Part 148 (1/2)

OBS 19--I like my position of the word ”_alas_” better than that which Peirce supposes to be its only right place; and, certainly, his rule for the location of words of this sort, as well as his notion that they must stand alone, is as false, as it is new The obvious er, Sersoll, and others, that, ”Interjections are words thrown in between the parts of _a sentence_,” I had not only excluded frorammars, but expressly censured in them It was not, therefore, to prop any error of the old theorists, that I happened to set one interjection ”_where_” according to this new oracle, ”_it never belonged_” And if any body but he has been practically misled by theirauthors, here cited for his refutation: ”I fear, _alas!_ for my life”--_Fisk's Gram_, p 89 ”I have been occupied, _alas_! with trifles”--_Murray's Gr, Ex for Parsing_, p 5; _Guy's_, p 56 ”We eagerly pursue pleasure, but, _alas!_ we often mistake the road”--_Smith's New Gram_, p 40, ”To-ht's Gram_, p 35 ”Time flies, _O!_ hoiftly”--_Murray's Gram_, i, 226 ”My friend, _alas!_ is dead”--_J

Flint's Gram_, p 21 ”But _John, alas! he_ is very idle”--_Merchant's Gram_, p 22 ”For pale and wan he was, _alas_ the while!”--SPENSER: _Joh

Dict_ ”But yet, _alas! O_ but yet, _alas!_ our haps be but hard haps”--SYDNEY: _ib_ ”Nay, (what's incredible,) _alack!_ I _hardly_ hear a woman's clack”--SWIFT: _ib_ ”Thus life is spent (_oh fie_ upon't!) In being touch'd, and crying--Don't!”--_Cowper_, i, 231 ”For whom, _alas!_ dost thou prepare The sweets that I ont to share”--_Id_, i, 203 ”But here, _alas!_ the difference lies”--_Id_, i 100 ”Their nae,” &c--_Id_, i, 88 ”What nature, _alas!_ has denied,” &c--_Id_, i, 235 ”A _Hail_ Sternhold, then; and Hopkins, _hail!_ B Arace thy reign divine, Foreseen by me, but _ah!_ withheld from mine!”--_Pope, Dun_, iii, 215


FALSE SYNTAX PROMISCUOUS [Fist] [The following exa similar in their character to others already exhibited, are to be corrected, by the pupil, according to foriven]


”Such an one I believe yours will be proved to be”--PEET: _Farnum's Gram_, p 1 ”Of the distinction between the imperfect and the perfect tenses, it may be observed,” &c--_Ainsworth's Gram_, p 122 ”The subject is certainly worthy consideration”--_Ib_, p 117 ”By this uity and controversy is avoided on this point”--_Bullions, Principles of Eng Gralish has both an active and passive signification”--_Ib_, p 58 ”The old house is at length fallen down”--_Ib_, p 78 ”The king, with the lords and coovernrees with the person next it”--_Ib_, p 95

”Jane found Seth's gloves in James' hat”--_Felton's Grareat”--_Ibid_, 15 ”The conjugation of a verb is the naular order, its severalreuest”--_Ib_, 1st Ed, p 65 ”Participles refer to nouns and pronouns”--_Ib_, p 81 ”F has an uniform sound in every position except in _of_”--_Hallock's Graenders; the masculine, the feether, sometimes the particle _so_ is taken as an adverb”--_Ib_, p

124 ”The definition of the articles show that they ”--_Ib_, p 138 ”The auxiliaries _shall, will_, or _should_ is ile rhyme trochaic oreeable to this, we read of na blotted out of God's book,”--BURDER: _ib_, p 156; _Webster's Philos Gram_, 155; _I”--_Goldsbury's Co a peculiar stress of the voice on a certain letter or syllable in a word”--_Ib_, Ed of 1842, p 75 ”Thoht”--_Felton's Gram_, p 64 ”You was loved”--_Ib_, p 45 ”The nominative and objective end the same”--_Rev T Smith's Gram_, p 18 ”The number of pronouns, like those of substantives, are two, the singular and the plural”--_Ib_, p 22 ”_I_ is called the pronoun of the _first_ person, which is the person speaking”--_Frost's Practical Gram_, p 32 ”The essential eleerundive and an adjective”--_Hazen's Practical Gra rich is no justification for such i been a soldier in the revolution is not doubted”--_Ib_, p 143 ”Catching fish is the chief employment of the inhabitants The chief e fish”--_Ib_, p 144 ”The cold weather did not prevent the work's being finished at the time specified”--_Ib_, p 145

”The for suspected of this crime”--_Ib_, p 145 ”But person and number applied to verbs means, certain terminations”--_Barrett's Gram_, p 69 ”Robert fell a tree”--_Ib_, p 64 ”Charles raised up”--_Ib_, p 64 ”It ht not be an useless waste of time”--_Ib_, p 42 ”Neither will you have that _is and works of others which characterise the vulgar,”--_Ib_, p 5 ”_I_, is the first person, because it denotes the speaker”--_Ib_, p 46 ”I would refer the student to Hedges' or Watts'

Logic”--_Ib_, p 15 ”Hedge's, Watt's, Kirwin's, and Collard's Logic”--_Parker and Fox's Gram_, Part III, p 116 ”Letters are called vohich make a full and perfect sound of theular and plural construction”--_Ib_, p

