Part 225 (1/2)
”A _Verb_ is so called from the Latin _verbum_, a word”--_Bucke cor_ ”References are often ures”--_Adam and Gould cor_ (1) ”A Conjunction is a hich joins words _or_ sentences together”--_Lennie, Bullions and Brace, cor_ (2) ”A Conjunction is used to connect words _or_ sentences together”--_R C Smith cor_ (3) ”A Conjunction is used to connect words _or_ sentences”--_Maunder cor_ (4) ”Conjunctions are words used to join words _or_ sentences”--_Wilcox cor_ (5) ”A Conjunction is a word used to connect words _or_ sentences”--_M'Culloch, Hart, and Day, cor_ (6) ”A Conjunction joins words _or_ sentences together”--_Macintosh and Hiley cor_ (7) ”The Conjunction joins words _or_ sentences together”--_L Murray cor_ (8) ”Conjunctions connect words _or_ sentences to each other”--_Wright cor_ (9) ”Conjunctions connect words _or_ sentences”--_Wells and Wilcox cor_ (10) ”The conjunction is a part of speech, used to connect words _or_ sentences”--_Weld cor_ (11) ”A conjunction is a word used to connect words _or_ sentences together”--_Fowler cor_ (12) ”Connectives are _particles that_ unite words _or_ sentences in construction”--_Webster cor_ ”English Graht in our district schools; the teachers know _little or nothing_ about it”--_J O Taylor cor_ ”_Lest_, instead of preventing _diseases_, you draw _them_ on”--_Locke cor_ ”The definite article _the_ is frequently applied to adverbs in the coree”--_Murray et al cor_ ”When nouns naturally neuter are _assumed to be_ masculine _or_ feminine”--_Murray cor_ ”This form of the perfect tense represents an action _as_ coreat distance _of time, or at a time_ not specified”--_Id_ ”The _Copulative Conjunction_ serves to connect _words or clauses, so as_ to continue a sentence, by expressing an addition, a supposition, a cause, _or a consequence_”--_Id_ ”The _Disjunctive Conjunction_ serves, not only to continue a sentence _by connecting its parts_, but also to express opposition of , _either real or nominal_”--_Id_ ”_If_ we open the volumes of our divines, philosophers, historians, or artists, we shall find that they abound with all the terms necessary to communicate _the_ observations and discoveries _of their authors_”--_Id_ ”When a disjunctive _conjunction_ occurs between a singular noun or pronoun and a plural one, the verb is ree with the plural noun _or_ pronoun”--_Murray et al cor_ ”pronouns ree with their antecedents, _or_ the nouns for which they stand, in gender and number”--_Murray cor_ ”Neuter verbs do not _express action, and consequently do not_ govern nouns or pronouns”--_Id_ ”And the auxiliary of the past imperfect _as well as of the_ present _tense_”--_Id_ ”If this rule should not appear to apply to every exaht be cited”--_Id_ ”An e of peculiar moment has been said, on which we desire to fix the hearer's attention”--_Murray and Hart cor_ ”An imperfect[531] phrase contains no assertion, _and_ does not amount to a proposition, or sentence”--_Murray cor_ ”The as in themay still be a secret”--_Id_ ”This as in the mouth of every one, _and yet_, as to its precise and definite idea, this may still be a secret,”--_Harris cor_ ”It cannot be otherwise, _because_ the French prosody differs froe”--_Srafted on a subtonic”--_Rush cor_ ”Where the Chelsea _and_ Malden bridges now are”
Or better: ”Where the Chelsea _or the_ Malden _bridge_ now _is_”--_Judge Parker cor_ ”Adverbs are words _added_ to verbs, _to_ participles, _to_ adjectives, _or to_ other adverbs”--_R C Smith cor_ ”I could not have told you who the hermit was, _or_ on what mountain he lived”--_Bucke cor_ ”AM _and_ BE (for they are the sa_”--_Brightland cor_ ”Words are _signs, either oral or written_, by which we express our thoughts, _or_ ideas”--_Mrs Bethune cor_ ”His fears will detect him, _that_ he shall not escape”--_Comly cor_ ”_Whose_ is equally applicable to persons _and to_ things”--_Webster cor_ ”One negative destroys an other, _so that two are_ equivalent to an affirmative”--_Bullions cor_
”No sooner does he peep into the world, _Than_ he has done his do”--_Hudibras cor_
”Nouns are often formed _from_ participles”--_L Murray corrected_ ”What tenses are forersoll cor_ ”Which tense is formed _from_ the _present_, or root of the verb?”--_Id_ ”When a noun or _a_ pronoun is placed before a participle, independently _of_ the rest of the sentence”--_Churchill's Gram_, p 348 ”If the addition consists _of_ two or more words”--_Mur et al cor_ ”The infinitive mood is often made absolute, or used independently _of_ the rest of the sentence”--_Lowth's Gram_, 80; _Churchill's_, 143; _Bucke's_, 96; _Merchant's_, 92 ”For the great satisfaction of the reader, we _shall present a variety_ of false constructions”--_Murray cor_ ”For your satisfaction, I _shall present you a variety_ of false constructions”-- _Ingersoll cor_ ”I shall here _present [to] you a scale_ of derivation”-- _Bucke cor_ ”These two manners of representation in respect _to_ number”--_Lowth and Churchill cor_ ”There are certain adjectives which seem to be derived _from