Part 223 (1/2)

”To enable us to avoid too frequent _a_ repetition of the same word”--_Bucke cor_ ”The former is commonly acquired in _a_ third part of the time”--_Burn cor_ ”Sometimes _an_ adjective becomes a substantive; and, _like other substantives, it ood_'”--_L Murray cor_ ”An articulate sound is _a_ sound of the huans of speech”--_Id ”A tense_ is _a_ distinction of time: there are six tenses”--_Maunder cor_ ”In this case, _an_ ellipsis of the last article would be improper”--_L Hurray cor_ ”Contrast _always_ has the effect to ht”--_Id et al_ ”These rereat importance of _a_ proper use of the _articles_”--_Lowth et al cor_ ”'Archbishop Tillotson,' says _the_ author of _a_ history of England, 'died in this year'”--_Dr Blair cor_ ”pronouns are used in stead of substantives, to prevent too frequent _a_ repetition of them”--_A Murray cor_ ”THAT, as a relative, seems to be introduced to _prevent_ too frequent _a_ repetition of WHO and WHICH”--_Id_ ”A pronoun is a word used in stead of a noun, to _prevent_ too frequent _a_ repetition of it”--_L Murray cor_ ”THAT is often used as a relative, to prevent too frequent _a_ repetition of WHO and WHICH”--_Id et al cor_ ”His knees san cor_ ”They stand now on one foot, then on _the_ other”--_W Walker cor_ ”The Lord watch between thee and me, e are absent one from _the_ other”--_Bible cor_ ”So _the_ participle a distinct part”--_L Murray cor_ ”Nemesis rides upon _a_ hart because _the_ hart is a most lively creature”--_Bacon cor_ ”The transition of the voice fro to _the_ other”--_Dr Wilson cor_ ”So difficult it is, to separate these two things one from _the_ other”--_Dr Blair cor_ ”Without _a_ reat source of _looseness_ of style, in opposition to precision, is _an_ injudicious use of _what_ are termed _synonymous words_”--_Blair cor_; also _Murray_

”Sometimes one article is improperly used for _the_ other”--_Sanborn cor_

”Satire of sense, alas! can Sporus feel?

Who breaks a butterfly upon _the_ wheel?”--_Pope cor_


”He hath no delight in the strength of _a_ horse”--_Maturin cor_ ”The head of it would be _a_ universal monarch”--_Butler cor_ ”Here they confound the material and _the_ formal object of faith”--_Barclay cor_ ”The Irish [Celtic] and _the Scottish_ Celtic are one language; the Welsh, _the_ Cornish, and _the_ Armorican, are _an_ other”--_Dr Murray cor_ ”In _a_ uniform and perspicuous manner”--_Id_ ”SCRIPTURE, _n_ Appropriately, and by way of distinction, the books of the Old and _the_ New Testament; the Bible”--_Webster cor_ ”In two separate volumes, entitled, 'The Old and New Testaments'”--_Wayland cor_ ”The Scriptures of the Old and _the_ New Testament, contain a revelation from God”--_Id_ ”Q has _always a_ u after it; which, in words of French origin, is not sounded”--_Wilson cor_ ”What should we say of such _a_ one? that he is regenerate? No”--_Hopkins cor_ ”Sorammarians subdivide _the_ vowels into simple and compound”--_L Murray cor_ ”Eer emphasis”--_Id_ ”Emphasis has also been divided into _the_ superior and the inferior eree with their antecedents, or _the_ nouns which they represent, in gender, number, and person”--_Merchant cor_ ”The adverb _where_ is often used improperly, for _a_ relative pronoun and _a_ preposition”: as, ”Words _where_ [in which] the _h_ is not silent”--_Murray_, p 31 ”The ter _of_ the quality”--_Merchant cor_ ”In this train, all their verses proceed: one half of _a_ line always answering to the other”--_Dr Blair cor_ ”To _a_ height of prosperity and glory, unknown to any fore”--_L Murray cor_ ”_Hwilc_, hich, such as, such _a_ one, is declined as follows”--_Gwilt cor_ ”When a vowel precedes _the y, s_ only is required to form _the_ plural; as, _day, days_”--_Bucke cor_ ”He is asked what sort _of word_ each is; whether a primitive, _a_ derivative, or _a_ compound”--_British Gram cor_ ”It is obvious, that neither the second, _the_ third, nor _the_ fourth chapter of Matthew, is the first; consequently, there are not '_four first_ chapters'”--_Churchill cor_ ”Soht, which a writer wants _the_ art to introduce in its proper place”--_Dr Blair cor_ ”Groves and ”--_Id_ ”The conflict between the carnal and _the_ spiritual ”--_Gurney cor_ ”A Philosophical Inquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and _the_ Beautiful”--_Burke cor_

