Part 21 (1/2)

”They need a teacher at a local school?”

”Well, we don't have a local schoola”yeta”but we do have young'uns in the area,” added Uncle Jake.

”Jake, why don't you talk to the neighbors at the next community gatherin'?” Aunt Molly went on, then she turned to her brother-in-law. ”We don't have a church yet, but we meet for Bible lessons once a montha”turnabouta”in one of the neighbor's homes.”

”Papa,” cried Ariana, ”why don't you start a church?”

Four pairs of eyes turned on George Benson. They all looked eager. Anxious.

He shook his head slowly. ”I'd have to do a lot of praying about that,” he said slowly. ”G.o.d hasn't shown me that my work in Smithton is finished yet.”

There were looks of disappointment, followed by nods of a.s.sent. Certainly he had to follow the will of G.o.d.

”But we do need a school,” went on Aunt Molly. ”Jake, you talk to the neighbors.”

Jake nodded. There was no harm in discussing it.

”I can't believe you broughta”everything,” Ariana said to her mother as she carefully unpacked her belongings and stacked them in the chest of drawers Aunt Molly had provided.

”I didn't know when youamight beahome again,” said her mother slowly. ”I didn't want to put you in jeopardy.”

”I really don't think they'd everatake me again,” said Ariana thoughtfully. ”I meanatheir reason is gone now.”

”Reasona”what was the reason? I never have understood it.”

Ariana sat down, her eyes misty. She patted the bed beside her for her mother to join her.

”It's a long story,” she managed. ”You really want to hear it?”

Her mother nodded and took the seat on the bed.

”Wella” Ariana took a deep breath. She was finally going to get to tell her mother about Laramie. She welcomed the opportunity. They had always shared secrets. She could hardly wait to speak of him, for she knew instinctively that her mother would somehow understand the real man.

But even as she opened her mouth to begin, a little part of her held herself in check. What could she say to her mother? How much of her inner thoughts did she dare to reveal? Laramie was a wanted man. Yet Laramie wasa”a special man. Would she dare to confide in her mother that she thoughta”that she supposed she had fallen in love with her captor?

”Why did you bring this?” asked Ariana, her eyes wide with question.

”It's yours,” answered her mother simply.

”But I don't need ita”now,” returned Ariana.

She heard her mother sigh. ”Ariana,” she said, ”I'm not sure when I will be able to make this trip again. And when a girl reaches your ageathenaone never knows just whena””

Ariana was not sure how she should respond. She was saved by the bedroom door opening. Aunt Molly stuck her head in.

”Tea's ready,” she called merrily. Then she saw the gown in Ariana's hands. She pushed the door open and stepped in.

”What a beautiful dress!” she exclaimed. ”Oha”my. Where'd you ever get it?”

Ariana let her hand slide over the material. It was beautiful. The most beautiful thing she had ever seen.

”It was my mama's wedding gown,” Ariana answered simply.

Aunt Molly turned her eyes toward her sister-in-law.

”Oh, not mine,” Laura Benson was quick to explain. ”Ariana's birth mama. It was rescued from the wagon train after the raid. Ariana's second mamaa”Lucy Millarda”saved it for her. It was one of the few thingsa” Her voice trailed off.

Aunt Molly stared at her with horror-filled eyes. Then she turned back to the gown. ”Well, it sure is a beautiful thing. I've never seen such a pretty dress in all my days.”

”Yes,” said Ariana softly. ”It is beautiful. When I was little I used to dream about the daya”” She stopped. She wasn't sure now if she ever wanted to wear the gown.

”What is it made of?” asked Aunt Molly.

”It's satina”satin overlaid with lacea”Spanish lace, Aunt Lucy told me,” replied Ariana. ”It was imported. Brought over special. Just for the gown.”

”One sleevea”” began Aunt Molly, reaching her hand out to the gown.

”One cuff is missing,” Laura Benson filled in. ”See the way it is madea”this big puffed sleeve nipped into this slender cuff that reaches to the wrist. This cuffa”on this sidea”b.u.t.tons on with these tiny little b.u.t.tons. That cuff must have been lost at the timea. It'll need to be repaired before Arianaa””

”I wonder if one can find matching lace,” began Aunt Molly, who loved to sew.

”Oh, I don't think so,” went on Laura Benson. ”Lucy said she watched for materiala”and I've looked too. Mind you, I've not been to the bigger cities, but it was special materiala”ordered just for that gown. Imported, like Ariana said. No, I don't think one would ever match it.”

”It's a shame,” mused Aunt Molly, still studying the beautiful lace and the missing cuff.

”I've thought that one could just make two new cuffsa”of satin. It wouldn't be quite as elegant, but it would do just fine. It's still the most beautiful wedding gowna””

”Well, there's plenty of time to be thinking on that,” said Ariana suddenly. ”I have no plans.”

She began to fold up the gown with trembling hands.

”Is something wrong?”

Ariana stirred at the sound of her mother's voice. She did not know how long she had been sitting, gazing off into s.p.a.ce, her thoughts far from the little log home that belonged to her aunt and uncle.

”What do you mean?” she managed to reply.

”I don't know. You just seemedamiles away. Ratheraforlorn.”

Ariana stirred listlessly again.

Her mother sat down beside her and placed a hand on her arm.

”I've noticeda”somethinga”ever since we arrived. What is it?”

”I'maI'm not sure,” Ariana began. ”Perhaps Iajust miss the schoola”the students. My friends from church. If I could have gone back homea””