Part 152 (1/2)

”Of which the Author considers hi of the foundation-stone”--_Blair's Graes as are here described”--_Ka Alecting it without falling into a dangerous error”--_Burlamaqui, on Law_, p 41 ”The contest rese windmills”--_Webster's Essays_, p 67

”That these verbs associate with verbs in all the tenses, is no proof of their having no particular time of their own”--_Murray's Gra the tract of the ancient rhetoricians”-- _Blair's Rhet_, p 122 ”The putting letters together, so as to ”--_Infant School Graether called?”--_Ib_, p 12 ”nobody knows of their being charitable but themselves”--_Fuller, on the Gospel_, p 29 ”Payned for its having been so long postponed”--_Murray's Graersoll's_, 254 ”Which will bear being brought into comparison with any composition of the kind”--_Blair's Rhet_, p 396 ”To render vice ridiculous, is doing real service to the world”--_Ib_, p 476 ”It is copying directly fro a plain rehearsal of what passed, or was supposed to pass, in conversation”--_Ib_, p 433 ”Propriety of pronunciation is giving to every word that sound, which the e appropriates to it”--_Murray's Key_, 8vo, p 200

”To occupy thethe insipidity of an uniform plain”--_Kames, El of Crit_, Vol ii, p 329 ”There are a hundred ways of any thing happening”--_Steele_ ”TellClaudio to Venice, yesterday”--_Bucke's Gra about for an outlet, some rich prospect unexpectedly opens to view”--_Kames, El of Crit_, ii, 334 ”A hundred volu a new idea”--_Webster's Essays_, p 29 ”Poetry ad, or, at least, new co words”--_Blair's Rhet_, p 93

”When larote on brazen tablets enforced by the sword”--_Notes to the Dunciad_ ”A pronoun, which saves the naht to be placed as near as possible to the na”--_Ka a preposition in this case, is not always awords, I would be understood to corief isfor consolation”--_Ib_, i, 398 ”On the other hand, the accelerating or retarding the natural course, excites a pain”--_Ib_, i, 259 ”Hu our attention”--_Ib_, i, 264 ”By neglecting this circu example is defective in neatness”--_Ib_, ii, 29 ”And therefore the suppressing copulativesaside copulatives give force and liveliness, a redundancy of theuid”--_Ib_, ii, 33 ”It skills not asking my leave, said Richard”--_Scott's Crusaders_ ”To redee sent once more to Sparta”--_Goldsiven drink to a dog”--_Dr Stone, on the Stomach_, p 24

”Both are, in a like way, instru such ideas froy_, p 66 ”In order to your proper handling such a subject”--_Spectator_, No 533 ”For I do not recollect its being preceded by an open vowel”--_Knight, on the Greek Alphabet_, p

56 ”Such is setting up the form above the power of Godliness”--_Barclay's Works_, i, 72 ”I re acquaintance”-- _Hunt's Byron_, p 27 ”He [Lord Byron] did not like paying a debt”--_Ib_, p 74 ”I do not ree when I was a child”--_Ib_, p

318 ”In consequence of the dry rot's having been discovered, the h repair”--_Maunder's Gra entirely the German system”--DR LIEBER: _Lit

Conv_, p 66 ”Would it not be es of the professors?”--_Id, ib_, p 4 ”Little ti proposed and decided upon”--PROF VETHAKE: _ib_, p 39 ”It would be nothing less than finding fault with the Creator”--_Ib_, p 116

”Having once been friends is a powerful reason, both of prudence and conscience, to restrain us fro the word as a conjunction, the auity is prevented”--_Murray's Gram_, i, 216

”He for Jesus is not one of them”--_J Taylor_


”Auxiliaries cannot only be inserted, but are really understood,”--_Wright's Gram_, p 209 ”He was since a hired Scribbler in the Daily Courant”--_Notes to the Dunciad_, ii, 299 ”In gardening, luckily, relative beauty need never stand in opposition to intrinsic beauty”--_Kames, El of Crit_, ii, 330 ”I doubtexamples”--_Lowth's Gram_, p 44 ”And [we see] how far they have spread one of the worst Languages possibly in this part of the world”--_Locke, on Ed_, p 341 ”And in this manner to merely place him on a level with the beast of the forest”--_Smith's New Gra fled?”--_Anon_ ”As for this felloe know not from whence he is”--_John_, ix, 29 ”Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only”--_James_, ii, 24 ”The _Mixt_ kind is where the poet speaks in his own person, and sometimes makes other characters to speak”--_Adaation is, when the writer or orator raises questions and returns answers”--_Fisher's Gram_, p 154 ”Prevention is, when an author starts an objection which he foresees ives an answer to it”--_Ib_, p 154 ”Will you let me alone, or no?”--_Walker's Particles_, p 184 ”Neitherexterior”-- _Chesterfield_, Let lix ”Though the Cup be never so clean”--_Locke, on Ed_, p 65 ”Seldo a witty lawyer”--_Blair's Rhet_, p 272 ”The second rule, which I give, respects the choice of subjects, froures, are to be drawn”--_Blair's Rhet_, p 144 ”In the figures which it uses, it sets mirrors before us, where we may behold objects, a second time, in their likeness”--_Ib_, p 139 ”Whose Business is to seek the true , and not the Arts how to avoid doing the one, and secure hi the other”--_Locke, on Ed_, p 331 ”The occasions when you ought to personify things, and when you ought not, cannot be stated in any precise rule”--_Cobbett's Eng Gram_, -- 182