”Silence,to the world too large _a_ heap”--_Waller cor_




”All the ablest of the Jewish _rabbies_ acknowledge it”--_Wilson cor_ ”Who has thoroughly imbibed the system of one or other of our Christian _rabbies_”--_Caularities_ of reason soon wear off”--_Collier cor_ ”The chiefs and _arikies_, or priests, have the power of declaring a place or object taboo”--_Balbi cor_ ”A the various tribes of this family, are the Pottawatoamies_”--_Id_ ”The Shawnees, Kickapoos, Menoion”--_Id_ ”The Mohegans and _Abenaquies_ belonged also to this faoes_, foran”--_Id_ ”The other tribes are the Ioways, the Otoes, the _Missouries_, the Quapaws”--_Id_” The great Mexican family comprises the Aztecs, the Toltecs, and the _Tarascoes_”--_Id_” The Mulattoes are born of negro and white parents; the _Za the Alexanders, the Caesars, the _Louises_, or the _Charleses_,--the scourges and butchers of their fellow-creatures”--Burgh cor” Which was the notion of the Platonic philosophers and the Jewish _rabbies_”--_Id_ ”That they should relate to the whole body of _virtuosoes_”--_Cobbeti cor_” What _thanks_ have ye? for sinners also love those that love them”--_Bible cor_” There are five ranks of nobility; dukes, _marquises_, earls, viscounts, and barons”--_Balbi cor_”

Acts which were so well known to the two _Charleses_”--_Payne cor_ ”_Courts-martial_ are held in all parts, for the trial of the blacks”--_Observer cor_ ”It becomes a common noun, and may have _the_ plural number; as, the two _Davids_, the two _Scipios_, the two _Pompeys_”--_Staniford cor_ ”The food of the rattlesnake is birds, squirrels, _hares_, rats, and reptiles”--_Balbi cor_ ”And let _fowls_ multiply in the earth”--_Bible cor_ ”Then we reached the _hillside_, where eight _buffaloes_ were grazing”--_Martineau cor_ ”CORSET, _n a bodice_ for a woman”--_Worcester cor_ ”As, the _Bees_, the _Cees_, the _Double-ues_”--_Peirce cor_ ”Simplicity is the _mean_ between ostentation and rusticity”--_Pope cor_ ”You have disguised yourselves like _tipstaffs_”--_Gil Bias cor_ ”But who, that _has_ any taste, can endure the incessant quick returns of the _alsoes_, and the _likewises_, and the _s?_”--_Cauise, Let _ays_ seem _noes_, and _noes_ seem _ays_”--_Gay cor_


”For whose _naoverned by your conscience, and never ask any _body's_ leave to be honest”--_Collier cor_ ”To overlook _nobody's_ hts his way to the stern of _Ajax's_ shi+p”--_Coleridge cor_ ”Nothing is lazier, than to keep _one's_ eye upon words without heeding their ”--_Museum cor_ ”Sir William _Jones's_ division of the day”--_Id_ ”I need only refer here to _Voss's_ excellent account of it”--_Id_ ”The beginning of _Stesichorus's_ palinode has been preserved”--_Id_ ”Though we have _Tibullus's_ elegies, there is not a word in them about Glyc~era”--_Id_ ”That Horace was at _Thaliarchus's_ country-house”--_Id_ ”That _Sisyphus's_ foot-tub should have been still in existence”--_Id_ ”How everything went on in Horace's closet, and _Mecenas's_ antechaant _brevity's_ sake, put a participle for a verb”--_W Walker cor_ ”The _country's_ liberty being oppressed, we have no more to hope”--_Id_ ”A brief but true account of this _people's_ principles”--_Barclay cor_ ”As, The _Church's peace_, or, _The peace_ of the Church; Virgil's _aeneid_, or, _The aeneid_ of Virgil”--_Brit Grail; _The Church's peace_, for, _The peace_ of the Church”--_Buchanan cor_ ”Which, with Hubner's Coraphia Classica, will be sufficient”--_Burgh cor_ ”Witness Ho Goddesses, and Jupiter _enchanted_ with _Venus's_ girdle”--_Id_ ”_Dr

