Part 220 (1/2)
5 Correction of _Murray_, in the division of proper names: Hel-en, Leon-ard, Phil-ip, Rob-ert, Hor-ace, Thom-as;--Car-o-line, Cath-a-rine, Dan-i-el, Deb-o-rah, Dor-o-thy, Fred-er-ick, Is-a-bel, Jon-a-than, Lyd-i-a, Nich-o-las, Ol-i-ver, Sam-u-el, Sim-e-on, Sol-o-mon, Tim-o-thy, Val-en-tine;--A-mer-i-ca, Bar-thol-o-mew, E-liz-a-beth, Na-than-i-el, Pe-nel-o-pe, The-oph-i-lus
1 Correction of _Webster_, by Rule 1st:--ca-price, e-steee;--a-zure, ma-tron, pa-tron, pha-lanx, si-ren, trai-tor, tren-cher, bar-ber, bur-nish, gar-nish, tar-nish, var-nish, mar-ket, mus-ket, pa, sce-ner-y, bri-ber-y, ni-ce-ty, chi-ca-ner-y, er-y;--a-sy-lum, ho-ri-zon,--fin-an-cier, her-o-ism, sar-do-nyx, scur-ri-lous,--co-me-di-an, pos-te-ri-or
2 Correction of _Webster_, by Rule 2d: o-yer, fo-li-o, ge-ni-al, ge-ni-us, ju-ni-or, sa-ti-ate, vi-ti-ate;--ae-ni-ous, om-nis-ci-ence, pe-cu-li-ar, so-ci-a-ble, par-ti-al-i-ty, pe-cu-ni-a-ry;--an-nun-ci-ate, e-nun-ci-ate, ap-pre-ci-ate, as-so-ci-ate, ex-pa-ti-ate, in-gra-ti-ate, in-i-ti-ate, li-cen-ti-ate, ne-go-ti-ate, no-vi-ti-ate, of-fi-ci-ate, pro-pi-ti-ate, sub-stan-ti-ate
3 Correction of _Cobb_ and _Webster_, by each other, under Rule 3d: ”dress-er, hast-y, past-ry, seiz-ure, roll-er, jest-er, weav-er, va, ooz-y, full-er, trust-y, weight-y, nois-y, drows-y, swarth-y”--_Webster_ Again: ”east-ern, ful-ly, pul-let, ril-let, scant-y, need-y”--_Cobb_
4 Correction of _Webster_ and _Cobb_, under Rule 4th: a-wry, a-thwart', pros-pect'-ive, pa-ren'-the-sis, re-sist-i-bil'-i-ty, hem-i-spher'-ic, mon'-o-stich, hem'-i-stich, to'-wards
5 Correction of the words under Rule 5th; Eng-land, an oth-er,[524]
Beth-es'-da, Beth-ab'-a-ra
1 Correction of _Cobb_, by Rule 3d: bend-er, bless-ing, brass-y, chaff-y, chant-er, clasp-er, craft-y, curd-y, fend-er, filust-y, hand-ed, , tell-er, test-ed, thrift-y, vest-ure
2 Corrections of _Webster_, mostly by Rule 1st: bar-ber, bur-nish, bris-ket, can-ker, char-ter, cuc-koo, fur-nish, gar-nish, guilt-y, han-ker, lus-ty, por-tal, tar-nish, tes-tate, tes-ty, trai-tor, trea-ty, var-nish, ves-tal, di-ur-nal, e-ter-nal, in-fer-nal, in-ter-nal, ma-ter-nal, noc-tur-nal, pa-ter-nal
3 Corrections of _Webster_, mostly by Rule 1st: ar-mor-y, ar-ter-y, _butch-er-y_, cook-er-y, eb-on-y, eal-ler-y, his-tor-y, liv-er-y, lot-ter-y, mock-er-y, _mys-ter-y_,[525] nun-ner-y, or-rer-y, pil-lor-y, quack-er-y, sor-cer-y, witch-er-y
4 Corrections of _Cobb_, mostly by Rule 1st: an-kle, bas-ket, blan-ket, buc-kle, cac-kle, cran-kle, crin-kle, Eas-ter, fic-kle, frec-kle, knuc-kle, mar-ket, mon-key, por-tress, pic-kle, poul-tice, pun-cheon, quad-rant, quad-rate, squad-ron, ran-kle, shac-kle, sprin-kle, tin-kle, twin-kle, wrin-kle
5 Corrections of _Emerson_, by Rules 1st and 3d: as-cribe, blan-dish, branch-y, cloud-y, dust-y, drear-y, e-ven-ing, fault-y, filth-y, frost-y, gaud-y, glooer, , pitch-er, read-y, rock-y, speed-y, stead-y, storm-y, thirst-y, thorn-y, trust-y, vest-ry, west-ern, wealth-y
”Professing to imitate Timon, the _manhater_”--_Goldsmith corrected_ ”Men load hay with a _pitchfork_”--_Webster cor_ ”A _peartree_ grows froood to brush your teeth”--_Id_ ”The mail is opened at the _post-office_”--_Id_ ”The error seee_ e _beforehand_”--_Webster cor_ ”It is a range is a farht to steal apples or _watermelons_, than [to steal]
