_Lowth cor_ (2) ”A Substantive, or Noun, is the na _which_ exists, or of which we have any notion”--_Murray et al cor_ (3) ”A Substantive, or Noun, is the na, that exists, or _that_ we can have an idea _of_”--_Frost cor_ (4) ”A noun is the na _which_ exists, or of which we form an idea”--_Hallock cor_ (5) ”A Noun is the na, that exists, or _that_ we may conceive to exist”--_D C
Allen cor_ (6) ”The na _which_ exists, or of which we can forory is the representation of so by an other that resembles it, and _that_ is made to stand for it”--_Blair's Rhet_, p 150 (8) ”Had he exhibited such sentences as contained ideas inapplicable to young minds, or _such as_ were of a trivial or injurious nature”--_L Murray cor_ (9) ”Man would have others obey him, even his own kind; but he will not obey God, _who_ is so much above him, and who made him”--_Penn cor_ (10) ”But e may consider here, and _what_ few persons have _noticed_, is,” &c--_Brightland cor_ (11) ”The coular only in fa or discourse, and which are improperly terersoll et al, cor_ (12) ”The re parts of speech, which are called the indeclinable parts, _and which_ ad words that_ ad”--_Dr Blair cor_