Part 26 (1/2)
It'd be about fifteen miles. It's the best shopping centre round here. Sawyer's brother was a painter and decorator with a little business of 'is own. 'E'd of got on nicely if it 'adn't been for that wife of 'is.
Stute's eyes were closed, but Beef wasn't to be hurried.
On that Wednesday 'e came in to the Dragon. . . .
Time? said Stute.
I was coming to that. Round about seven o'clock. Not long after young Rogers 'ad gone out. And he calls 'is brother aside. 'Fred,' 'e says, 'I've run away.' 'Run away?' says Sawyer. 'Yes,' 'e says, 'from 'er.' 'Good Lord!' says Sawyer, not 'ardly blaming 'im, you understand, but took aback all the same. 'What you going ter do?' 'e asks. 'Well,' says 'is brother, she's got the business. She'll keep the two men on and do just as well as if I was there.' Sawyer said 'e could quite believe that. But what is brother wanted was for 'im to lend 'im some money. See, she wrote all the cheques an' that. 'E couldn't draw nothink without 'er. See?
And did he? sighed Stute.
Yes. Ten quid 'e lent 'im. And 'is brother promised to write to 'im. 'E'd left a note for 'is wife, saying 'e couldn't stick the sight of 'er no more.
That wasn't very polite, remarked Stute.
Well, if you'd of seen 'er, sir! Anyway, off 'e goes.
What time?
Sawyer couldn't say for certain, but it must of been about an hour after 'e come in.
I see. Well, what do you expect me to do about it?
Beef seemed taken aback. You arst me to find out from Sawyer. ...
Stute stood up. All right, Sergeant. I'm sure you did your best. But I really don't see why you should expect me to be interested in Mr. Sawyer's lost brother. I don't suppose he even knew young Rogers?
A certain amount, 'e did, anyway.
Still, even knowing him scarcely seems a reason to be murdered, does, it?
Beef looked sulky. Well, there you are. I done what you said. And I told you the result.
Thank you, Beef, said Stute, icily. And the meeting was adjourned.
DAYS Pa.s.sED again without further revelations. At this point I really began to wonder whether it ever would be discovered whom Rogers had murdered. If Beef's story of Sawyer's brother was to be taken seriously there were now four possibilities. The whole thing was nightmarish, and I was reminded of the time when, a frightened preparatory schoolboy, I used to wake up and find myself trying to work out on my pillow the mathematical problems set in cla.s.s.
The worst of the case was that nothing seemed absolutely certain. There were probabilities, possibilities, theories, but nothing that one could get hold of.
And then one morning came an event which eliminated one of the possibilities, and at the same time gave new hope of a solution. It was a windy clear day in March, and there were snow-drops in the Braxham gardens, and the first indications of Spring, I remember. And Beef, instead of looking dull and liverish, seemed jovial that morning, and gave a twirl to his moustache instead of sucking it peevishly.
They've found 'im, he said excitedly. This ere Fairfax.
You mean, his body? It was Fairfax?
No! Beef's negative was drawn through a series of vowels. Alive an' kicking. Very much alive, I should think. 'E's in Paris.
Stute, less emotionally, confirmed the news.