”They reflect that they have been much diverted, but scarce can say about what”--_Kames, El of Crit_, i, 151 ”The eyebrows and shoulders should seldom or ever be remarked by any perceptible motion”--_Adams's Rhet_, ii, 389 ”And the left hand or arm should seldom or never attempt any motion by itself”--_Ib_, ii, 391 ”Every speaker does not propose to please the iination”--_Jamieson's Rhet_, p 104 ”And like Gallio, they care little for none of these things”--_The Friend_, Vol x, p 351

”Theywould be obscure”--_Murray's Grah”--_Shak_ ”The Athenians, in their present distress, scarce knehere to turn”--_Goldsmith's Greece_, i, 156 ”I do not remember where ever God delivered his oracles by the overnment is twofold, outwards and inwards”--_Barclay's Works_, i, 553 ”In order to rightly understand e read”--_Johnson's Gran had been foran”--_Stone, on Masonry_, p 410 ”But such i”--_Blair's Rhet_, p 10 ”But sure it is equally possible to apply the principles of reason and good sense to this art, as to any other that is cultivated a men”--_Ibid_ ”It would have been better for you, to have remained illiterate, and to have been even hewers of wood”--_Murray's Gram_, i, 374 ”Dissyllables that have tels, which are separated in the pronunciation, have always the accent on the first syllable”--_Ib_, i, 238 ”And they all turned their backs without al a sword”--_Kames, El of Crit_, i, 224 ”The principle of duty takes naturally place of every other”--_Ib_, i, 342 ”All that glitters is not gold”--_Maunder's Graes hence”--_Pres Edwards_

”England never did, nor never shall, Lie at the proud foot of a conqueror”--_Beaut of Shak_, p 109


”He readily comprehends the rules of Syntax, and their use and applicability in the examples before him”--_Greenleaf's Gram_, p 6 ”The works of aeschylus have suffered edians”--_Blair's Rhet_, p 470 ”There is much more story, more bustle, and action, than on the French theatre”--_Ib_, p 478 ”Such an unrerosses our whole tihts, are forbidden”--SOAME JENYNS: _Tract_, p 12 ”It see else but the siht's Gra_, I do not intend any other, but such as is suited to the Child's Capacity”--_Locke, on Ed_, p 129 ”pronouns have no other use in language, but to represent nouns”--_Jamieson's Rhet_, p 83 ”The speculative relied no farther on their own judgment, but to choose a leader, whom they implicitly followed”--_Kames, El of Crit_, Vol i, p xxv ”Unaccommodated man is no more but such a poor, bare, forked animal as thou art”--_Beaut of Shak_, p 266 ”A Parenthesis is a clause introduced into the body of a sentence obliquely, and which raersoll's_, 292; _Smith's_, 192; _Alden's_, 162; _A Flint's_, 114; _Fisk's_, 158; _Cooper's_, 187; _Comly's_, 163 ”A Caret, marked thusis placed where so, and which _is inserted over_ the line”--_Murray's Graersoll's_, 293; _and others_ ”At the time that I visit them they shall be cast down”--_Jer_, vi, 15 ”Neither our virtues or vices are all our own”--DR JOHNSON: _Sanborn's Graive him an answer as early as he had desired”--_O B Peirce's Gram_, p 200 ”He is not as tall as his brother”--_Nixon's Parser_, p 124 ”It is difficult to judge when Lord Byron is serious or not”--_Lady Blessington_ ”Some nouns are both of the second and third declension”--_Gould's Lat Graer or misfortune”--_Wells's Hist_, p

161 ”This is consistent neither with logic nor history”--_The Dial_, i, 62 ”Parts of Sentences are silish verse is regulated rather by the number of syllables than of feet”--_Ib_, p 120 ”I know not what more he can do, but pray for hi, and apply theood Humour”--_Ib_, p

