Part 217 (1/2)
Falsely luxurious will notfrorant and the silent hour _Thomson_
Yet thus it is nor otherwise can be So far fro_
Thyself first know then love a self there is Of virtue fond that kindles at her charms _Id_
How far that little candle throws his beahty world _Shakspeare_
You have too much respect upon the world They lose it that do buy it with s by season seasoned are To their right praise and true perfection _Id_
Canst thou descend from converse with the skies And seize thy brothers throat For what a clod _Young_
In two short precepts all your business lies Would you be great--_be virtuous_ and _be wise Denham_
But sometimes virtue starves while vice is fed What then is the reward of virtue bread _Pope_
A life all turbulence and noise may seem To him that leads it wise and to be praised But wisdoht in still waters and beneath clear skies _Cowper_
All but the swellings of the softened heart That waken not disturb the tranquilGod who boundless spirit all And unreitates the whole _Id_
Ye ladies for indifferent in your cause I should deserve to forfeit all applause Whatever shocks or gives the least offence To virtue delicacy truth or sense Try the criterion tis a faithful guide Nor has nor can have Scripture on its side _Cowper_
_Divide the following_ VERSES _into the feet which co and the short syllables_
_Example I--”Our Daily Paths”--By F Hemans_
”There's Beauty all around our paths, if but our watchful eyes Can trace it 'uise; We eroers its blossoe- sparkles forth in the last red light of day”
_Exa Water”--Anony, while the lark was singing sweet, Ca feet
'Twas a lowly cottagehearts tell,-- With her ho water from the well”
_Example III--Deity_
Alone thou sitst above the everlasting hills And all immensity of space thy presence fills: For thou alone art God;--as God thy saints adore thee; Jehovah is thy name;--they have no Gods before thee--_G Brown_
_Example IV--Impenitence_
The ioodness which seeks to restore; As the sands of the desert are water'd by showers
Yet barren and fruitless remain as before--_G Brown_
_Example V--Piety_
Holy and pure are the pleasures of piety, Drawn from the fountain of mercy and love; Endless, exhaustless, exe above--_G Brown_