Part 227 (1/2)


”But soree of trouble is the portion _of all men_”--_L Murray et al cor_ ”With the names _of his father and eneral, in the name _of the army_, published a declaration”--_Hume cor_ ”The vote _of the Commons_”--_Id_ ”The _House of Lords_”--_Id_ ”A collection of _the faults of writers_;”--or, ”A collection _of literary faults_”--_Swift cor_ ”After ten _years of_ wars”--_Id_ ”Professing his detestation of such practices as _those of_ his predecessors”--_Pope cor_ ”By that time I shall have ended my _year of_ office”--_W Walker cor_ ”For the sake _of Herodias_, the wife of _his brother Philip_”--_Bible and Mur cor_ ”I endure all things for _the sake of the elect_, that they may also obtain salvation”--_Bibles cor_ ”He was _heir to the son of_ Louis the Sixteenth”--_W Allen_ ”The throne we honour is the _people's choice_”--_Rolla_ ”An account of the proceedings of _Alexander's court_”--_Inst_ ”An excellent tutor _for the child of a person of fashi+on_!”--_Gil Blas cor_ ”It is curious enough, that this sentence of the _Bishop's_ is, itself, ungrammatical”--_Cobbett cor_ ”The troops broke into the palace _of_ the _E was called by desire _of_ Eldon the _Judge_”--_Id_ ”The occupation _of Peter, John_, and _Andreas that of fishermen”--_Murray's Key_, R 10 ”The _debility of_ the venerable president of the Royal _Academy_, has lately increased”--_Maunder cor_


”God hath not given us our _reason_ to no purpose”--_Barclay cor_ ”For our _sake_, no doubt, this is written”--_Bible cor_ ”Are not health and strength of body desirable for their own _sake_?”--_Harris and Murray cor_ ”So their _dinner_ upon the shore”--_Day cor_ ”And they, in their _turn_, were subdued by others”--_Pinnock cor_ ”Industry on our _part_ is not superseded by God's grace”--_Arrowsmith cor_ ”Their _health_ perhaps h he was rich, yet for _your sake_ he became poor”--See _2 Cor_, viii, 9 ”It were to be wished, his correctors had been as wise on their _part_”--_Harris cor_ ”The Arabs are co most exact to their _word_, and respctful to their kindred”--_Sale cor_ ”That is, as a reward of some exertion on our _part_”--_Gurney cor_ ”So that it went ill with Moses for their _sake_”--_Ps cor_ ”All liars shall have their _part_ in the burning lake”--_Watts cor_ ”For our own _sake_ as well as for thine”--_Pref to Waller cor_ ”By discovering their _ability_ to detect and amend errors”--_L Murray cor_

”This world I do renounce; and, in your _sight_, Shake patiently reat affliction off”--_Shak cor_

”If your relenting _anger_ yield to treat, Pompey and thou, in safety, here may meet”--_Rowe cor_


”This will encourage hi the prejudice”--_Sive of an _action as_ being completed or not completed”--_L Mur et al cor_ ”So place”--_Priestley and A

Mur cor_ ”They have apostolical authority for so frequently urging the seeking of the Spirit”--_The Friend cor_ ”Here then is a wide field for _reason to exert_ its powers in relation to the objects of taste”--_Dr

Blair cor_ ”Now this they derive altogether froreater capacity of imitation and description”--_Id_ ”This is one clear reason _why they paid_ a greater attention to that construction”--_Id_ ”The dialogue part had also aset to notes”--_Id_ ”_Why are we so often_ frigid and unpersuasive in public discourse?”--_Id_ ”Which is only a preparation for leading his forces directly upon us”--_Id_ ”The nonsense about _which, as_ relating to things only, and having no declension, needs no refutation”--_Fowle cor_ ”Who, upon breaking it open, found nothing but the following inscription”--_Rollin cor_ ”A prince will quickly have reason to repent _of_ having exalted one person so high”--_Id_ ”Notwithstanding _it is_ the immediate subject of his discourse”--_Churchill cor_ ”With our definition of _it, as_ being synonymous with _tier of_ being deceived”--_Caesting his blemishes also”--_Dr Blair cor_ ”No example has ever been adduced, of a _ an action, because of its badness” Or:--”of a _man who_ conscientiously _approved_ of an action because of its badness”--_Gurney cor_ ”The last episode, of the _angel_ showing to Adained”--_Dr Blair cor_ ”And the news came to my son, _that he_ and the bride _were_ in Dublin”--_M

Edgeworth cor_ ”There is no rooreat effort”--_Dr Blair cor_ ”One would iine, that these _critics_ never so much as heard _that Homer wrote_ first”--_Pope cor_ ”Conderaphy;” or,--”_because it is not_ a geography”--_Peirce cor_ ”There will be inthe proper signs of certain ideas”--_Campbell cor_ ”The doctrine _that the Pope is_ the only source of ecclesiastical power”--_Rel World cor_ ”This _was_ the ned for the benefit of private learners”--_L Murray cor_ ”This was _done, because_ the _Graement”--_Id_



