Part 28 (1/2)
”Truth and conscience cannot be controled by any methods of coercion”--_Hints on Toleration_, p xvi ”Dr Webster noded, when he wrote 'knit, kniter, and knitingneedle' without doubling the _t_”--See _El Spelling-Book_, 1st Ed, p 136 ”A wag should have wit enough to knohen other wags are quizing him”--_G Brown_ ”Bon'y, handso Dict_ ”Coquetish, practicing coquetry; after the e, a species of food, etables boiled to softness in water”--See _ib_ ”Potager, froer, a small vessel for children's food”--See _ib_, and _Worcester's_ ”Co; ”--_Webster_ ”Inferible; that may be inferred or deduced from premises”--_Red Book_, p 228 ”Acids are either solid, liquid, or gaseous”--_Gregory's Dict, art Cheh the interrupted space between the tires, and explode the gases”--_Ib_ ”Do we sound _gases_ and _gaseous_ like _cases_ and _caseous?_ No: they are lasses_ and _osseous_”--_G Brown_ ”I shall not need here to e able to learn”--_Locke, on Ed_, p 12 ”Why do lexicographers spell _thinnish_ and _mannish_ with two Ens, and _dimish_ and _ramish_ with one Em, each?”--See _Johnson_ and _Webster_ ”_Gas_ forases_”--_O B Peirce's Graular, Gas; Plural, Gases”--_S W Clark's Gram_, p 47 ”These are contractions from _sheded, bursted_”--_Hiley's Gra at the present ti in _eth_ is of the solemn or antiquated style; as, he loveth, he walketh, he runeth”--_P Davis's Gram_, p 34
”Thro' freedo nobles and controling kings”--_Murray's Sequel_, p 292
”A bigotted and tyrannical clergy will be feared”--_Brown's Estimate_, Vol ii, p 78
[FORMULE--Not proper, because the final _t_ of _bigot_ is here doubled in ”_bigotted_” But, according to Rule 4th, ”A final consonant, when it is not preceded by a single vowel, or when the accent is not on the last syllable, should rele before an additional syllable” Therefore, this _t_ should be single; thus, _bigoted_]
”Jacob worshi+pped his Creator, leaning on the top of his staff”--_Key in Merchant's Gram_, p 185 ”For it is all marvelously destitute of interest”--_Merchant's Criticisms_ ”As, box, boxes; church, churches; lash, lashes; kiss, kisses; rebus, rebusses”--_Murray's Grao hand in hand”--_Old Maxim_ ”The substance of the Criticisossipped by the present precious secretary of war, in Payne the bookseller's shop”--See _Key_ ”Worshi+p ossip, gossipped, gossipper, gossipping; fillip, fillipped, fillipper, fillipping”--_Nixon's Parser_, p 72 ”I beca_, Vol xl, p 674 ”That enormous error seems to be rivetted in popular opinion”--_Webster's Essays_, p
364 ”Whose n”--_Ib_, p 318 ”Laws against usury originated in a bigotted prejudice against the Jews”--_Ib_, p 315 ”The most criticcal period of life iz usually between thirteen and seventeen”--_Ib_, p 388
”Generallissimo, the chief co-Book_, p 93 ”Tranquillize, to quiet, to make calm and peaceful”--_Ib_, p 133 ”Poer”--_Webster_ and _Chalht does the jeweler look down upon his shoemaker!”--_Red Book_, p 108 ”You will have a verbal account from my friend and fellow traveler”--_Ib_, p 155 ”I observe that you have written the word _counseled_ with one _l_ only”--_Ib_, p 173 ”They were offended at such as combatted these notions”--_Robertson's America_, Vol ii, p 437 ”Frorovel, groveled, groveler, groveling; fro”--See _Webster's Dict_ ”Wooliness, the state of being woolly”--_Ib_ ”Yet he has spelled chappelling, bordeller, medallist, metalline, metallist, metallize, clavellated, &c with _ll_, contrary to his rule”--_Cobb's Review of Webster_, p 11 ”Again, he has spelled cancelation and snively with single _l_, and cupellation, pannellation, wittolly, with _ll_”--_Ib_ ”Oilly, fatty, greasy, containing oil, glib”--_Rhy Dict_ ”Medallist, one curious in medals; Metallist, one skilled in metals”--_Johnson, Webster, Worcester, Cobb, et al_ ”He is benefitted”--_Town's Spelling-Book_, p 5
