Part 20 (1/2)
”I'm not having her in the club again,” Ma said. ”I'm not having anyone here who talks.”
Eddie started to say something, then seeing the evil look in Ma's eyes, he stopped. He remembered Anna had asked who the girl had been in Slim's room. If he told Anna Ma wouldn't have her in the club, Anna might turn nasty. She might even start talking about this girl. He knew if he told Ma this, she would get Flynn to knock Anna off.
Ma saw by his expression that he was uneasy and worried about something.
”What's on your mind?” she asked, staring at him.
”Look, Ma,” Eddie said, ”so far we have got away with murder. We have this club: we have all the money in the world and we're sitting pretty. But for how long? Okay, Anna talked and it looked like the setup was going to blow up in our faces. We had to knock off Johnny and this newspaper guy. So we're now sitting pretty again, but for how long, Ma?”
Ma moved restlessly. She knew what Eddie was driving at. There came a tap on the door and Doc Williams came in! His face was flushed. Ma could see he had been drinking again.
”What happened?” he asked as he sat down near Ma.
”It's all fixed,” Ma said. ”You've got nothing to worry about.”
”Until the next time,” Eddie said. ”Why don't you get smart, Ma? So long as the girl is here, we're sitting on dynamite.”
”Are you telling me what to do?” Ma snarled, glaring at him.
”That's what I'm trying to do,” Eddie said. ”We would be in the clear with not a thing to worry about if it wasn't for the Blandish girl. Why did we have to knock Johnny off? Because we were scared the cops would bust in here and find the girl. If she wasn't here, we could have let the cops in and we could have laughed at them.”
Doc took out a handkerchief and wiped his sweating face.
”He's right, Ma,” he said. ”So long as she's here we're vulnerable.”
Ma got to her feet and began to pace up and down while Eddie and Doc watched her.
”Couldn't she have a heart attack?” Eddie asked Doc. ”Slim wouldn't know you had anything to do with it.” He was putting his finger right on the problem. He knew both Ma and Doc were frightened of Slim.
Ma stopped prowling. She stared at Doc.
”I could give her something,” Doc said. He looked appealingly at Ma. ”I don't like doing it, Ma, but we just can't keep her here any longer.”
Ma hesitated.
”Would Slim know?”
”He couldn't prove anything,” Doc said. ”She'd die in her sleep. He--he'd find her dead.”
Ma looked at the desk clock.
”He'll be back in a couple of hours.” She stood hesitating, looking from Eddie to Doc and back to Eddie again.
”We've got to do it, Ma,” Eddie said.
Ma sat down. Her great hands turned into fists.
”Yes, we've got to do it.” She looked at Doc. ”You fix it, Doc. When you've done it, get out and stay away until late. Let him find her. I'll tell him I haven't been near her. You keep away too, Eddie.”
Eddie drew in a long deep breath. It would be all right now, he was thinking. Once the Blandish girl was dead, Anna could come back to the club.
Doc stood, hesitating, sweating and scared.
”Get going,” Ma said to him. ”The sooner it's done now, the better. Don't sit there like an old fool. This had to happen. Get going.”
Doc got slowly to his feet and went out of the room.
”And you get out,” Ma said to Eddie. ”I don't want you around until ten tonight. Go to a movie or something, but keep out of the way.”
”Okay, Ma,” Eddie said and started for the door, then he paused. ”When she's gone, it'll be okay for Anna to work here, Ma?”
”Yes, it'll be okay,” Ma said.
She moved slowly to her desk and sat down. Eddie watched her.
”I'll have to find Slim another girl,” Ma said. ”He's got the taste for girls now.”
Eddie grimaced.
”That won't be so easy,” he said.
Ma's face crinkled into a cynical smile.
”I'll find someone,” she said. ”You can do anything if you have enough money.”
Eddie went out. He saw Doc Williams going up the stairs. He was glad he hadn't to do the job. He felt sorry for the Blandish girl. She had had a tough break. As he walked across the courtyard to where he had parked his car, he was thinking she would be better off dead anyway.
He got into his car. There was a movie he wanted to see. He'd take a look at it, then he would pick Anna up for dinner.
As he drove away, two detectives, acting on Brennan's instructions, took up positions where they could watch the entrance of the club without being seen.
Slim stood at the foot of the stairs looking up at Ma.
Flynn and Woppy were behind and to the right of Slim. There was an expression on Ma's face that Flynn had never seen before. He had never thought of Ma as being old. It came as a shock to him now as he looked at her to realize just how old she was.
Slim knew something bad had happened. He too had never seen this slack, defeated look on Ma's raddled face. ”What's the matter?” he demanded. ”What are you looking like that for?”
Ma didn't say anything. One of her great hands rested on the banister rail, gripping it so tightly her knuckles were white.
”Say something!” Slim yelled at her. ”What's the matter?”
Ma thought: when I tell him, he'll kill me. If only Eddie was here. Eddie is the only one who has the guts to stop him. Flynn won't. Flynn will stand by and watch him kill me.