Part 41 (1/2)
absent froinal; 160407: clapsed; 161358: ”cloak-wrapped” not hyphenated (”cloak wrapped”); 16296: resplendant; 16319: no comma after ”strand”; 164401: question mark rather than period after ”help”; 165345: when; 168356: And; 170101: no co; 1721511: irrelevency; 172215: consumated; 172326: no space between the quotation mark and ”she”
The Man-Eaters of Zamboula Text taken froe 32 of the carbon is supposedly extant but was not located in tie [from 2003514: when, to 201193: another] was taken from the Weird Tales appearance) 17792: fla; 180214: wounded; 18057: by; 180288: ”a” absent froinal; 1802814: no comma after ”suk”; 180366: no quotation e of paper); 1832014: ”there”
repeated; 18443: ”a” absent froinal; 184175: visullized; 1843511: a; 185193: ”the”
absent froinal; 185296: ”eastern-most” hyphenated at line break; 185365: unsatieted; 185405: no period after ”escaped” (typed to right edge of paper); 1863212: no period after ”streets” (typed to right edge of paper); 186332: ”inal; 18982: black; 18984: no co; 189114: ”the” inserted in original (”the Aram's death-house”); 189206: unforseen; 189392: quotation mark before ”she” rather than after eht edge of paper); 19155: comma rather than period after ”hiister on the carbon); 1932312: she; 194510: one; 194179: ”help” absent froinal; 19536: ”under” repeated; 1951014: of; 195132: ”the” absent froinal; 195362: filiae of paper); 1961713: ”a” absent froinal; 196298: 370
deafeningl (typed to right edge of paper); 198104: breasts; 1982013: no period after ”corridor” (typed to right edge of paper); 199154: discernable; 2001412: no period after ”dissee of paper); 2012411: monster; 201305: rythinal; 203219: plotte (typed to right edge of paper); 2033514: quarte (typed to right edge of paper); 207512: grasping; 207295: saw
Red Nails Text taken froustSeptember, and October 1936 (three-part serial)
The inco carbon has been consulted for the preparation of this edition: variations within the printed text are raphical errors
224211: Sailor's; 227179: period rather than coirl”; 228341: ”plowshare”
hyphenated at line break; 231171: ”love-” hyphenated at line break; 234185: has; 23517: Science (Howard's carbon has ”Silence”; cf 239711); 23853: Xotalancs; 239234: ”sword-thrust” hyphenated at line break; 243343: Xotalancs; 24821: ”battle-ground”
hyphenated at line break; 25035: restorted; 254136: ”nearby” hyphenated at line break; 2583811: ”sword-play” hyphenated at line break; 259137: ”throne-rooht” hyphenated at line break; 2672415: ”wrestling-match”
hyphenated at line break; 273178: Techultli
Untitled Notes Text taken froinal typescript, provided by Glenn Lord No changes have been made for this edition
Wolves Beyond the Border, Draft A Text taken froinal typescript, provided by Glenn Lord No changes have been made for this edition
Wolves Beyond the Border, Draft B Text taken froinal typescript, provided by Glenn Lord No changes have been er, Synopsis A Text taken froinal typescript, provided by Glenn Lord No changes have been er, Synopsis B 371
Text taken froinal typescript, provided by Glenn Lord No changes have been made for this edition
The Man-Eaters of Zainal typescript, provided by Glenn Lord No changes have been made for this edition
Red Nails, Draft Text taken froinal typescript, provided by Glenn Lord 32279: in the double- spaced typescript, the phrase ”a skeleton on a shelf” is inserted between the line ending with ”neither able to” and the next beginning with ”see above or below her” This was evidently added at a later moment and intended to be fleshed out in later drafts; 327196: the phrase ”Branches too light for spear handles and vines no thicker than cords” is inserted between lines of the double-spaced typescript with no indication of the intended insertion point
Letter to P Schuyler Miller Text taken fro of Conan, Gnome Press, 1950 36031: ”battlefield” hyphenated at line break
Thanks so an and especially Marcelo Anciano for believing inoil paint rather than black and white Many thanks to Irene Gallo for her support and wickedly exacting vision! And thanks to Greg and Miko at Gareat transparencies of the paintings
Gregory Manchess I would like to thank Rusty, Dave, Stuart, and Marcelo for uys to ith Without Glenn, these Conan books would never have been what they are; I can never repay you for your help and patience with ht for Peluche, as always there to prevent , I miss you And last, but definitely not least, all my love to Sheila, who accepted the presence of the Ci
Patrice Louinet Many thanks to Marcelo, Patrice, Stuart, David, Jim, and Ed it is an honor and a pleasure to ith such a doughty band of literary warriors To Glenn Lord, friend and , Gary, and Mark, for their outstanding depictions of the Cimmerian and his world To Bill Cavalier, staunchest of Howard purists andabout The Black Stranger To the members of the Robert E Howard United Press association, who have inspired reater effort for nearly a quarter century And, with much love, to Shelly, my soul and my heart's inspiration
Rusty Burke Thanks to Marcelo, Patrice, and Rusty for being so good at what they do andpaintings, all of which are fantastic Thanks also to Mandy, who keeps the hoets a kick out of seeing her nan for the extracurricular use of their studio; and, finally, to Siician with pen, pencil, brush, and Wacoh I find your al!
Stuart Williams I would like to thank Jack and Barbara Baum and Steve Saffel for their belief in a united Robert E Howard library Thanks also to Jian, Stuart, Ed Waterman, and Rusty for their support and special thanks to Nancy Delia for her sterling work on the book
And to Graziana, just because
Marcelo Anciano 374