Part 19 (2/2)

Eleanor made no answer, and Mr. Slope, in the eagerness of his address, edged his chair a little nearer to the widow's seat, unperceived by her.

”Such being so,” continued Mr. Slope, ”I cannot ask him this question as I can ask it of you. In spite of my delinquencies since I came to Barchester you have allowed me to regard you as a friend.” Eleanor made a little motion with her head which was hardly confirmatory, but Mr. Slope if he noticed it, did not appear to do so. ”To you I can speak openly and explain the feelings of my heart. This your father would not allow. Unfortunately, the bishop has thought it right that this matter of the hospital should pa.s.s through my hands. There have been some details to get up with which he would not trouble himself, and thus it has come to pa.s.s that I was forced to have an interview with your father on the matter.”

”I am aware of that,” said Eleanor.

”Of course,” said he. ”In that interview Mr. Harding left the impression on my mind that he did not wish to return to the hospital.”

”How could that be?” said Eleanor, at last stirred up to forget the cold propriety of demeanour which she had determined to maintain.

”My dear Mrs. Bold, I give you my word that such was the case,” said he, again getting a little nearer to her. ”And what is more than that, before my interview with Mr. Harding, certain persons at the palace--I do not mean the bishop--had told me that such was the fact.

I own, I hardly believed it; I own, I thought that your father would wish on every account, for conscience' sake, for the sake of those old men, for old a.s.sociation and the memory of dear days long gone by, on every account I thought that he would wish to resume his duties. But I was told that such was not his wish, and he certainly left me with the impression that I had been told the truth.”

”Well!” said Eleanor, now sufficiently roused on the matter.

”I hear Miss Bold's step,” said Mr. Slope; ”would it be asking too great a favour to beg you to--I know you can manage anything with Miss Bold.”

Eleanor did not like the word manage, but still she went out and asked Mary to leave them alone for another quarter of an hour.

”Thank you, Mrs. Bold--I am so very grateful for this confidence.

Well, I left your father with this impression. Indeed, I may say that he made me understand that he declined the appointment.”

”Not the appointment,” said Eleanor. ”I am sure he did not decline the appointment. But he said that he would not agree--that is, that he did not like the scheme about the schools and the services and all that. I am quite sure he never said that he wished to refuse the place.”

”Oh, Mrs. Bold!” said Mr. Slope in a manner almost impa.s.sioned. ”I would not for the world say to so good a daughter a word against so good a father. But you must, for his sake, let me show you exactly how the matter stands at present. Mr. Harding was a little flurried when I told him of the bishop's wishes about the school. I did so perhaps with the less caution because you yourself had so perfectly agreed with me on the same subject. He was a little put out and spoke warmly. 'Tell the bishop,' said he, 'that I quite disagree with him--and shall not return to the hospital as such conditions are attached to it.' What he said was to that effect; indeed, his words were, if anything, stronger than those. I had no alternative but to repeat them to his lords.h.i.+p, who said that he could look on them in no other light than a refusal. He also had heard the report that your father did not wish for the appointment, and putting all these things together, he thought he had no choice but to look for someone else. He has consequently offered the place to Mr. Quiverful.”

”Offered the place to Mr. Quiverful!” repeated Eleanor, her eyes suffused with tears. ”Then, Mr. Slope, there is an end of it.”

”No, my friend--not so,” said he. ”It is to prevent such being the end of it that I am now here. I may at any rate presume that I have got an answer to my question, and that Mr. Harding is desirous of returning.”

”Desirous of returning--of course he is,” said Eleanor; ”of course he wishes to have back his house and his income and his place in the world; to have back what he gave up with such self-denying honesty, if he can have them without restraints on his conduct to which at his age it would be impossible that he should submit. How can the bishop ask a man of his age to turn schoolmaster to a pack of children?”

”Out of the question,” said Mr. Slope, laughing slightly; ”of course no such demand shall be made on your father. I can at any rate promise you that I will not be the medium of any so absurd a requisition. We wished your father to preach in the hospital, as the inmates may naturally be too old to leave it, but even that shall not be insisted on. We wished also to attach a Sabbath-day school to the hospital, thinking that such an establishment could not but be useful under the surveillance of so good a clergyman as Mr. Harding, and also under your own. But, dear Mrs. Bold, we won't talk of these things now. One thing is clear: we must do what we can to annul this rash offer the bishop has made to Mr. Quiverful. Your father wouldn't see Quiverful, would he? Quiverful is an honourable man, and would not for a moment stand in your father's way.”

”What?” said Eleanor. ”Ask a man with fourteen children to give up his preferment! I am quite sure he will do no such thing.”

”I suppose not,” said Slope, and he again drew near to Mrs. Bold, so that now they were very close to each other. Eleanor did not think much about it but instinctively moved away a little. How greatly would she have increased the distance could she have guessed what had been said about her at Plumstead! ”I suppose not. But it is out of the question that Quiverful should supersede your father--quite out of the question. The bishop has been too rash. An idea occurs to me which may perhaps, with G.o.d's blessing, put us right. My dear Mrs.

Bold, would you object to seeing the bishop yourself?”

”Why should not my father see him?” said Eleanor. She had once before in her life interfered in her father's affairs, and then not to much advantage. She was older now and felt that she should take no step in a matter so vital to him without his consent.

”Why, to tell the truth,” said Mr. Slope with a look of sorrow, as though he greatly bewailed the want of charity in his patron, ”the bishop fancies that he has cause of anger against your father. I fear an interview would lead to further ill-will.”

”Why,” said Eleanor, ”my father is the mildest, the gentlest man living.”

”I only know,” said Slope, ”that he has the best of daughters. So you would not see the bishop? As to getting an interview, I could manage that for you without the slightest annoyance to yourself.”

”I could do nothing, Mr. Slope, without consulting my father.”