money”--_Id_ ”The awl is a tool used by shoemakers and _harness-makers_”--_Id_ ”_Twenty-five_ cents are equal to one quarter of a dollar”--_Id_ ”The _blowing-up_ of the Fulton at New York, was a terrible disaster”--_Id_ ”The elders also, and the _bringers-up_ of the children, sent to Jehu”--ALGER, FRIENDS, ET AL: _2 Kings_, x, 5 ”Not with _eyeservice_ as _ood-natured_ and equitable construction of cases”--_Ash cor_ ”And purify your hearts, ye _double-minded_”--_James_, iv, 8 ”It is a _mean-spirited_ action to steal; ie, To steal is a _mean-spirited_ action”--_A Murray cor_ ”There is, indeed, one forraphy which is _akin_ to the subjunctivehim into nearer connexion with real and _everyday_ life”--_Philological Museum_, Vol i, p 459 ”The _commonplace_, stale declamation of its revilers would be silenced”--_Id cor_ ”She [Cleopatra] forular and _unheard-of_ project”--_Goldsh _feeble-talented_ and _mean-spirited_ enemies”--_R Vaux cor_ ”These _old-fashi+oned_ people would level our psal_ scenery in the theatre of harmony”--_Id_ ”So we are assured fro disheartened, then betakes _itself_ to trifling”--_R Johnson cor_ ”_Whosesoever_ sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them”--_Bible cor_ ”Tarry we _ourselves_ hoill”--_W
Walker cor_ ”Manage your credit so, that you need neither swear _yourself_, nor seek a voucher”--_Collier cor_ ”Whereas song never conveys any of the _abovenao on _horseback_”--_Guy cor_ ”This requires purity, in opposition to barbarous, obsolete, or _new-coined words_”--_Adahshare_ shi+ne”--_White cor_ ”_Whichever_ e consider it”--_Locke cor_
”_Where'er_ the silent _e_ a _place_ obtains, The _voice_ foregoing, _length_ and softness gains”--_Brightland cor_
”It qualifies any of the four parts of speech _above na the rude multitude”--_Fox cor_ ”It would be a _shaive in”--_Collier cor_ ”They stared _a while_ in silence one upon _an other_”--_Johnson cor_ ”After passion has for _a while_ exercised its tyrannical sway”--_Murray cor_ ”Though set within the saeneral frame_ of intonation”--_Rush cor_ ”Which do not carry any of the natural _vocal signs_ of expression”--_Id_ ”The measurable _constructive powers_ of a few associable constituents”--_Id_ ”Before each accented syllable or emphatic _monosyllabic word_”--_Id_ ”One should not think too favourably of _one's self_”--_Murray's Gram_, i, 154 ”Know ye not your _own selves_, how that Jesus Christ is in you?”--_2 Cor_, xiii, 5 ”I judge notof h they were in such a rage, I desired them to tarry _a while_”--_Josephus cor_ ”_A, in stead_ of _an_, is now used before words beginning with _u_ long”--_Murray cor_ ”John will have earned his wages _by_ next _new year's_ day”--_Id_ ”A _new year's gift_ is a present made on the first day of the year”--_Johnson et al cor_ ”When he sat on the throne, distributing _new year's gifts_”--_Id_ ”St Paul admonishes Timothy to refuse _old wives' fables_”--See _1 Tiether_, is but one”--_Collier cor_ ”In writings of this stamp, we must accept of sound _in stead_ of sense”--_Murray cor_ ”A _male_ child, a _female_ child; _male_ descendants, _female_ descendants”--_Goldsbury et al cor_ ”_Male_ servants, _female_ servants; _male_ relations, _female_ relations”--_Felton cor_
”Reserved and cautious, with no partial aiht to blast _an other's_ fame”--_Lloyd cor_