23 ”For he beholdest thy beams no more”--_Ib_, p 136 ”To this sentiment the Committee has the candour to incline, as it will appear by their su up”--_Macpherson's Ossian, Preli the point at issue to a narrow colish sat foot upon the soil”--_Exiles of Nova Scotia_, p 12 ”The arrangement of its different parts are easily retained by the memory”--_Hiley's Gram_, 3d Ed, p 262 ”The words employed are the most appropriate which could have been selected”--_Ib_, p 182 ”To prevent it launching!”--_Ib_, p 135 ”Webster has been followed in preference to others, where it differs froation are often mistaken for one another”--_Buchanan's E

Syntax_, p 160 ”When all nature is hushed in sleep, and neither love nor guilt keep their vigils”--_Felton's Gram_, p 96

”When all nature's hushed asleep, Nor love, nor guilt, their vigils keep”--_Ib_, p 95


”A VERSIFYER and POET are two different Things”--_Brightland's Gram_, p

163 ”Those Qualities will arise fro of the Subject”--_Ib_, p 165 ”Therefore the explanation of _network_, is taken no notice of here”--_Mason's Supplement_, p vii ”When emphasis or pathos are necessary to be expressed”--_Humphrey's Punctuation_, p 38 ”Whether this mode of punctuation is correct, and whether it be proper to close the sentence with the mark of admiration, may be made a question”--_Ib_, p

39 ”But not every writer in those days were thus correct”--_Ib_, p 59

”The sounds of A, in English orthoepy, are no less than four”--_Ib_, p

69 ”Our present code of rules are thought to be generally correct”-- _Ib_, p 70 ”To prevent its running into another”--_Hureatest poetical genius which England has produced”--_Ib_, p 93 ”This I will illustrate by example; but prior to which a few preliminary remarks may be necessary”--_Ib_, p 107 ”All such are entitled to two accents each, and some of which to two accents nearly equal”--_Ib_, p 109 ”But some cases of the kind are so plain that no one need to exercise his judgment therein”--_Ib_, p 122 ”I have forbore to use the word”--_Ib_, p 127 ”The propositions, 'He ht study,' 'He could study,' affirms an ability or power to study”--_Hallock's Gram of_ 1842, p 76 ”The divisions of the tenses has occasioned grammariansa fa this subject, itlearners”--_Wells's Sch Gram_, 1st Ed, p 1; 3d, 9; 113th, 11 ”The definitions and rules of different grammarians were carefully compared with each other”--_Ib, Preface_, p

iii ”So as not wholly to prevent solish_, p 64 ”Letters of the Alphabet not yet taken notice of”--_Ib_, p 11 ”IT _is sad_, IT _is strange_, &c, seee, &c”--_The Well-Wishers' Gram_, p

68 ”THE WINNING is easier than THE PRESERVING a conquest”--_Ib_, p 65

”The United States finds itself the owner of a vast region of country at the West”--_Horace Mann in Congress_, 1848 ”One or more letters placed before a word is a Prefix”--_S W Clark's Pract Gram_, p 42 ”One or more letters added to a word is a Suffix”--_Ib_, p 42 ”Two-thirds of ,' describes 'we,' by expressing, incidentally, an act of 'we'”--_Ib_, p 130 ”Daniel's predictions are now being fulfilled”--_Ib_, p 136 ”His being a scholar, entitles hi been a soldier”--_Ib_, p 142 ”Taking a arded as robbing hiht it to be him; but it was not him”--_Ib_, p 149 ”It was not me that you saw”--_Ib_, p 149 ”Not to knohat happened before you was born, is always to be a boy”--_Ib_, p 149 ”How long was you going? Three days”--_Ib_, 158 ”The qualifying Adjective is placed next the Noun”--_Ib_, p 165 ”All went but e, and not the author's”--_Wells's School Gram_, 1st Ed, p 73 ”Nouns which denote ender”--_Ib_, p 49 ”Nouns which denote feender”--_Ib_, p 49 ”When a comparison is expressed between ree is eo before, the additional letter _d_ or _t_, in this contracted form, coalesce into one letter with the radical _d_ or _t_”--_Dr Johnson's Gram_, p 9 ”Write words which will shohat kind of a house you live in--what kind of a book you hold in your hand--what kind of a day it is”--_Weld's Gram_, p 7 ”One word or more is often joined to nouns or pronouns to ”--_Ib, 2d Ed_, p

30 ”_Good_ is an adjective; it explains the quality or character of every person or thing to which it is applied”--_Ib_, p 33; _Abridg_, 32 ”A great public as well as private advantage arises fro himself to that occupation which he prefers, and for which he is specially fitted”--WAYLAND: _Wells's Gram_, p 121; _Weld's_, 180 ”There was a chance of his recovering his senses Not thus: 'There was a chance of hi his senses' MACAULEY”--See _Wells's Gram_, 1st Ed, p 121; 113th, 135 ”Thisword i it”--_Weld's Graular_ expressions occasionally to be y, sanction”--_Ib_, p 143 ”He added an anecdote of Quinn's relieving Thomson from prison”--_Ib_, p 150 ”The daily labor of her hands procure for her all that is necessary”--_Ib_, p 182 ”Its being _e in your determination”--_Hart's Gram_, p

128 ”The classification of words into what is called the Parts of Speech”--_Weld's Gram_, p 5 ”Such licenses ures”--_Ib_, p 212