Part 13 (1/1)

”Sir,” wrote a Bristol citizen on a postcard, ”I have lost a ingine off 3 gine oneing to the delay of a post care wich Mr. ---- send of wine ts plaa to ingury and abould youre turly I ----, 10, ---- lane rielence Bristol.” It was not at first apparent what the writer of the card actually required, but by degrees it was made out that what he meant was:--”I have lost an engagement of 3 guineas owing to the delay of a postcard which Mr. ---- sent, of Wine Street. Please to enquire and oblige, yours truly, I. ----, 10, ---- Lane, Residence, Bristol.”

Danger lurks in unexpected places, even for Post Office cleaners.

Packages which have remained in the returned letter office for the prescribed period have to be destroyed from time to time. Sometimes they contain chemicals. It chanced that at Bristol one of the charwomen, when pouring out hot water into a large waste bucket, was startled by the emission from the bucket of a fierce, bright, flame which badly burned her hand and caused her no small fright. The flame lasted for a minute. The fumes were overpowering, and unpleasantly pervaded the whole telegraph gallery above. Upon investigation, it appeared that another charwoman who had been instructed to ”dispose” of a bottle of sodium amalgam, had carelessly emptied it into the waste bucket with the startling result narrated.

The Post Office is ever progressing, and in course of time there will be further particulars for a future writer to relate concerning the ”Bristol Royal Mail.”