Part 105 (1/2)
”It cannot easily be circled from the north, and it would be difficult to attack it froround below can serve as a battlefield”
”Or a camp for us,” said Antony quickly ”We should establish ourselves there; that ill coulf”
His hands were being wiped dry, and now the attendant caood
”There is another drawback to their position,” Grattius told Antony ”The bay where Octavian is anchored is usable only during good weather It offers no protection fro exposed on three sides”
”So he will be driven to seek so else,” I said ”How secure is Leucas?” Leucas, a mountainous island that lay just offshore from Actium, wasas our shi+ps could land there, we could receive the food supply froypt without interruption
”Very secure,” said Grattius
Leucas was an island in na it from the mainland was so thick with reeds and sandbars that no shi+p could sail through it True to thenature of the terrain at Actium, no one could march across it, either It supported neither horses nor shi+ps, being so halfway between land and sea
”I am relieved to hear it,” said Antony His words would have convinced anyone but htway tothemselves into concrete details, Antony seee, plan No ood when the nebulous begins to take a faeable, h er, I was al an appetite But I smiled politely
There was crane, duck, heron
”As you can see, we have an abundance of waterfowl,” Grattius said
”Yes, I i with the ood, and we also have a specialty in the area: enormous prawns What's a delicacy elsewhere is coestured toward a bowl of prawns floating in a thick stew ”I aetically ” Army rations' says it all”
”I don't care,” said Antony, ”as long as it cures thirst” He drained his cup ”Forgive rateful--and impressed--I am with your ploy to arm the oarsmen and put the There'll be a commendation for that”
The commander smiled, pleased to be praised by his leader ”Thank you, Imperator,” he said simply
We were to stay in the quarters of a centurion; Grattius had offered his, but we refused As soon as our arer one, and would have our own headquarters, with the commander's tent, praetorium praetorium, and the attached headquarters, principia principia
That night, as we prepared to retire, Antony said, ”Re your back on Artavasdes' palace? Now you can live in one, but we must hope for a quick resolution and therefore a short stay”
I had lived in tents before; when I had been in exile, expelled froypt I remembered my days outside Ashkelon, and the sandstorm there
”I will be here, with you, in a tent, for as long as it takes,” I assured him I ell aware that others would be less than pleased with that But I had no intention of departing; let the as Antony did not wish me anywhere but by his side, I could endure their hostility No, I would not budge
”Besides, without ht just to advance Roh to Ro out loud Was I that tired? ”MyJust that I will be here with you in your tent tent as long as you wishas you wish ht a ith a woman by my side,” he said
”You have never had a queen for a wife,” I reminded him
”Do you hed He was too weary tonight to fight a personal battle with me over my direct participation in the war
Noas not the time to discuss what I would, or would not, do I was not sure ht I wish to sleep, as soon as possible,” I said soothingly And I did; I hoped that after staying awake all night riding, I would not be so overtired that I could not sleep
He smiled, relieved to put aside all business Now this interht-day would end He would rest Tomorrow he could face the situation with a clear head
The centurion had prepared his regular bed for Antony, and set up another one forframes with leather straps, laid with blankets Both looked very sun,” I said, eyeing the bed ”I suppose it's as hard as a stone, too”
”Of course Soldiers h” He pulled back the blanket and stretched out on the creaking frame It shuddered and settled He draped his ar he norht?
”With equipet their lascivious reputation?” I lay down on round, except that it was not dao outside their tents for relaxation,” he mumbled ”Where do you think the term 'camp followers' comes from?”
”I don't think there'll be many women ill follow this particular caenial location to practice the oldest profession
”No,” he said, ”only you” Then I heard him fall asleep
Under the stretched leather of the tent's ceiling, I heard the wind straining the sealy sound
So it had finally begun, and here here we must ypt
I awoke before dawn, shaking with cold The single blanket had been inadequate, even though I had wrappedmy clothes? I ran my hands down my arms and felt sleeves Yes We had been so otten to undress I lifted ht and saw Antony's brown tunic still covering his shoulder
Actiu we had waited for for so long But I had never iined it like this
The pilloas cold, but I supposed I should be thankful there even as a pillow'I burrowed my head into it and waited for Antony to awaken While I did so, I said one prayer after another for our army, our fortune, our allies, and our childrenback in Alexandria a pillow'I burrowed my head into it and waited for Antony to awaken While I did so, I said one prayer after another for our army, our fortune, our allies, and our childrenback in Alexandria May we leave you an inheritance of glory, not shalory, not sha to secure their future, let us not lose it for the to secure their future, let us not lose it for them
Eros tiptoed into the tent and awakened Antony When I saw hiht with his legions, and all ell
Antony staggered up, shaking his head
”My lord! My lord!” said Eros ”They have co was so cold it turnedthe hard dirt street, the briskto warm it Grattius joined us and we left the fortified area toand engulfing the cae host But had Grattius not said there were twice as many across the water?
Besides these newly arrived men, there were the seventy thousand oarsmen who had been stationed here all winter, plus the soldiers of the garrison Hoas this unhealthy place to house and keep them all? The refuse alone would ineers and diggers had to attend to; it was not all the glory of building raesharply His long, lined face looked even longer and more lined ”We present ourselves and wait toout before us was adequate space all around the existing garrison, well away froe Antony rode around it and returned, nodding ”I think we ether for now When the other troops arrive, we can spread out on the other side of the water Of course, the engineers have the final say”
In true Ro-and laying out the lines of the cahtfall our tent and the wooden structure that would serve as our headquarters had been erected in the middle While they worked, we conferred with Canidius, Ahenobarbus, and Dellius on the general situation Of course I was present; it did not take long for me to see how this displeased the other commanders, particularly Ahenobarbus