Part 221 (2/2)

Dict_ ”I beca”--See _ib_ ”That enormous error seems to be _riveted_ in popular opinion” ”Whose n”--See _ib_ ”Laws against usury originated in a _bigoted_ prejudice against the Jews”--_Webster cor_ ”The most _critical_ period of life is usually between thirteen and seventeen”--_Id_ ”_Generalissimo_, the chief commander of an army or military force”--_Every Dict_ ”_Tranquilize_, to quiet, to make calm and peaceful”--_Webster's Dict_ ”_Po pommels, as a sword-hilt”--_Webster et al cor_ ”Froht does a _jeweller_ look down upon his shoemaker!”--_Red Book cor_ ”You will have a verbal account from my friend and fellow _traveller_”--_Id_ ”I observe that you have written the word _counselled_ with one _l_ only”--_Ib_ ”They were offended at such as _combated_ these notions”--_Robertson cor_ ”Fro, libellous_; froravelled_, and _gravelling_”--_Webster cor_ ”_Woolliness_, the state of being woolly”--_Worcester's Dict_ ”Yet he has spelled chapelling, bordeller, _medalist, metaline, metalist, metalize_, clavellated, etc, with _ll_, contrary to his rule”--_Webster cor_ ”Again, he has spelled _cancellation_ and _snivelly_ with single _l_, and cupellation, pannellation wittolly, with _ll_”--_Id_ ”_Oily_, fatty, greasy, containing oil, glib”--_Walker cor_ ”_Medalist_, one curious in medals; _Metalist_, one skilled in metals”--_Walker's Rhym Dict_ ”He is _benefited_”--_Webster_ ”They _travelled_ for pleasure”--_Clark cor_

”Without you, ere _ herd, In darkness, wretchedness, and want enchain'd”--_Beattle cor_


”He hopes, therefore, to be pardoned by the _critic_”--_Kirkha object of every _public_ speaker should be, to persuade”--_Id_ ”May not four feet be as _poetic_ as five; or fifteen feet as _poetic_ as fifty?”--_Id_ ”Avoid all theatrical trick and _mimicry_, and especially all _scholastic stiffness_”--_Id_ ”No one thinks of beco, or in _ and close application to the subject”--_Id_ ”Caspar's sense of feeling, and susceptibility of _netic_ excitement, were also very extraordinary”--_Id_ ”Authorshi+p has become a mania, or, perhaps I should say, an _epidemic_”--_Id_ ”What can prevent this _republic_ fro a literary standard?”--_Id_ ”Courteous reader, you n to the subject before me”--_Id_ ”Of the _Tonic, Subtonic_, and _Atonic_ elements”--_Id_ ”The _subtonic_ elements are inferior to the _tonics_, in all the _eant purposes of speech”--_Id_ ”The nine _atonics_ and the three abrupt _subtonics_ cause an interruption to the continuity of the _syllabic_ impulse” [526]--_Id_ ”On _scientific_ principles, conjunctions and prepositions are [_not_] one [and the same]

part of speech”--_Id_ ”That some inferior animals should be able to _mimick_ human articulation, will not see, you led a life _e, you grow _fantastic_”--_Denham's Poems_, p 235


”_Fearlessness_; exemption from fear, intrepidity”--_Johnson cor_ ”_Dreadlessness_; _fearlessness_, intrepidity, undauntedness”--_Id_ ”_Regardlessly_, without heed; _Regardlessness_, heedlessness”--_Id_ ”_Blamelessly_, innocently; _Blamelessness_, innocence”--_Id_ ”That is better than to be flattered into pride and _carelessness_”--_Id_ ”Good fortunes began to breed a proud _recklessness_ in them”--_Id_ ”See whether he lazily and _listlessly_ dreams away his time”--_Id_ ”It maybe, the palate of the soul is indisposed by _listlessness_ or sorrow”--_Id_ ”_Pitilessly_, without mercy; _Pitilessness_, unmercifulness”--_Id_ ”What say you to such as these? aboreeable_, etc”-- _Tooke cor_ ”_Artlessly_; naturally, sincerely, without craft”--_Johnson cor_ ”A _chillness_, or shi+vering of the body, generally precedes a fever”--See _Webster_ ”_Smallness_; littleness, minuteness, weakness”--_Walker's Dict, et al_ ”_Galless, adj_ Free froht of stature, upright length with comparative slenderness”--_Webster's Dict_ ”_Willful_; stubborn, contuuided them by the _skillfulness_ of his hands”--See _ib_ ”The earth is the Lord's, and the _fullness_ thereof”--FRIENDS' BIBLE: _Ps_ xxiv, 1 ”What is now, is but an _ainary conceptions”--_Glanville cor_ ”_Element”--_Walker_ ”The second is slothfulness, whereby they are performed slackly and _carelessly_”-- _Perkins cor_ ”_Installe sum of money, to be paid at a particular time”--See _Webster's Dict_ ”_Inthralle”--_Ib_

