Part 143 (1/2)
What can she more _than_ tell us we are fools?”--_Pope_
The conjunction _that_ sometimes serves merely to introduce a sentence which is made the subject or the object of a finite verb;[433] as, ”_That_ ed me, doth appear in this”--_Shak_
”_That_ ti_
When two corresponding conjunctions occur, in their usual order, the for to the latter, which isword; as, ”_Neither_ sun _nor_ stars in many days appeared”--_Acts_, xxvii, 20 ”_Whether_ that evidence has been afforded [_or_ not,] is a ation”--_Keith's Evidences_, p 18
EXCEPTION THIRD _Either_, corresponding to _or_, and _neither_, corresponding to _nor_ or _not_, are soation at the end of the sentence; as, ”Where then was their capacity of standing, _or_ his _either_?”--_Barclay's Works_, iii, 359 ”It is _not_ dangerous _neither_”--_Bolingbroke, on Hist_, p 135
”He is very tall, but _not_ too tall _neither_”--_Spect_, No 475
OBS 1--Conjunctions that connect particular _words_, generally join similar parts of speech in a common dependence on some other term Hence, if the words connected be such as have _cases_, they will of course be in the same case; as, ”For _me_ and _thee_”--_Matt_, xvii, 27 ”Honour thy _father_ and thy _mother_”--_Ib_, xviii, 19 Here the latter noun or pronoun is connected by _and_ to the foroverned by the saovernment, unless the questionable phrase ”_than whom_” may be reckoned an exception See Obs
17th below, and others that follow it
OBS 2--Those conjunctions which connect _sentences_ or _clauses_, commonly unite one sentence or clause to an other, either as an additional assertion, or as a condition, a cause, or an end, of what is asserted The conjunction is placed _between_ the terms which it connects, except there is a transposition, and then it stands before the dependent ter of the whole sentence: as, ”He taketh away the first, _that_ he may establish the second”--_Heb_, x, 9 ”_That_ he may establish the second, he taketh away the first”
OBS 3--The term that follows a conjunction, is in some instances a _phrase_ of several words, yet not therefore a whole clause or member, unless we suppose it elliptical, and supply ill make it such: as, ”And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, AS _to the Lord_, AND _not untoit_ to the Lord, and not _as doing it_ unto men,” the terms are still mere phrases; but if we say, the sense is, ”as _if ye did it_ to the Lord, and not _as if ye did it_ unto men,” they are clauses, or sentences Churchill says, ”The office of the conjunction is, to connect one _word_ with an other, or one _phrase_ with an other”--_New Gram_, p 152 But he uses the term _phrase_ in a more extended sense than I suppose it will strictly bear: he means by it, a _clause_, or _reater sentence
OBS 4--What is the office of this part of speech, according to Lennie, Bullions, Brace, Hart, Hiley, Smith, M'Culloch, Webster, Wells, and others, who say that it ”joins _words_ and _sentences_ together,” (see Errors on p
434 of this work,) it is scarcely possible to conceive If they iine it to connect ”_words_” on the one side, to ”_sentences_” on the other; this is plainly absurd, and contrary to facts If they suppose it to join sentence to sentence, byword to word, in a joint relation; this also is absurd, and self-contradictory Again, if they mean, that the conjunction sometimes connects ord, and sometimes, sentence with sentence; _this sense they have not expressed_, but have severally puzzled their readers by an ungra theo,' the word _and_ unites _two sentences_, and thus _avoids_ an unnecessary repetition; thus instead of saying, 'He o,'
we connect _the words He, I_, as the sao_”--_Hiley's Graestion, that _by connecting words only_, the conjunction in fact _connects sentences_; and the stranger blunder concerning _those words_, that ”the sao_” Whereas it is plain, that nothing is affiro_,” only affirain it is plain, that _and_ here connects nothing but the two pronouns; for no one will say, that, ”_He and Iresolved into two sio_,” is coo;” so is, ”_We h it has but one noiven by Hiley as an exaether by _and_ (See _his Gram_, p 105) But, of _verbs_ connected to each other, he absurdly supposes the following to be examples: ”He spake, _and_ it was done”--”I know it, _and_ I can prove it”--”Do you say so, _and_ can you prove it?”--_Ib_ Here _and_ connects _sentences_, and not particular _words_