verbs, without_ any variation”--_Lowth cor_ ”Or disqualify us for receiving instruction or reproof _fro more studious than any other pupil _in_ the school”-- _Id_ ”Misunderstanding the directions, we lost our way”--_Id_ ”These people reduced the greater part of the island _under_ their oer”-- _Id_ ”The principal accent distinguishes one syllable _of_ a word from the rest”--_Id_ ”Just numbers are in unison _with_ the human mind”--_Id_ ”We must accept of sound _in stead_ of sense”--_Id_ ”Also, _in stead of consultation_, he uses _consult_”--_Priestley cor_ ”This ablative seeoverned _by_ a preposition understood”--_W Walker cor_ ”_Lest_ my father _hear of it_, by some means or other”--_Id_ ”And, besides, my ould hear _of it_ by so _on_ a requisition so odious to thereat self-evident truths of liberty and equality”--_Manual cor_ ”Very little knowledge of their nature is acquired _fro-book”--_Murray cor_ ”They do not cut it off: except _from_ a feords; as, _due, duly_, &c”--_Id_ ”Whether passing _at_ such tiusted hundreds _with_ that confession”--_Barclay cor_ ”But they have egregiously fallen _into_ that inconveniency”--_Id_ ”For is not this, to set nature _at_ work?”--_Id_ ”And, surely, that which should set all its springs _at_ work, is God”--_Atterbury cor_ ”He could not end his treatise without a panegyrie _on_ ”--_Temple cor_ ”These are entirely independent _of_ the modulation of the voice”--_J Walker cor_ ”It is dear _at_ a penny It is cheap _at_ twenty pounds”--_W
Walker cor_ ”It will be despatched, _on_ ”--_Locke cor_ ”_Oh_ the pain, the bliss of dying!”--_Pope_ ”When the objects or the facts are presented _to him_”--_R C Smith cor_ ”I will now present you a synopsis”--_Id_ ”The disjunctive conjunction connects _words or_ sentences, _and suggests an_ opposition of , _more or less direct_”--_Id_ ”I shall now present _to_ you a few lines”--_Bucke cor_ ”Cos _assorted_”--_Id_ ”Adjectives, in the English language, _are not varied by_ genders, nurees of comparison”--_Id_ ”Participles are [little more than]
adjectives formed _from_ verbs”--_Id_ ”I do love to walk out _on_ a fine _suraant omission of one or more words _of_ a sentence”--_Merchant cor_ ”The _preposition to_ is generally _required_ before verbs in the infinitiveverbs it is properly omitted; namely, _bid, dare, feel, need, let, make, hear, see_: as, 'He _bid_ me _do_ it;' not, 'He _bid_ me _to_ do it'”--_Id_ ”The infinitive sometimes follows _than, for the latter term of_ a comparison; as, ['Murray should have known _better than to write_, and Merchant, _better than to copy_, the text here corrected, or the auous exa the _adverb more_ or _less, for_ the comparative, and _most_ or _least, for_ the superlative”--_Id_ ”A pronoun is a word used _in stead_ of a noun”--_Id_ ”Fro _r_ or _er_”--_Perley cor_ ”He has particularly named these, in distinction _fro taste _for ancient_ literature”--_Id_ ”He found the greatest difficulty _in_ writing”--_Hume cor_
”And the tear, that is wiped with a little address, May be followed perhaps _by_ a smile”--_Cowper_, i, 216
”Of chance or change, _O_ let not man complain”--_Beattie's Minstrel_, B
ii, l 1 ”O thou persecutor! _O_ ye hypocrites!”--_Russell's Gram_, p
92 ”_O_ thou my voice inspire, Who _touch'd_ Isaiah's hallow'd lips with fire!”--_Pope's Messiah_ ”_O happy we_! surrounded by so s!”--_Merchant cor_ ”_O thou who_ art so un, _O_ teach my heart To find that better way”--_Murray's Reader_, p 248 ”Heus! evocate huc Davum”--_Ter_ ”Ho!
call Davus out hither”--_W Walker cor_ ”It was represented by an analogy (_O_ how inadequate!) which was borrowed froanisht live before thee!”--_Friends' Bible_, and _Scott's_ ”And he said unto hier's Bible_, and _Scott's_ ”And he said, _O_ let not the Lord be angry”--_Alger; Gen_, xviii 32 ”_O_ my Lord, let thy servant, I pray thee, speak a word”--_Scott's Bible_ ”_O_ Virtue! how amiable thou art!”--_Murray's Gram_, p 128 ”_Alas_! I fear for life”--See _Ib_ ”_Ah_ me! they little kno dearly I abide that boast so vain!”--See _Bucke's Graed ood lord! thy comfort comes too late”--_Shak cor_ ”The vocative takes no article: it is distinguished thus: _O Pedro_! O Peter! _O Dios_! O God!”--_Bucke cor_ ”_Oho_! But, the relative is always the same”--_Cobbett cor_ ”_All-hail_, ye happy s like a dove!'--_Scott's Bible_
”_O glorious_ hope! O _bless'd_ abode!”--_O B Peirce's Gram_, p 304
”_Welcome_ friends! how joyous is your presence!”--_T Smith cor_ ”_O_ blissful days!--_but, ah_! how soon ye pass!”--_Parker and Fox cor_
”_O_ golden days! _O_ bright unvalued hours!-- What bliss, did ye but know that bliss, were yours!”--_Barbauld cor_
”_Ah_ me! what perils do environ The man that meddles with cold iron!”--_Hudibras cor_
The first chapter of Syntax, being appropriated to general views of this part of gra doctrines, and to the several forms of sentential analysis, with an application of its principal rules in parsing, contains no false gra to correspond to it, in this Key, except the title, which is here inserted for form's sake