”They traveled for pleasure”--_S W Clark's Gra herd, In darkness, wretchedness, and want enchain'd”
--_Beattie's Minstrel_, p 40
”He hopes, therefore, to be pardoned by the critick”--_Kirkham's Gram_, p 10
[FORMULE--Not proper, because the word ”_critick_” is here spelled with a final _k_ But, according to Rule 5th, ”Monosyllables and English verbs end not with _c_, but take _ck_ for double _c_; as, rack, wreck, rock, attack: but, in general, words derived froes need not the _k_, and common use discards it” Therefore, this _k_ should be o object of every publick speaker should be to persuade”--_Kirkham's Elocution_, p 153 ”May not four feet be as poetick as five; or fifteen feet, as poetick as fifty?”--_Ib_, p 146 ”Avoid all theatrical trick and mimickry, and especially all scholastick stiffness”--_Ib_, p 154 ”No one thinks of beco, or inand close application to the subject”--_Ib_, p 152 ”Caspar's sense of feeling, and susceptibility of netick excitement were also very extraordinary”--_Ib_, p 238 ”Authorshi+p has become a mania, or, perhaps I should say, an epidemick”--_Ib_, p 6 ”What can prevent this republick fro a literary standard?”--_Ib_, p 10 ”Courteous reader, you n to the subject before me”--_Ib_, p 11 ”Of the Tonick, Subtonick, and Atoniek elements”--_Ib_, p 15 ”The subtonick elements are inferiour to the tonicks in all the eant purposes of speech”--_Ib_, p
32 ”The nine atonicks, and the three abrupt subtonicks cause an interruption to the continuity of the syllabick impulse”--_Ib_, p 37
”On scientifick principles, conjunctions and prepositions are but one part of speech”--_Kirkham's Gram_, p 120 ”That some inferior animals should be able to mimic human articulation, will not seem wonderful”--_Murray's Gra, you led a life e, you grow fantastick”--_Johnson's Dict_
”Fearlesness, exemption from fear, intrepidity”--_Johnson's Dict_
[FORMULE--Not proper, because the word ”_fearlesness_” is here allowed to drop one _s_ of _fearless_ But, according to Rule 6th, ”Words ending with any double letter, preserve it double before any additional ter with the same letter” Therefore, the other _s_ should be inserted; thus, _fearlessness_]
”Dreadlesness; fearlesness, intrepidity, undauntedness”--_Johnson's Dict_ ”Regardlesly, without heed; Regardlesness, heedlessness, inattention”--_Ib_ ”Blamelesly, innocently; Blamlesness, innocence”--_Ib_ ”That is better than to be flattered into pride and carelesness”--TAYLOR: _Joh Dict_ ”Good fortunes began to breed a proud recklesness in them”--SIDNEY: _ib_ ”See whether he lazily and listlesly dreams away his time”--LOCKE: _ib_ ”It may be, the palate of the soul is indisposed by listlesness or sorrow”--TAYLOR: _ib_ ”Pitilesly, without mercy; Pitilesness, unmercifulness”--_Johnson_ ”What say you to such as these? aboreable, &c”--_Tooke's Diversions_, Vol
ii, p 432 ”Artlesly; naturally, sincerely, without craft”--_Johnson_ ”A chilness, or shi+vering of the body, generally precedes a fever”--_Murray's Key_, p 167 ”S Dict_ ”Gall-less, a free froht of stature, upright length with comparative slenderness”--See _Johnson et al_ ”Wilful; stubborn, contuuided them by the skilfulness of his hands”--_Psal_ lxxviii, 72 ”The earth is the Lord's and the fulness thereof”--_Murray's Key_, p 172 ”What is now, is but an ainary conceptions”--GLANVILLE: _Joh Dict_ ”Element”--See _Littleton's Dict_ ”The second is slothfulness, whereby they are perfory_, p 729 ”Instale sum of money, to be paid at a particular time”--See _Johnson's Dict_ ”Inthralment; servitude, slavery”--_Ib_
”I, who at some times spend, at others spare, Divided between carelesness and care”--_Pope_
”Shall, on the contrary, in the first person, siersoll's_, 136; _Fisk's_, 78; _Jaudon's_, 59; _A
Flint's_, 42; _Wright's_, 90; _Bullions's_, 32