Part 115 (1/2)

15th, 16th, 17th, and 18th, on the Classes of Adjectives

NOTE IV--When the coree is employed with _than_, the latter term of comparison should _never include_ the former; nor the former the latter: as, ”_Iron is more useful_ than _all the metals_”--”_All the metals are less useful_ than _iron_” In either case, it should be, ”all the other ree is employed, the latter term of comparison, which is introduced by _of_, should _never exclude_ the former; as, ”A fondness for show, is, of all _other_ follies, the ed; for this latter term must _include_ the former: that is, the fondness for show must be one of the follies of which it is the vainest

NOTE VI--When equality is denied, or inequality affirmed, neither term of the co est that a part surpasses the whole: as, ”_No writings whatever_ abound _so ures, _as the sacred books_”--_Blair's Rhet_, p 414 Say, ”No _other_ writings whatever;” because the sacred books are ”_writings_”

See _Etyular Comparison

NOTE VII--Coree, should not be applied to adjectives that are not susceptible of comparison; and all double comparatives and double superlatives should be avoided: as, ”_So universal_ a coeneral_”--”Some _less nobler_ plunder:” say, ”_less noble_”--”The _y_, Chap, iv, froular Comparison[374]

NOTE VIII--When adjectives are connected by _and, or_, or _nor_, the shortest and sieneral be placed first; as, ”He is _older_ and _more respectable_ than his brother” To say, ”_ant, as possibly involving the inaccuracy of ”_more older_”

NOTE IX--When one adjective is superadded to an other without a conjunction expressed or understood, thequality must be expressed next to the noun, and the latter must be such as the for_ , like _all other practical_ arts, may be facilitated by rules,”--_Enfield's Speaker_, p 10 Exae possessed, for the _two first_ persons, a _Dual_ number”--_Fowler's E Gram_, 1850, p 59 Say, ”the _first two_ persons;” for the _second_ of three can hardly be one of the _first_; and ”_two first_” with the _second_ and _third_ added, will clearly make _more_ than three See Obs 12th, above

NOTE X--In prose, the use of adjectives for adverbs, is a vulgar error; the adverb alone being proper, when _ree_ is to be expressed, and not _quality_; as, ”He writes _elegant_;” say, ”_elegantly_”--”It is a _reood_”

NOTE XI--The pronoun _them_ should never be used as an adjective, in lieu of _those_: say, ”I bought _those_ books;” not, ”_thear error, and chiefly confined to the conversation of the unlearned[375]

NOTE XII--When the pronominal adjectives, _this_ and _that_, or _these_ and _those_, are contrasted; _this_ or _these_ should represent the latter of the antecedent terms, and _that_ or _those_ the former: as,

”And, reason raise o'er instinct as you can, In _this_ 'tis God directs, in _that_ 'tis man”--_Pope_

”Farewell my friends! farewell my foes!

My peace with _these_, my love with _those_!”--_Burns_

NOTE XIII--The pronominal adjectives _either_ and _neither_, in strict propriety of syntax, relate to two things only; when more are referred to, _any_ and _none_, or _any one_ and _no one_, should be used in stead of them: as, ”_Any_ of the three,” or, ”_Any one_ of the three;” not, ”_Either_ of the three”--”_None_ of the four,” or, ”_No one_ of the four;”

not, ”_Neither_ of the four” [376]

NOTE XIV--The adjective _whole_ must not be used in a plural sense, for _all_; nor _less_, in the sense of _fewer_; nor _uous construction, where it ree, or an adjective of number or quantity: as, ”Almost the _whole_ inhabitants were present”--HUME: see _Priestley's Gram_, p 190[377] Say, ”Almost _all_ the inhabitants” ”No _less_ than three dictionaries have been published to correct it”--_Dr Webster_ Say, ”No _fewer_” ”This trade enriched some _people more_ than thee is not clear in its is Say, ”This trade enriched some _other_ people, _besides_ them” Or, ”This trade enriched some _others_ more than _it did them_”

NOTE XV--Participial adjectives retain the terovernment of participles; when, therefore, they are followed by the objective case, a preposition overn it: as, ”The enerally ure of any adjective affects the syntax and sense of the sentence, care ive to the word or words that for and construction

Examples: ”He is _forehead bald_, yet he is clean”--FRIENDS' BIBLE: _Lev_, xiii, 41 Say, ”_forehead-bald_,”--ALGER'S BIBLE, and SCOTT'S

”Froland scenery_,' convenience requires the _omission_ of the hyphen”--_Sanborn's Gram_, p 89 This is a false notion Without the hyphen, the phrase properly land scenery_ is scenery in New England ”'_Many coloured wings_,' s which are coloured_; but '_s of many colours_”--_Blair's Gram_, p 116




”I a”--BP

SHERLOCK: _Lowth's Gram_, p 87

[FORMULE--Not proper, because the adjective _these_ is plural, and does not agree with its noun _kind_, which is singular But, according to Note 1st under Rule 9th: ”Adjectives that iree with their nouns in number” Therefore, _these_ should be _this_; thus, ”I as”]

”I have not been to London this five years”--_Webster's Philos Gram_, p

152 ”These kind of verbs are more expressive than their radicals”--_Dr