Part 175 (1/2)

”The mountain--thy pall and thy prison--may keep thee; I shall see thee no more; but till death I eep thee”

--_Felton's Gram_, p 146


”If to accommodate man and beast, heaven and earth; if this be beyond me, 'tis not possible--What consequence then follows? or can there be any other than this--if I seek an interest of my own, detached from that of others; I seek an interest which is chimerical, and can never have existence”--HARRIS: _Enfield's Speaker_, p 139

”Again--I enial warmth, I instantly perish--Am I not related, in this view, to the very earth itself?

To the distant sun, froour?”--_Id, ib_, p 140

”Nature instantly ebb'd again--the film returned to its place--the pulse flutter'd--stopp'd--went on--throbb'd--stopp'd again--o on?--No”--STERNE: _ib_, p 307

”Write ten nouns of the ender Ten of the feender”--_Pardon Davis's Gram_, p 9

”The Infinitive Mode has two tenses--the Indicative, six--the Potential, two--the Subjunctive, six, and the Imperative, one”--_Frazee's Gra sentences John runs,--boys run--thou runnest”--_Ib_, Ster Ed, p 50; 1st Ed, p 48

”The pronoun sometimes stands for a name--sometimes for an adjective--a sentence--a part of a sentence--and, sometimes for a whole series of propositions”--_O B Peirce's Gra bird, the peacock, see-- Mark what a sumptuous pharisee is he!”--_Cowper_, i, 49


The Erotenate a question


Questions expressed directly as such, if finished, should always be followed by the note of interrogation; as, ”Was it possible that virtue so exalted should be erected upon injustice? that the proudest and the reat master and accomplished pattern of humility? that a doctrine so pure as the Gospel should be the work of an uncommissioned pretender? that so perfect a systehaold?

Are friendshi+p's pleasures to be sold?”--_Johnson_


When two or more questions are united in one compound sentence, the comma, semicolon, or dash, is sometimes used to separate them, and the eroteme occurs after the last only; as, 1 ”When--under what adencies of war or peace--did the Senate ever before deal with such a measure in such a ress_, 1846

2 ”Canst thou, and honour'd with a Christian name, Buy what is woman-born, and feel no shame; Trade in the blood of innocence, and plead Expedience as a warrant for the deed?”--_Cowper_

3 ”Truths would you teach, or save a sinking land?

All fear, none aid you, and few understand”--_Pope_


When a question is mentioned, but not put directly as a question, it loses both the quality and the sign of interrogation; as, ”The Cyprians asked me _why I wept_”--_Murray_


OBS 1--The value of the eroten of pause, is stated very differently by different grae oversight, say nothing about it It is unquestionably _variable_, like that of the dash, or of the ecphoneme W H Wells says, ”The comma requires a er than the coer than the seation, or the note of exclamation, _ly requires a pause of the sath as the point for which it is substituted”--_Wells's School Grah perhaps hardly so in language Lindley Murray has stated it thus: ”The interrogation and exclamation points are _intermediate_ as to their quantity or time, and may be equivalent in that respect to a semicolon, a colon, or a period, as the sense ard to his ”_Question Point_,” aardly says: ”_This pause_ is generally _soer_ than that of a period”--_analytical Graht as follows: ”The Pause after the two Points of Interrogation and Adht to be equal to that of the Period, or a Colon at least”--_English Syntax_, p 160 And J S Hart avers, that, ”A question is reckoned as equal to a coation as equal to a period”--_Hart's English Gram_, p 166 He says also, that, ”the first word after a note of interrogation should begin with a capital”--_Ib_, p 162 In some instances, however, he, like others, has not adhered to these exceptionable principles, as rammar cited below