Part 1 (2/2)

Outside, beneath the big crescent sign, Gene stopped to watch the crowds eddying in and out. Then he went in, to watch them cl.u.s.ter around the slot machines and bend in eager rows over the view slots of the peep shows.

He moved into the bar, dropped on one of the low stools. He ordered a beer and let his eyes drift around.

A man sat down beside him. He was husky, tough looking. ”Ain't you the guy who's been asking questions about the crews down at the Port?”

Gene felt it coming. He looked the man over. His heavy face was flushed with good living, eyes peculiarly direct of stare as if he was trying to keep them from roving suspiciously by force of will. He was well dressed, and his heavy hands twinkled with several rather large diamonds. The man went on: ”I can give you the information you want--for a price, of course.” He nodded toward an exit. ”Too public in here, though.”

Gene grinned without mirth as he thought, _move over Whiting--here I come_, and followed the man toward the door.

Outside the man waited, and Gene moved up close.

”You see, it's this way....”

Something exploded against Gene's skull. Even as fiery darkness closed down he knew he'd found _the way_. But only a stupid newspaperman would take it. d.a.m.n Carter!

Gene went out.

He seemed to be dreaming. Over him bent a repulsive, man-like face. But the man had fingernails growing on his chin where his whiskers should have been. And his eyes were funny--walled, as though he bordered on idiocy. In the dream, Gene felt himself strapped into a hammock. Then something pulled at him and made a terrible racket for a long time. Then it got very quiet except for a throbbing in his head. He went back to sleep.

She had on a starched white outfit, but it wasn't a nurse's uniform.

There wasn't much skirt, and what there was of it was only the back part. The neckline plunged to the waist and stopped there. It was a peculiar outfit for a nurse to be wearing. But it looked familiar.

Her soft hands fixed something over his eyes, something cold and wet. He felt grateful, but kept on trying to remember. Ah, he had it; the girls wore that kind of outfit in the Blue Moon in one of the skits they did, burlesquing a hospital. He took off the wet cloth and looked again.

She was a dream. Even with her lips rouge-scarlet, her cheeks pink with makeup, her eyes heavy with artifice.

”What gives, beautiful?” He was surprised at the weakness of his voice.

Her voice was hard, but nice, and it was bitter, as though she wanted hard people to know she knew the score, could be just a little harder.

”You're a s.p.a.ceman now! Didn't you know?”

Gene grinned weakly. ”I don't know a star from a street light. n.o.body gets on the s.p.a.ce crews these days--it's a closed union.”

Her laugh was full of a knowledge denied him. ”That's what I used to think!”

She began to unstrap him from the hammock. Then she pushed back his hair, prodded at the purple k.n.o.b on his head with careful fingertips.

”How come you're on this s.h.i.+p?” asked Gene, wincing but letting her fingers explore.

”Shanghaied, same as you. I'm from the Blue Moon. I stepped out between acts for a breath of fresh air, and wham, a sack over the head and here I am. They thought you might have a cracked skull. One of the monsters told me to check you. No doctor on the s.h.i.+p.”

Gene groaned. ”Then I didn't dream it--there is a guy on this s.h.i.+p with fingernails instead of a beard on his chin!”

She nodded. ”You haven't seen anything yet!”
