Part 169 (1/2)

”My hopes and fears, joys and sorrows centre in you”--B GREENLEAF: _Sanborn's Gram_, p 268

[FORMULE--Not proper, because no comma here separates the second pair of no to Rule 5th, ”When successive words are joined in pairs by conjunctions, they should be separated in pairs by the comma” Therefore, an other comma should be inserted after _sorrows_; thus, ”My hopes and fears, joys and sorrows, centre in you”]

”This ation”--_Ingersoll's Gram_, p 113 ”Substance is divided into Body, and Spirit into Extended and Thinking”--_Brightland's Gram_, p 253

”These consonants, [_d_ and _t_,] like _p_, and _b, f_, and _v, k_, and hard _g_, and _s_, and _z_, are letters of the saan”--_Walkers Dict_, p 41: _Principles_, No 358 ”Neither fig nor twist pigtail nor cavendish have passed ain”--_Boston Cultivator_, Vol vii, p 36 ”The words WHOEVER, or WHOSOEVER, WHICHEVER, or WHICHSOEVER, and WHATEVER, or WHATSOEVER are called COMPOUND RELATIVE pronOUNS”--_Day's Gra profit or disprofit, likeness or unlikeness govern the dative”--_Bullions, Lat

Gram_, 12th Ed, 215


”Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me”--_Bullions, E Gram_, p 135

[FORMULE--Not proper, because no comma is here set after _staff_, which, with the noun _rod_, is put absolute by pleonas to Rule 6th, ”Nouns or pronouns put absolute, should, with their adjuncts, be set off by the comma” Therefore, a comma should be here inserted; thus, ”Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort ht's Gram_, p 70 ”He saith to his mother, Woman behold thy son”--_Gurney's Portable Evidences_, p 44 ”Thou God seest me”--_Bullions, E Gram_, p 9; _Practical Lessons_, p 13 ”Thou, God seest me”--_Id, E Grao home”--_O B Peirce's Grao hoether”--_Ib_, p 326 ”Se 11, the objective case denotes the object”--_Ib_, p 344 ”Gentlemen: will you always speak as you mean?”--_Ib_, p 352 ”John: I sold my books to William for his brothers”--_Ib_, p 47 ”Walter and Seth: I will take s, and leave yours”--_Ib_, p 69 ”Henry: Julia and Jane left their umbrella, and took yours”--_Ib_, p 73 ”John; harness the horses and go to the mine for some coal William; run to the store for a few pounds of tea”--_Ib_, p 160 ”The king being dead the parliament was dissolved”--_Chandler's Gram_, p 119

”Cease fond nature, cease thy strife, And let uish into life”--_Bullions's E Grareat man, in arms renown'd, forbear”--_Ib_, p 174

”Eternal sunshi+ne of the spotless n'd”--_Hiley's Gr_, p 123


”We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice,” &c--_Hallock's Gram_, p 200

[FORMULE--Not proper, because no comma is here set after the pronoun _We_, hich the word _people_, which has adjuncts, is in apposition But, according to Rule 7th, ”Words in apposition, (especially if they have adjuncts,) are generally set off by the comma” Therefore, an other comma should be here inserted; thus, ”We, the people of the United States,” &c]

”The Lord, the covenant God of his people requires it”--_Anti-Slavery Magazine_, Vol i, p 73 ”He as a patriot deserves praise”--_Hallock's Gram_, p 124 ”Thomson the watchmaker and jeweller from London, was of the party”--_Bullions, E Gram_, p 128 ”Every body knows that the person here spoken of by the name of _the conqueror_, is William duke of Normandy”--_Murray's Gram_, 8vo, p 33 ”The words _myself, thyself, himself, herself_, and their plurals _ourselves, yourselves_, and _themselves_ are called Compound Personal pronouns”--_Day's Graetfulness a prey, This pleasing anxious being e'er resign'd, Left the war'ring look behind?”--_U Poems_, p 68


”Smith and Williams' store; Nicholas, the emperor's army”--_Day's Gram_, p 17 ”He was named William, the conqueror”--_Ib_, p 80 ”John, the Baptist, was beheaded”--_Ib_, p 87 ”Alexander, the coppersreat harm”--_Hart's Gram_, p 126 ”A nominative in immediate apposition; as, 'The boy, _Henry_, speaks'”--_Smart's Accidence_, p 29

”A noun objective can be in apposition with some other; as, 'I teach the boy, _Henry_'”--_Ib_, p 30


”But he foundat my work ruddy with health vivid with cheerfulness; but pale and dejected, sitting on the ground, and chewing opium”

[FORMULE--Not proper, because the phrases, ”_ruddy with health_,” and ”_vivid with cheerfulness_,” which begin with adjectives, are not here _co to Rule 8th, ”Adjectives, when so depends on them, or when they have the import of a dependent clause, should, with their adjuncts, be set off by the comma” Therefore, two other coing at my work, ruddy with health, vivid with cheerfulness; but pale,” &c--_Dr Johnson_]

”I looked up, and beheld an inclosure beautiful as the gardens of paradise, but of a small extent”--See _Key_ ”_A_ is an article, indefinite and belongs to '_book_'”--_Bullions, Practical Lessons_, p 10 ”The first expresses the rapid er for the combat”--_Id, Lat Gra Philip,] was a patriot, attached to his native soil; a prince true to his subjects and indignant of their wrongs; a soldier daring in battle firer, of every variety of bodily suffering and ready to perish in the cause he had espoused”--See _Key_

”For thee, who mindful of th' unhonour'd dead Dost in these lines their artless tale relate”

--_Union Poelorious Milton here uiltless of his country's blood”