”_Whom_ should I meet the other day but my old friend!”--_Spect cor_ ”Let not him boast that puts on his armour, but _him_ that takes it off”--_Barclay cor_ ”Let none touch it, but _them_ who are clean”--_Sale cor_ ”Let the sea roar, and the fullness thereof; the world, and _them_ that dwell therein”--_Ps cor_ ”Pray be private, and careful _whom_ you trust”--_Mrs Goffe cor_ ”How shall the people knohom_ to entrust with their property and their liberties?”--_J O Taylor cor_ ”The chaplain entreated my comrade and _me_ to dress as well as possible”--_World cor_ ”And _him_ that cometh _to_ me, I will in no wise cast out”--_John_, vi, 37 ”_Who this preparation, they constantly and solemnly invoke”--_Hope of Is cor_ ”Whoever or whatever owes us, is Debtor; _and whomever_ or whatever e, is Creditor”--_Marsh cor_ ”Declaring the curricle was his, and he should have _in it whom_ he chose”--_A Ross cor_ ”The fact is, Burke is the only one of all the host of brilliant contemporaries, _whom_ we can rank as a first-rate orator”--_Knickerb cor_ ”Thus you see, how naturally the Fribbles and the Daffodils have produced the _Messalinas_ of our time”--_Dr Brown cor_ ”They would find in the Roman list both the _Scipios_”--_Id_ ”He found his wife's clothes on fire, and _her_ just expiring”--_Observer cor_ ”To present _you_ holy, and _unblaht”--_Colossians_, i, 22 ”Let the distributer do his duty with sience; _him_ who performs offices of compassion, with cheerfulness”--_Stuart cor_ ”If the crew rail at the master of the vessel, _who none but the none but him”--_Drayton cor_

”Thee, Nature, partial Nature, I arraign; Of thy caprice maternal I complain”--_Burns cor_

”_Nor weens he who it is, whose char soul_, but loves he knows not _whom_”--_Addison cor_


”When it gives that sense, and also connects _sentences_, it is a conjunction”--_L Murray cor_ ”Though thou wilt not acknowledge _thyself to--be guilty_, thou canst not deny the fact _stated_”--_Id_ ”They specify _some object_, like many other adjectives, and _also_ connect sentences”--_Kirkham cor_ ”A violation of this rule tends so much to perplex _the reader_ and obscure _the sense_, that it is safer to err by _using_ too many short sentences”--_L Murray cor_ ”A few exercises are subjoined to each important definition, for hi _the gra _an action directly transitive_, governs the accusative”--_Adaated_, is a verb”--_Kirkha sentences, the author, hastening to _a close_, appears to write rather carelessly”--_Dr Blair cor_ ”He simply reasons on one side of the question, and then _leaves it_”--_Id_” Praise to God teaches _us_ to be humble and lowly ourselves”--_Atterbury cor_ ”This author has endeavoured to surpass _his rivals_”--_R W Green cor_ ”Idleness and _pleasure fatigue a ating _any verb_,”--or, ”And in _learning conjugations_, you ns are applied”--_Kirkhainia would have e a readiness”--or, ”And holding ourselves in readiness”--or,” And being in readiness--to revenge all disobedience”--_Bible cor_ ”However, in these cases, custoht cor_ ”In proof, let the following cases _be taken_”--_Id_ ”We otten his first principles”--_Id_ ”How should onder_ at the expression, 'This is a _soft_ question!' ”--_Id_ ”And such as prefer _this course_, can parse it as a possessive adjective”--_Goodenow cor_ ”To assign all the reasons that induced _the author_ to deviate frorammarians, would lead to a needless prolixity”--_Alexander cor_ ”The Indicative Mood si_”--_L Murray's Gram_, p 63


”In his seventh chapter _he expatiates_ at great length”--_Barclay cor_ ”He _quarrels withhat I say”--_Id_ ”Repenting of his design”--_Hume cor_ ”Henry knew, that an excoerous effects”--_Id_ ”The popular lords did not fail to enlarge on the subject,”--_Mrs Macaulay cor_ ”He is always master of his subject, and seems to _play_ with it:” or,--”seems to _sport himself_ with it”--_Blair cor_ ”But as soon as it _amounts to real_ disease, all his secret infirmities _show_ themselves”--_Id_ ”No man repented of his wickedness”--_Bible cor_ ”Go one way or other, either on the right hand, or on the left,”--_Id_ ”He lies down by the _river's edge_” Or: ”He _lays himself_ down _on_ the _river's brink_”--_W Walker cor_ ”For some years past, _I have had an ardent wish_ to retire to some of our American plantations”--_Cowley cor_ ”I fear thou wilt shrink from the payment of it”--_Ware cor_ ”_We never retain_ an idea, without acquiring soham cor_

”Yet more; the stroke of death he must abide, Then lies _he_ meekly down, fast by his brethren's side”

--_Milton cor_


”_The_ parliament _confiscated the property of_ all those who had borne ar”--_Hu_ shi+ps _that_ had been wrecked”'--_Id_ ”The nearer his ht_ hih_ his military successes, _he approached_ the throne”--_Id_ ”In the next example, _'you'

represents 'ladies;'_ therefore it is plural”--_Kirkham cor_ ”The first _'its' stands for 'vale;'_ the second _'its'_ represents _'stream'_”-- _Id_ ”pronouns do not always _prevent_ the repetition of nouns”--_Id_ ”Very is an adverb of _degree_; it _relates_ to the adjective _good_”--_Id_ ”You will please to coraph”--_Id_ ”Even the Greek and Latin passive verbs _form_ some of their tenses _by means of auxiliaries_”--_L Mur cor_ ”The deponent verbs in Latin _also employ auxiliaries_ to _form_ several of their tenses”--_Id_ ”I have no doubt he made as wise and true proverbs, as any body has _made_ since”--_Id_ ”_Monotonous delivery_ assu_ shapes”--_Kirkham cor_ ”When words in apposition _are uttered_ in quick succession”--_Nixon cor_ ”Where _many_ such sentences _occur in succession_”--_L Mur cor_ ”Wisdom leads us to speak and _do_ what is most proper”--_Blair and L