295 ”A man cannot have too much of it, nor too perfectly”--_Ib_, p 322

”That you ht, as you may overcome”--_Wm Penn_ ”It is the case of some, to contrive false periods of business, because they may seem men of despatch”--_Lord Bacon_ ”'A tall man and a woman' In this sentence there is no ellipsis; the adjective or quality respect only the man”--_Dr Ash's Gram_, p 95 ”An abandonment of the policy is neither to be expected or desired”--_Pres

Jackson's Message_, 1830 ”Which can be acquired by no other ”--_Blair's Rhet_, p 344 ”The chief and fundalish as well as the Latin tongue”--_Ib_, p 90 ”Then I exclaionist either is void of all taste, or that his taste is corrupted in a ree”-- _Ib_, p 21 ”I cannot pity any one who is under no distress of body nor of enius in the world, before there were learning or arts to refine it”--_Blair's Rhet_, p 391 ”Such a Writer can have little else to do, but to new model the Paradoxes of ancient Scepticis nothing else but a collection of the ordinary qualities observed in theative can neither give pleasure nor pain”--_Kames, El of Crit_, i, 63 ”So as they shall not justle and embarrass one another”--_Blair's Lectures_, p 318

”He firmly refused to make use of any other voice but his own”-- _Goldsiuards their example, either as soldiers or subjects”--_Junius, Let_

35 ”Consequently, they had neither , or beauty, to any but the natives of each country”--_Sheridan's Elocution_, p 161

”The man of worth, and has not left his peer, Is in his narrow house for ever darkly laid”--_Burns_


”These nable lile member of a period different subjects, is still worse than to crowd theidly insist for melodious prose”--_Ib_, ii, 76 ”The aversion we have at those who differ fro the scene every line”--LD HALIFAX: _ib_, ii, 213 ”We shall find that we come by it the same way”--_Locke_ ”To this he has no better defense than that”--_Barnes's Bed Book_, p 347 ”Searching the person who stolen his casket”--_Blair's Rhet_, p 479 ”Who are elected as vacancies occur by the whole Board”--_Lit Convention_, p 81 ”Almost the only field of ambition of a German, is science”--DR LIEBER: _ib_, p

66 ”The plan of education is very different to the one pursued in the sister country”--DR COLEY, _ib_, p 197 ”Sorammar have contended that adjectives relate to, and modify the action of verbs”--_Wilcox's Gram_, p 61 ”They are therefore of aof the properties both of pronouns and adjectives”-- _Ingersoll's Gram_, p 57 ”For there is no authority which can justify the inserting the aspirate or doubling the vowel”--_Knight, on Greek Alph_, p 52 ”The distinction and arrangeht's Gram_, p 176 ”And see thou a hostile world _to_ spread its delusive snares”--_Kirkham's Gram_, p 167 ”He may be precaution'd, and be made see, how those joyn in the Conte themselves now in the want of what they wish'd for, is a vertue”--_Ib_, p 185 ”If the Co really worthy your notice”--_Ib_, p 190 ”True Fortitude I take to be the quiet Possession of a Man's self, and an undisturb'd doing his Duty”--_Ib_, p 204 ”For the custorees, harden their Minds even towards Men”--_Ib_, p 216

”Children are whip'd to it, and made spend many Hours of their precious time uneasily in Latin”--_Ib_, p 289 ”The ancient rhetoricians have entered into a very minute and particular detail of this subject; e”--_Jamieson's Rhet_, p 123 ”But the one should not be o Gram_, p 108 ”In some of the common forms of speech, the relative pronoun is usually omitted”--_Murray's Grareat variety of causes, which disqualify a witness fro received to testify in particular cases”--_J Q

Adaard to interest, we should expect that,” &c--_Webster's Essays_, p 82 ”My opinion was given on a rather cursory perusal of the book”--_Murray's Key_, ii, 202 ”And the next day, he was put on board his shi+p”--_Ib_, ii, 201 ”Having the coht”--_Kames, El of Crit_, ii, 318

”Did thesebeside himself”--_Wayland's Moral Science_, p 161 ”He did not behave in that manner out of pride or contempt of the tribunal”--_Goldsmith's Greece_, i, 190 ”These prosecutions of William seem to have been the most iniquitous measures pursued by the court”--_Murray's Key_, 8vo, p 199; _Priestley's Graraces of my fair critics”--_Dryden_ ”Objects denominated beautiful, please not in virtue of any one quality common to them all”--_Blair's Rhet_, p 46 ”This would have been less worthy notice, had not a writer or two of high rank lately adopted it”--_Churchill's Gram_, p 197