”I, who at some times spend, at others spare, Divided between _carelessness_ and care”--_Pope cor_


”_Shall_, on the contrary, in the first person, simply _foretells_”--_Lowth's Gram_, p 41; _Comly's_, 38; _Cooper's_, 51; _Lennie's_, 26 ”There are a few coular verbs, as _befall, bespeak_, &c”--_Ash cor_ ”That we ht frequently _recall_ it to our els exercise a constant solicitude that no evil _befall us_”--_Id_ ”_Inthrall_; to enslave, to shackle, to reduce to servitude”--_Johnson_ ”He makes resolutions, and _fulfills_ them by new ones”--See _Webster_ ”To _enroll_ my humble name upon the list of authors on Elocution”--See _Webster_ ”_Forestall_; to anticipate, to take up beforehand”--_Johnson_ ”_Miscall_; to call wrong, to name improperly”--_Webster_ ”_Bethrall_; to enslave, to reduce to bondage”--_Id_ ”_Befall_; to happen to, to come to pass”--_Walkers Dict_ ”_Unroll_; to open what is rolled or convolved”--_Webster's Dict_ ”_Counterroll_; to keep copies of accounts to prevent frauds”--See _ib_ ”As Sisyphus _uprolls_ a rock, which constantly overpowers him at the suood health”--_Webster_ ”_Undersell_; to defeat by selling for less, to sell cheaper than an other”--_Johnson_ ”_Inwall_; to enclose or fortify with a wall”--_Id_ ”_Twibill_; an instrument with two bills, or with a point and a blade; a pickaxe, a mattock, a halberd, a battleaxe”--_Dict cor_ ”What you _miscall_ their folly, is their care”--_Dryden cor_ ”My heart will sigh when I _ement _recalls_ one set of ideas more readily than an other”--_Murray's Gram_, Vol i, p 334

”'Tis done; and since 'tis done, 'tis past _recall_ And since 'tis past _recall_, otten”--_Dryden cor_


”The righteous is taken away from the _evil_ to coo the rounds in a caarrison, to march about and observe what passes”--See _Joh Dic_ ”_Marshal_; the chief officer of arulates rank and order”--See _ib_ ”_Weevil_; a destructive grub that gets a corn”--See _ib_ ”It much _excels_ all other studies and arts”--_W Walker cor_ ”It is _essential_ to all nitudes, to be in one place”--_Perkins cor_ ”By nature I was thy _vassal_, but Christ hath redee in want, pray for _tes”--_Id_ ”And this the Lord doth, either in _temporal_ or _in spiritual_ benefits”--_Id_ ”Hehis heart on them” ”This _trial_ by desertion serveth for two purposes”--_Id_ ”Moreover, this destruction is both _perpetual_ and terrible”--_Id_ ”Giving to _several_ ood pleasure” ”_Until_; to soree, mentioned”--See _Dict_ ”_Annul_; to ate, to abolish”--See _Dict_ ”Nitric acid coory cor_

