Part 26 (1/2)


A final consonant, when it is not preceded by a single vowel, or when the accent is not on the last syllable, should re; oil, oily; visit, visited; differ, differing; peril, perilous; viol, violist; real, realize, realist; dial, dialing, dialist; equal, equalize, equality; vitriol, vitriolic, vitriolate_

EXCEPTIONS--1 The final _l_ of words ending in _el_, must be doubled before an other vowel, lest the power of the _e_ be mistaken, and a syllable be lost: as, _travel, traveller; duel, duellist; revel, revelling; gravel, gravelly;three Ells already, confor, paralleled_, and _unparalleled_ 2 Contrary to the preceding rule, the preterits, participles, and derivative nouns, of the few verbs ending in _al, il_, or _ol_, unaccented,--namely, _equal, rival, vial, ambol_, and _pistol_,--are usually allowed to double the _l_, though so; rivalled, rivalling; cavilled, cavilling, caviller; carolled, carolling, caroller_ 3 When _ly_ follows _l_, we have two Ells of course, but in fact no doubling: as, _real, really; oral, orally; cruel, cruelly; civil, civilly; cool, coolly; wool, woolly_ 4 Coh they often remove the principal accent from the point of duplication, always retain the double letter: as, _wit'snapper, kid'napper,[114]

grass'hopper, duck'-legged, spur'galled, hot'spurred, broad'-brimmed, hare'-lipped, half-witted_ So, _compromitted_ and _manumitted_; but _benefited_ is different


Monosyllables and English verbs end not with _c_, but take _ck_ for double _c_; as, _rack, wreck, rock, attack_: but, in general, words derived froes need not the _k_, and common use discards it; as, _Italic, maniac, music, public_

EXCEPTIONS--The words _arc_, part of a circle; _orc_, the naulish law, are ended with _c_ only _Zinc_ is, perhaps, better spelled _zink_; _marc, mark_; _disc, disk_; and _talc, talck_


Words ending with any double letter, preserve it double before any additional ter with the sa derivatives: _wooer, seeing, blissful, oddly, gruffly, equally, shelly, hilly, stiffness, illness, stillness, shrillness, fellness, srassless, passless, carelessness, recklessness, ereeable_

EXCEPTIONS--1 Certain irregular derivatives in _d_ or _t_, fro in _ee, ll_, or _ss_, (as _fled_ from _flee, sold_ from _sell, told_ from _tell, dwelt_ from _dwell, spelt_ from _spell, spilt_ from _spill, shalt_ from _shall, wilt_ from _will, blest_ frooing rule 2 If the word _pontiff_ is properly spelled with two Effs, its eight derivatives are also exceptions to this rule; for they are severally spelled with one; as, _pontific, pontifical, pontificate_, &c 3 The words _skillful, skillfully, willful, willfully, chillness, tallness, dullness_, and _fullness_, have generally been allowed to drop the second _l_, though all of thereeably to the orthography of Webster


Words ending with any double letter, preserve it double in all derivatives formed from them by means of prefixes: as, _see, foresee_; _feoff, enfeoff_; _pass, repass_; _press, depress_; _miss, amiss_; _call, recall_; _stall, forestall_; _thrall, inthrall_; _spell, misspell_; _tell, foretell_; _sell, undersell_; _add, superadd_; _snuff, besnuff_; _swell, overswell_

OBSERVATION--The words _enroll, unroll, miscall, befall, befell, bethrall, reinstall, disinthrall, fulfill_, and _twibill_, are very commonly written with one _l_, and ht who retain the double letter


Final _ll_ is peculiar to monosyllables and their compounds, with the few derivatives formed from such roots by prefixes; consequently, all other words that end in _l_, ical, appal, excel, rebel, refel, dispel, extol, control, ul, jackal, rascal, daambol, consul_

OBSERVATION--The words _annul, until, distil, extil_, and _instil_, are also properly spelled with one _l_; for the monosyllables _null, till_, and _still_ are not really their roots, but rather derivatives, or contractions of later growth Webster, however, prefers _distill, extill_, and _instill_ with _ll_; and some have been disposed to add the other two


The final _e_ of a prienerally o with a vowel: as, _remove, removal_; _rate, ratable_; _force, forcible_; _true, truis_; _centre, centring_

EXCEPTIONS--1 Words ending in _ce_ or _ge_, retain the _e_ before _able_ or _ous_, to preserve the soft sounds of _c_ and _g_: as, _trace, traceable_; _change, changeable_; _outrage, outrageous_ 2 So, fro_, to preserve the sound of the root; froe, singeing_; fro_; that they _ 3 To coent_, the rule does not apply; and final _ee_ re_


The final _e_ of a prienerally retained before an additional ter with a consonant: as, _pale, paleness_; _edge, edgeless_; _judge, judgeshi+p_; _lodge, lodgeement_

EXCEPTIONS--1 When the _e_ is preceded by a vowel, it is soument_; but much more frequently retained; as in _dueness, trueness, blueness, bluely, rueful, dueful, shoeless, eyeless_ 2 The word _wholly_ is also an exception to the rule, for nobody writes it _wholely_ 3 Soment_, to be irreclaimable exceptions; but I write them with the _e_, upon the authority of Lowth, Beattie, Ainsworth, Walker, Cobb, Chalement_, always retains the _e_


The final _y_ of a pried into _i_ before an additional termination: as, _merry, merrier, merriest, merrily, merriment_; _pity, pitied, pities, pitiest, pitiless, pitiful, pitiable_; _contrary, contrariness, contrarily_

EXCEPTIONS--1 This rule applies to derivatives, but not to compounds: thus, rite _merciful_, and _mercy-seat_; _penniless_, and _pennyworth_; _scurviness_, and _scurvy-grass_; &c But _ladyshi+p_ and _goodyshi+p_, being unlike _secretarishi+p_ and _suretishi+p_; _handicraft_ and _handiwork_,[116]