Part 22 (1/2)

From far ahead came the faint rattle of hoofs on the hard road. I pulled up, and, a moment later, Margaret and the Colonel stopped beside me.

”What is it?” asked the latter.

”Horse coming this way, sir,” was my reply. The sounds were already plainer. For a full minute he listened carefully. ”A good number of them, and making a smart pace,” he said. ”It can only be Kingston's advance guard falling back. Most likely the van of the Highlanders has beaten up their quarters. Once past them we shall be--h.e.l.lo! Slids! What's that?

Reinforcements! Egad. Oliver, we're between the hammer and the anvil.”

He turned his head round sharply and so did Margaret and I. From behind us came again the unmistakable rattle of a body of horse. We were trapped completely.

”This is d.a.m.ned annoying,” said the Colonel. He looked casually around, as indifferently as he would have looked round the guest-room of the ”Rising Sun,” and added, ”Follow me, and ride as if the devil were at your tail.”

He turned off into the bare, flat country, and we after him. How we rode!

He was making for a little group of trees, some dozen wind-sown pines, stuck like a forlorn picket in enemy country a stone's-throw from the road. We got there in a bunch, for there was no time for Sultan's pace to count.

”d.a.m.n the moon!” he said, and dismounted. ”But this is better than nothing. Take off Margaret's saddle, Oliver.”

I got down, and a.s.sisted Margaret to dismount. She thanked me, briefly and smilingly, as unperturbed as the gaunt pine beneath which she stood.

The Colonel and I changed the saddles, and in a few seconds Margaret was on Sultan. I asked him in vain to take the sorrel and leave the mare to me, for she was getting restive, and the Colonel was not quite so able as I was with a strange horse. I insisted, however, in taking off my coat and wrapping it about the mare's head, and, being thus blanketed, she gave us no further trouble. By the Colonel's orders, Margaret, on Sultan, took her place between us, heading for the open country, while he and I turned to the road. The thin, straggling pine-branches cast but little shadow, and I knew it was next to impossible for us to pa.s.s unnoticed.

”Now, Madge,” said the Colonel, ”it's bound to come to a fight. As soon as the fun begins, off you go like the wind into this bog-hole in front of you, and in five minutes you'll be out of danger. Make a detour round to the road again, keep the moon behind your back, and push on to the nearest inn. Oliver and I will join you there, if so G.o.d wills. If we don't, you're on the Chester road. Have you your money still?”

”Yes, dad.”

”You understand, Madge?”

”Quite clearly.”

”Then kiss me, sweetheart.”

She kissed him without a word, and turned to look goodbye to me. For a moment I went all aquiver with emotion. This wonderful new life of mine had at times to be lived in the outskirts and suburbs of death.

Fortunately, a thought came into my head, and I tugged out the leathern bag and thrust it into her hand.

”Don't leave that under the bed,” said I, and, being very bold, as one may be with death at one's door, I drew her gloved hand, with the bag in it, towards me, and kissed it. She said nothing to me, but the light in her eyes was like moonlight on the dancing surface of a mountain spring.

”Look to your pistols, Oliver,” ordered the Colonel briefly and crisply.

”See your tuck slips easy in the scabbard. Another minute will decide. You and I can easily give Madge all the start Sultan requires.”

”Easily, sir,” I answered stoutly.

”Good lad!” said the Colonel.

And Margaret, leaning across until her lips were near my cheek as I bent to see what she wanted, said, for the third time, ”Well done, fisherman!”

I laughed lightly and was glad, for was not this calm, brave, splendid woman thinking of how we two had met?

From the first c.o.c.k of the sorrel's ears to this so characteristic remark of Margaret's could not have been five minutes, and now, although owing to the downward slope to our left I have mentioned, and its corresponding slope to the right, neither body was yet in sight, they were so nearly on us that differences between them became obvious. The southern troup was small, was not travelling beyond a smart trot, and was, so far as the men were concerned, absolutely quiet. The body from the north was large, was forcing a hot gallop, and much noise and shouting came from the troopers.

It was plain that we were in for it. The men from Newcastle were no doubt coming north as a reinforcement, but it was absurd to suppose that they had not been told of our doings and of our escape northwards. They had not overtaken us, and we must be on the road somewhere. The men from the north had not met us. Never since the world began had two and two been easier to put together. There was only one place for us to be in and this was it. A short parley, a glance our way, and an overwhelming force would dash at the picket of pines.