Part 11 (1/2)

”And you're going to keep that animal here?”

”That's right.”

Siegfried took a long breath and let it out slowly through his nose, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he continued to look fixedly at our new a.s.sistant.

The young man was talking easily about his experience in practice, his pleasure at coming to a charming town like Darrowby, and about the things he could see in the garden.

He had started on the cake, but didn't bother to use the knife. Instead, he crumbled pieces off absently as he spoke. ”What a beautiful wistaria! Finest I've ever seen. There's a pretty little bullfinch, and surely that's a tree-creeper on your apple tree-not many of them about. And my word!”- popping a large chunk of sultana-laden comestible into his mouth-”I can see an albino blackbird over there. What a beauty!”

Siegfried was a keen naturalist and ornithologist and normally this conversation would have been right up his street, but he remained silent, his eyes straying unbelievingly from the badger to the dog and to the steadily disappearing cake.

Finally, Calum swept up the last few crumbs with his fingers-I had the impression that he had no interest in what he had eaten-and turned away from the window.

”Well, thank you very much. I'll get unpacked now if I may.”

I swallowed. ”Right, see you later.”

We went downstairs and Siegfried led me rapidly into the empty office. ”What the h.e.l.l have we got here, James? An a.s.sistant with a blasted badger round his neck! And a dog as big as a donkey!”

”Well, yes...but he seems to be a nice bloke.”

”Maybe so, but very strange. Did you see-he ate that whole b.l.o.o.d.y cake!”

”Yes, I saw. But he was very hungry; he hadn't eaten since yesterday.”

Siegfried stared at me. ”Not since yesterday! Are you sure?”

”Sure as I can be. He didn't seem to know himself.”

My partner groaned and slapped a hand against his forehead. ”Oh, G.o.d, we should have had an interview before we took this chap on. But he had such glowing references from the university. They said he was outstanding-I thought we couldn't go wrong.”

”You never know. He may be good at the job-that's what really counts.”

”Well, we'll have to hope so, but he's a b.l.o.o.d.y oddball and I sense trouble.”

I didn't say anything, but I had my own misgivings. John Crooks with all his great qualities was, at bottom, just an ordinary nice guy, but there was nothing ordinary about that dark-eyed young man upstairs.

The telephone interrupted my musings. I took the call and turned to Siegfried. ”That's Miles Horsley. He's got a heifer calving.”

My partner nodded, then pursed his lips thoughtfully. After a few moments he raised a decisive finger. ”Right, we'll send the new man. We've been wondering if he can do the job. This is our chance to find out.”

”Wait a minute, Siegfried,” I said. ”The young chap's newly qualified and this is Miles Horsley. He's an expert-you never get an easy calving there, and it's a heifer, too. It could be very tough. Maybe I'd better go.”

Siegfried shook his head vigorously. ”No, I want to find out what this fellow's made of and the sooner the better. Shout him down, will you?”

Calum received the instructions calmly, whistling softly as we pointed out the farm on the map. As he turned to go, Siegfried fired a parting shot. ”This could be a difficult job, but don't come back till you have calved that heifer. Do you understand?”

My blood froze but Calum didn't seem in the least put out. He nodded, gave us a casual wave of the hand and went out to his car.

After he had left, Siegfried turned to me with a grim smile. ”You may think I'm hard, James, but I don't want him coming back here in half an hour with the story that it's an unusual presentation and would we take over. No, in at the deep end, I say. It's the best way.”

I shrugged. I just hoped the new young man could swim.

That was around five thirty and by half past seven I was suffering from almost unbearable tension. Pictures of the hapless rookie rolling around on a byre floor, covered in blood and muck, swam through my mind and I found myself looking at my watch every five minutes. I had almost reached the stage of pacing the floor when Siegfried came in, carrying a little dog that had torn its flank and needed st.i.tching. ”How did Buchanan get on?” he asked.

”I don't know. He's not back yet.”

”Not back!” My partner gave me a level stare. ”Something's wrong, then. Let's get this dog st.i.tched, then one of us had better get out there and see what's going on.”

We were both silent as I anaesthetised the little animal and Siegfried began to clean out the wound. I knew we were thinking the same thing: it had been a mistake to send the new man out there.

As Siegfried inserted the sutures I noticed that he, too, kept glancing at his watch and it was just after eight o'clock when the operating room door opened and Calum Buchanan walked in.

My partner, needle poised, looked at him. ”Well...?”

”I'm afraid it was an impossible presentation,” Calum replied. ”Small heifer, huge calf with lateral deviation of the head. Right away back, out of reach. No way I could possibly calve her.”

Siegfried flushed and a dangerous light glinted in his eyes. ”So...?”

”So I did a Caesarean.”

”You did what?”

Calum smiled calmly. ”A Caesarean. It was the only thing to do. The calf was alive, so embryotomy was out of the question.”

Siegfried looked at him open-mouthed. ”And tell me...what...what happened?”

”Oh, pretty straightforward, really. The heifer was up and looking fine when I left, and we got a lovely live calf.”

”Well...well...” My partner seemed lost for words-the Caesarean operation on cows was a rare undertaking in the fifties-but finally his natural sense of justice rea.s.serted itself. ”Well, my boy, you've done a splendid job and I do congratulate you. It was your very first call as a qualified man, too. Well done indeed.”

The young man flashed his dark-eyed smile. ”Thank you very much.” He looked down at his hands. ”I could do with a bath now if you don't mind.”

”My dear chap, by all means. And get something to eat, too.”

As the door closed behind our new a.s.sistant my partner gave me a wide-eyed look. ”Well, what do you make of that?”

”Absolutely great!” I said. ”Anybody who can tackle a job like that when he's only just arrived must be good. My G.o.d, he's hardly had time to get his instruments sorted out in his car!”

”Yes... yes...” Siegfried's expression was preoccupied as he finished his st.i.tching and he didn't say anything as he put down his needle and went over to the basin against the wall to wash his hands. Then he turned to me suddenly. ”You know, I still can't quite believe it, James! Do you think he's having us on?”

I laughed. ”Oh, no, of course not. He wouldn't dare.”