Watts's_ Logic may with success be read to them and commented on”--_Id_ ”Potter's Greek, and Kennet's Roy”--_Id_ ”SING _Alice's_ friends, _Felix's_ property; PLUR The Alices' friends, the Felixes' property”--_Peirce cor_ ”Such as _Bacchus's_ company--at _Bacchus's_ festivals”--_Ainsworih cor_ ”_Burns's_ inimitable _Tam o' Shanter_ turns entirely upon such a circumstance”--_Scott cor_ ”Nominative, men; Genitive, [or Possessive,]

_men's_; Objective, men”--_Cutler cor_ ”_Men's_ happiness or ”--_Locke cor_ ”That your _son's clothes_ be never made strait, especially about the breast”--_Id_ ”_Children's_ minds are narrow and weak”--_Id_ ”I would not have little children ”--_Id_ ”To fill his head with suitable ideas”--_Id_ ”The _Burgusdisciuses_ and the Scheiblers did not swarm in those days, as they do now”--_Id_ ”To see the various ways of dressing--a _calf's_ head!”--_Shenstone cor_

”He puts it on, and for _decoruracefully as she”--_Cowper cor_


”Siion too”--_Bunyan cor_ ”MAMMODIES, n

Coarse, plain, India le persons to families, that of the _Pompeys_ for instance”--_Collier cor_ ”By which the ancients were not able to account for _phenomena_”--_Bailey cor_ ”After this I married a _woman_ who had lived at Crete, but a _Jewess_ by birth”--_Josephus cor_ ”The very _heathens_ are inexcusable for not _worshi+ping_ him”--_Todd cor_ ”Such poems as _Camoens's_ Lusiad, Voltaire's Henrinde, &c”--_Dr Blair cor_ ”My learned correspondent writes a word in defence of large _scarfs_”--_Sped cor_ ”The forerunners of an apoplexy are _dullness, vertigoes_, treo_, [in Latin,] changes the _o_ into _~in=es_, lish]--_Churchill cor_ ”_Nocta the plural _noctalish]--_Id_ ”What shall we say of _noctalish plural”--_G Brown_ ”In the curious fretwork of rocks and _grottoes_”--_Blair cor_ ”_Wharf_ e”--_G Brown_ ”A few _cents'_ worth of _macaroni_ supplies all their wants”--_Balbi cor_ ”C sounds hard, like _k_, at the end of a word or _syllable_”--_Blair cor_ ”By which the _virtuosoes_ try The nitude of every lie”--_Butler cor_ ”_Quartoes, octavoes_, shape the lessening pyre”--_Pope cor_ ”Perching within square royal _roofs_”--_Sidney cor_ ”_Similes_ should, even in poetry, be used with moderation”--_Dr Blair cor_ ”_Similes_ should never be taken from low or mean objects”--_Id_ ”It were certainly better to say, '_The House of Lords_,' than, '_The Lords' House_'”--_Murray cor_ ”Read your answers _Units_' figure? 'Five' _Tens_'? 'Six' _Hundreds_'?

'Seven'”--_Abbott cor_ ”Alexander conquered _Darius's_ army”--_Kirkham cor_ ”Three _days_' time was requisite, to prepare matters”--_Dr Brown cor_ ”So we say, that _Cicero's_ style and _Sallust's_ were not one; nor _Caesar's_ and _Livy's_; nor _Homer's_ and _Hesiod's_; nor _Herodotus's_ and _Thucydides's_; nor _Euripides's_ and _Aristophanes's_; nor _Erass_, a _law_,) is no other than our _ancestors'_ past participle _loeg, laid down_”--_Tooke cor_ ”Achaia's sons at Ilium slain for the _Atridoe's_ sake”--_Cowper cor_ ”The _corpses_ of her senate manure the fields of Thessaly”--_Addison cor_

”Poisoning, without regard of fame or fear; And spotted _corpses_ load the frequent bier”--_Dryden cor_