Part 22 (1/2)
”Of course I can. Whatever makes you think that?”
” ye know what ails him?”
”Yes, I do. He's got C.C.N.”
”What's that?”
”Cerebrocortical necrosis. It's a brain disease.”
”It's a terrible big name. And his brain? It'll be a hopeless case?”
”Not a bit. I'm going to inject vitamin B into his vein. It usually works like a charm. Just hold his head for a moment. You see how it's bent over his back? That's called opisthotonos-typical of this condition.”
Siegfried quickly carried out the injection and got to his feet. ”One of us will be pa.s.sing your door tomorrow, so we'll look in. I'd like to bet he'll be a lot better.”
It was I who called next day and indeed the calf was up and eating. William Hawley was pleased.
”Must have been wonderful stuff Mr. Farnon gave 'im,” he said.
To him it was another miracle, but in his manner I sensed something of the deflation I had seen the day before when Siegfried fixed up his coat. His favourite vet had done the trick again, but I knew that in his heart there was still the wistful regret that he hadn't done it with that piece of string.
Chapter 32.
SIEGFRIED, LOUNGING BY THE fireside, was at his most expansive. ”Nice of you to drop in, James. Good to see you at any time-we don't get much chance to talk during the day, eh?”
I had called in at his home after an evening call nearby. He had pressed a drink on me and flopped down in the armchair, exuding bonhomie. ”Any problems?”
”No, no. I've just been to a milk fever at John Lancaster's. The cow was up when I left.”
”Ah, splendid, splendid. He's a nice chap, is John.”
”Yes, a good bloke. He was really pleased when I poked that beast in the rump and she staggered to her feet.”
”Excellent. The little triumphs of veterinary practice. I've had that sort of day, too-everything going well, and my word, isn't it grand to settle down by the fire on a cold night and relax with a quiet mind. What time is it?” He glanced up at the clock on the mantelpiece. ”Half past seven. Nice feeling to be off duty and looking forward to a few hours of peace.”
”That's right, Siegfried. I'm on. You're in the clear till tomorrow.” I sipped my drink and regarded him with affection.
He reached a long leg towards the fire and poked a log into place with a slippered toe. ”And there's another thing-it adds to the pleasure to have that television to look at.” He pointed to the new TV set flickering across at the other side of the hearth with the sound turned down. ”There's a lot of inverted sn.o.bbery going around-people talking about the goggle box and the idiot's lantern but I enjoy a lot of the programmes. I know it's a new-fangled thing in the Dales, but I tell you I've just been sitting here watching an interesting programme and I find it very soothing.”
He sank lower in his chair and stretched his legs to the blaze. ”I was at Derek Mattock's place this afternoon. They'd had a pig killing and they gave me a great pile of cuttings-spare-rib, liver, fillet-they are the most generous people.”
”Yes, you could say that about the Dales farmers in general. I'm always getting presents. b.u.t.ter, eggs, vegetables from their gardens.”
Siegfried nodded. ”How true. I had a long talk with Derek and he mentioned something I'd better tell you about. You promised to do some dehornings for him about a fortnight ago and he hasn't heard from you.” He gave me a quizzical look.
”Oh, d.a.m.n, yes! I'll get on to him tomorrow. The beasts aren't taking any harm, anyway.”
He smiled again from down among the cus.h.i.+ons. ”Yes, my boy. But you forgot, didn't you?”
”Yes, I suppose I did. But I'll put it right.”
”I'm sure you will, James.” He nodded gravely and was silent for a few moments. ”Strangely enough, there was something else in the same vein. Bob Hardy told me his tuberculin test was overdue. You said you'd do it last month.”
I shrugged. ”Oh, h.e.l.l, that's right. But it's only a week or two overdue. Not serious. I'll see to it.”
Siegfried gave me the smile again and wagged a finger. ”But you forgot, didn't you?”
”Okay, okay, but as I say...”
”If you'll excuse me, James, for just a moment.” He held up a hand. ”You are inclined to forget things quite frequently. It is a tiny flaw in an otherwise excellent character. There is no more conscientious and capable veterinary surgeon than yourself and yet being forgetful can project quite a different image. People can think you're not concerned about their animals, that you don't care.”
”Wait a minute...”
”Let me finish, James. This is for your own good.” He put his fingertips together. ”Forgetfulness is a trait that can be easily cured if you know how to go about it. These unfortunate incidents can be prevented if you simply impress on your mind right at the beginning what it is you want to remember.”
”My G.o.d, this is really rich...what about...?”
”One moment more, my dear chap. As I say, whenever you make an appointment, make a definite conscious effort to imprint that promise strongly on your mind. It's perfectly easy-I use this method regularly myself. You'll always remember that way.”
I was about to raise my strong objections to being lectured on forgetfulness by the most forgetful man in Yorks.h.i.+re when the phone rang.
Siegfried extended a languid arm and picked up the receiver. ”Ah, how are you, Wilf, my old friend?” His eyes were half closed as he burrowed deeper in the cus.h.i.+ons.
”I'm awright, Mr. Farnon,” came the full-throated reply. It was Wilf Bramley, president of the local farmers' discussion group. He was one of the old school who considered it helped the voice to carry across the miles if they shouted, and I could hear him clearly from where I sat. ”But I just 'ope you're awright, too.”
”I'm absolutely grand, Wilf,” Siegfried murmured, holding the receiver well away from his ear.
”Ah well, that's good. We just thowt something had happened to you.”
”Happened...? Why is that?”
”Well, the hall's full-packed to t'doors, and we were expectin' you half an hour ago. We worried you might have had an accident on your rounds.”
Siegfried snapped suddenly upright and his mouth fell open. ”Hall...?”
”Aye, there must be two hundred of us 'ere. You gave us such a grand talk last year I knew there'd be a lot wantin' to hear you again and they're all waitin' patiently. We can't start without t'speaker, tha knows! Heh-heh-heh!”
Siegfried's expression was haggard. He seemed to have aged several years in those few moments. ”I really am frightfully sorry, Wilf, I...”