Part 11 (1/2)
”You will not surrender yourself?” she asked, very white.
”If he be dead...” I began, but could not finish for trembling.
”He is not dead, I think,” she interrupted hastily, and went back to the stair, whence she soon returned with the lamp, which she set down upon a hogshead, and then bent over the wounded man.
”A kerchief,” she said, briefly, ”a scarf; something linen if you have it.”
I tore off a strip from my sleeve and with that she staunched the worst. We made a compress of my band, drenching it in cold water, and for tightness buckled my belt upon it, which I gave her.
”There is burnt wine in yonder firkin,” she said, and I fetched a draught in the cup of my two hands.
When he sighed we looked at each other, and I said--
”Who is he?”
”It is Master Guido Malpas,” she whispered, and added, ”I am glad you have not killed him.”
But that speech went near spoiling all, seeing that I had gone into that tourney her champion.
”Ay, there would have been another tale to tell,” I returned very bitterly, ”had your rafters been set but a span higher.”
”Oh, you mistake me, Mr. Denis (I think they call you so),” said she, and bent low over the wounded man again. ”I mean I am glad your kindness to me hath not run so far as you must needs have wished to recall it.”
It is a maid's voice more than her words that comforts a man, and so, scarce had she spoken but I saw I had misjudged her.
”Denis is my name,” I said eagerly, ”but tell me yours now.”
”You have heard it, and used it too,” she answered smiling. ”'Tis Avenon.”
”Ay, but the other?” I cried.
She paused before she told me ”Idonia.”
”He loves you?” I said very quick, and nodded toward Malpas.
”He saith so.”
”Doth he often trouble you thus?”
”I fear him,” she said so low I could scarce hear her.
”But your father?” said I, ”or your brothers? Have you none to protect you?”
”My father was slain in a sea-battle long since,” she told me, ”when he went in the _Three Half Moons_ with others that traded with the Seville merchants, but falling in with a fleet of Turkey, they were nearly all taken prisoners, but my father was killed.”
”You were a child then?” I asked her, and she said she was but an infant; and that her mother was long since dead also, and that she had no brothers.
She seemed as though she were about to add more, but just then the sick man revived, opening his eyes and gazing upon us as one that seemed to consider how we twain should be together in such a place. I got up from where I had been kneeling beside him and stood to stretch myself; but was surprised to find how painful my own hurts were, which I had almost forgotten to have received. I suppose Idonia saw me flinch, for she suddenly cried out, ”Mr. Denis, Mr. Denis, I will come to you,” and leaving Malpas where he lay, rose and came over to me, when she took me very gently by the arm and made me sit, as indeed I needed little persuasion to do. Howbeit I was (as I have said) scarcely scratched, and should have felt foolish at the elaborate business she made of it, had not her hair been so near to my lips.