”Let modest Foster, if he will, _excel_ Tenwell”--_Pope cor_


”Adjectives ending in _able_ signify capacity; as, _comfortable, tenable, improvable_”--_Priestly cor_ ”Their eneral adious ordinances”-- _Webster cor_ ”Retrench as _ the sense”--_J Brown cor_ ”_Changeable_, subject to change; _Unchangeable_, i; _Untamable_, not to be tamed”--_Id_ ”_Reconcilable, Unreconcilable, Reconcilableness_; Irreconcilable, Irreconcilably, Irreconcilableness”--_Johnson cor_ ”We have thought it most _advisable_ to pay him some little attention”-- _Merchant cor_ ”_Provable_, that may be proved; Reprovable, _blamable_, worthy of reprehension”--_Walker cor_ ”_Movable_ and Immovable, _Movably_ and Immovably, _Movables_ and Removal, _Movableness_ and Improvableness, _Unremovable_ and Unimprovable, _Unremovably_ and Removable, _Provable_ and Approvable, _Irreprovable_ and Reprovable, _Unreprovable_ and Improvable, _Unimprovableness_ and Improvably”--_Johnson cor_ ”And with this cruelty you are _chargeable_ in some measure yourself”--_Collier cor_ ”Mothers would certainly resent it, as _judging_ it proceeded froenius of their sex”--_Brit Gram cor_ ”_tithable_, subject to the payment of tithes; _Salable_, vendible, fit for sale; _Losable_, possible to be lost; _Sizable_, of reasonable bulk or size”--See _Webster's Dict_ ”When he began this custo_ and very tender”--_Locke cor_

”The plate, coin, revenues, and _movables_, Whereof our uncle Gaunt did stand possess'd”--_Shak cor_


”_Diversely_; in different ways, differently, variously”--See _Walker's Dict_ ”The event thereof contains a _wholesoer _falsely_ concluded that Articles were useless”--_Brightland cor_ ”The child that we have just seen is _wholesoerdemain sink the character of a prince”--_Collier cor_ ”In earnest, at this rate of _eive thereeable as the nature of the subject would ad _enlargeement_”--_G Brown_ ”You ask whether you are to retain or _to_ oeement_”--_Red Book cor_ ”Fertileness, fruitfulness; _fertilely_, fruitfully, abundantly”--_Johnson cor_ ”_Chastely_, purely, without contamination; _Chasteness_, chastity, purity”--_Id_ ”_Rhymester_, n One who makes rhymes; a versifier; a mean poet”--_Walker, Chalmers, Maunder, Worcester_ ”It is therefore a heroical _achieveinary monarch”--_Berkley cor_ ”Whereby is not ines_, but the time past”--_R Johnson cor_ ”So far is this word froard to its _definiteness_, that its own character of _definiteness_ or _indefiniteness_, depends upon the name to which it is prefixed”--_Webster cor_

”Satire, by _wholesome_ lessons, would reclaihtland cor_


”Solon's the _veriest_ fool in all the play”--_Dryden cor_ ”Our author prides hireat _sliness_ and shrewdness”--_Merchant cor_ ”This tense, then, _inification of _debeo_”--_R

Johnson cor_ ”Thataccidental”--_Id_ ”This latter author _accompanies_ his note with a distinction”--_Id_ ”This rule is defective, and none of the annotators have sufficiently _supplied its deficiencies_”--_Id_ ”Though the _fancied_ suppleelus, may take place”--_Ib_ ”Yet, as to the commutableness of these two tenses, which is _denied_ likewise, they [the foregoing examples] are _all one_ [; ie, _exactly equivalent_]”--_Id_ ”Both these tenses may represent a futurity, _implied_ by the dependence of the clause”--_Id_ ”Cry, cries, crying, cried, crier, decrial; Shy, _shi+er, shi+est, shi+ly, shi+ness_; Fly, flies, flying, flier, high-flier; Sly, _slier, sliest, slily, sliness_; Spy, spies, spying, spied, espial; Dry, drier, driest, _drily, driness_”--_Cobb, Webster, and Chal of a _dandizette_ at her piano”--_Kirkham cor_ ”Send her away; for she _crieth_ after us”--_Matt_, v, 23 ”IVIED, _a_ overgroith ivy”--_Cobb's Dict_, and _Maunders_