Part 22 (1/2)
”And Peace, O, Virtue! Peace is all thy own”--_Pope's Works_, p 379
”And peace, O virtue! peace is all thy own”--_Murray's Gram_, ii, 16
”Fenelon united the characters of a nobleman and a Christian pastor His book entitled 'An explication of the Maxiave considerable offence to the guardians of orthodoxy”--_Murray's Sequel_, p 321 ”When natural religion, who before was only a spectator, is introduced as speaking by the centurion's voice”--_Blair's Rhet_, p 157 ”You cannot deny, that the great mover and author of nature constantly explaineth himself to the eyes of ns, which have no sinified”--_Berkley's Minute Philosopher_, p
169 ”The name of this letter is double U, its form, that of a double V”--_Wilson's Essay on Gra book, wrote 'Charles-Toith a Hyphen and two Capitals”--See p 101 ”He also wrote 'european' without a capital”--See p 86 ”They profess themselves to be pharisees, who are to be heard and not imitated”--_Calvin's Institutes, Ded_, p 55 ”Dr Webster wrote both 'Newhaven' and 'Newyork' with single capitals”--See his _A-Book_, p 111 ”Gayhead, the west point of Martha's Vineyard”--_Williaisland, Perthamboy, Westhampton, Littlecompton, Newpaltz, Crownpoint, Fellspoint, Sandyhook, Portpenn, Portroyal Portobello, and Portorico”--_Webster's A-Book_, 127-140 Write the names of the ust, septe-Book_, 21-40 Write the following names and words properly: ”tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, saturn;--christ, christian, christmas, christendoa, johannes, aonian, levitical, deuterono-Book, sundry places_
”Eight Letters in some Syllables we find, And no htland's Gram_, p 61
A _Syllable_ is one or more letters pronounced in one sound; and is either a word, as, _a, an, ant_; or a part of a word, as _di_ in _dial_
In every word there are as many syllables as there are distinct sounds, or separate iram-ma-ri-an_
A word of one syllable is called a _monosyllable_; a word of two syllables, a _dissyllable_; a word of three syllables, a _trissyllable_; and a word of four or more syllables, a _polysyllable_
Every vowel, except _w_,to the vowels or diphthongs; and without a vowel no syllable can be for_ is tels joined in one syllable; as, _ea_ in _beat, ou_ in _sound_ In _oe_ or _ae_, old or foreign, the characters often unite
A _proper diphthong_ is a diphthong in which both the vowels are sounded; as, _oi_ in _voice, ow_ in _vow_
An _i in which only one of the vowels is sounded; as, _oa_ in _loaf, eo_ in _people_
A _triphthong_ is three vowels joined in one syllable; as, _eau_ in beau, _iew_ in _view, oeu_ in _ in which all the vowels are sounded; as, _uoy_ in _buoy_
An _i in which only one or two of the vowels are sounded; as, _eau_ in _beauty, iou_ in _anxious_ The diphthongs in English are twenty-nine; e all but six of the thirty-five possible combinations of tels: _aa, ae, ai, ao, au, aw, ay,--ea, ee, ei, eo, eu, ew, ey,--ia, ie_, (_ii_,) _io_, (_iu, iw, iy_,)--_oa, oe, oi, oo, ou, ow, oy,--ua, ue, ui, uo_, (_uu, uw_,) _uy_
Ten of these diphthongs, being variously sounded, may be either proper or improper; to wit, _ay,--ie,--oi, ou, ow,--ua, ue, ui, uo, uy_
The proper diphthongs appear to be thirteen; _ay,--ia, ie, io,--oi, ou, ow, oy,--ua, ue, ui, uo, uy_: of which combinations, only three, _ia, io_, and _oy_, are invariably of this class
The is are twenty-six; _aa, ae, ai, ao, au, aw, ay,--ea, ee, ei, eo, eu, ew, ey,--ie,--oa, oe, oi, oo, ou, ow,--ua, ue, ui, uo, uy_
The only proper triphthong in English is _uoy_, as in _buoy, buoyant, buoyancy_; unless _uoi_ in _quoit_ may be considered a parallel instance
The is are sixteen; _awe, aye,--eau, eou, ewe, eye,--ieu, iew, iou,--oeu, owe,--uai, uaw, uay, uea, uee_
In dividing words into syllables, we are to be directed chiefly by the ear; it may however be proper to observe, as far as practicable, the following rules