OBS 5--Two or three conjunctions soether; as, ”What rests, _but that_ the mortal sentence pass?”--_Milton_ ”_Nor yet that_ he should offer himself often”--_Heb_, ix, 25 Thesewhat precedes and what follows,” and the observant reader will not fail to notice, that such co particles are so that is needless, is really proper, conjunctions should not be unnecessarily accumulated: as, ”_But_ AND _if_ that evil servant say in his heart,” &c--_Matt_, xxiv, 48 Greek, ”[Greek: Ean de eipae o kakos donlos ekeinos,]” &c Here is no _and_ ”_But_ AND _if_ she depart”--_1 Cor_, vii, 11 This is al of the Greek, ”[Greek: Ean de kai choristhae]”--yet either _but_ or _and_ is certainly useless ”In several cases,” says Priestley, ”we content ourselves, noith fewer conjunctive particles than our ancestors _did_ [say _used_] Exareat numbers' _Universal Hist_, Vol 29, p
501 _So that_ would have been much easier, and better”--_Priestley's Gram_, p 139 Some of the poets have often used the word _that_ as an expletive, to fill the measure of their verse; as,
”When _that_ the poor have cried, Caesar hath wept”--_Shakspeare_
”If _that_ he be a dog, beware his fangs”--_Id_
”That h _that_ he had been no soldier”--_Butler's Poems_, p 164
OBS 6--W Allen ree our attention to a folloord or phrase; as, 'Part pays, _and_ justly, the deserving steer' [_Pope_] 'I see thee fall, _and_ by Achilles' hand'
[_Id_]”--_Allen's E Graes of Latin: ”'Forsan et haec oliacem persequitur virum' _Hor_”--_Allen's Gram_, p 184
But it seeular connectives The for verb: as, ”Part pays, _and justly pays_, the deserving steer”--”I see thee fall, _and fall by Achilles' hand_” The latter refers back to as said before: thus, ”Perhaps it will _also_ hereafter delight you to recount these evils”--”_And_ death pursues thetext, the conjunction is ests an extension of the discourse then in progress: ”Lord, _and_ what shall this man do?”--_John_, xxi, 21 ”[Greek: Kurie, outos de ti;]”--”Domine, hic _autem_ quid?”--_Beza_
OBS 7--The conjunction _as_ often unites words that are in _apposition_, or in _the same case_; as, ”He offered _himself_ AS a _journeyman_”--”I assume _it_ AS a _fact_”--_Webster's Essays_, p 94 ”In an other example of the saive refuge against a father's unkindness”--_Kames, El of Crit_, Vol ii, p
168 ”And then to offer _himself_ up AS a _sacrifice_ and _propitiation_ for theal_, p 99 So, likewise, when an intransitive verb takes the same case after as before it, by Rule 6th; as, ”_Johnson_ soon after engaged AS _usher_ in a school”--_L Murray_ ”_He_ was employed AS _usher_” In all these examples, the case that follows _as_, is detered_” we supply _himself, usher_ becomes objective, and is in apposition with the pronoun, and not in agreeed _hiardless of the analogy of General Graoverned by the conjunction _as_,” according to the following rule: ”The conjunction _as_, when it takes the overns the objective case; as, Addison, _as_ a _writer_ of prose, is highly distinguished”--_J M Putnarammar published in 1848, sets _as_ in his list of _prepositions_, with this exaland can spare frohaain: ”When the second term of a _Comparison of equality_ is a Noun, or pronoun, the _Preposition_ AS is commonly used
Example--'He hath died to redeem such a rebel _as_ ME'--_Wesley_”
Undoubtedly, Wesley and Brougham here erroneously supposed the _as_ to connect _words only_, and consequently to require thereeably to OBS 1st, above; but a moment's reflection on the sense, should convince any one, that the construction requires the nominative forms _he_ and _I_, with the verbs _is_ and _am_ understood
OBS 8--The conjunction _as_ may also be used between an adjective or a participle and the noun to which the adjective or participle relates; as, ”It does not appear that brutes have the least reflex sense of _actions_ AS _distinguished_ fron, which constitute the very nature of _actions_ AS _such_, are at all an object of their perception”--_Butler's analogy_, p 277