Part 17 (1/2)

260 You will find in the 138th and 147th paragraphs ofthe book by yourselves, would strike you probably as each of theree inconsistent,--namely, that the school of color has exquisite character and sentiment; but is childish, cheerful, and fantastic; while the school of shade is deficient in character and sentiht and shade,” I say, ”is taken by ht and most earnest desire for truth”

The school of shade, I say, is deficient in character and sentielico's

Yet you s that Durer'swith questions, which no elico's mind than to that of a two-years-old baby

261 The two schools unite in various degrees; but are always distinguishably generic, the two headino The one, deficient in senti us by the want of it, but full of intellectual power and suggestion

The other, repeating ideas with so little reflection that he gets blaain, (Vasari); but exquisite in sentiment and the conditions of taste which it forms, so as to beco hi such a type of sentiment, too delicate to be felt by the latter practical land, that Goldsmith makes the admiration of him the test of absurd connoisseurshi+p But yet, with under-current of intellect, which gets hi, and therefore with under-current of entirely exquisite chiaroscuro

Light and shade, then, iination and the sentiment of them

262 In Turner's distinctive work, color is scarcely acknowledged unless under influence of sunshi+ne The sunshi+ne is his treasure; his lividest gloorets it, and reold, always light;--nothing is cheerful but sunshi+ne; wherever the sun is not, there is melancholy or evil Apollo is God; and all forms of death and sorrow exist in opposition to hiino's distinctive work,--and therefore I have given him the captain's place over all,--there is si

Every color is lovely, and every space is light The world, the universe, is divine: all sadness is a part of harloom, a part of peace



[BL] See note to the close of this article, p 156

[BM] The raven, however, like all dickens's aniry with the rest because I have every now and then to open the book to look for him

[BN] ”Laws of Fesole”

[BO] 2, Church Terrace, Richmond, Surrey NOTE--I have hitherto per he was asked to do; but, finding there is a run upon the vignettes of Loch Lomond and Derwent, I have forbidden hiet the least ood assistant, Mr Bunney, resident there, will become of s from which they arewith him at Verona, to catch record of Fra Giocondo's work in the sn in North Italy