Chapter 6 (1/2)

Chapter 6 : Spirit Defense Force 6

“Why won’t you pick it up? It’s not like you to be so calculating”

To put it into words, I can not sympathize Leonard Cole I can not put up with the suy

But it is not e him It is the role of the court I won’t make a mistake here and I have no plan to make one

Because of this realization, I ae on Leonard I am not sympathetic “There are others like you out there A few, but they are out there I have been seeing your kind for too much ever since I was a child

As long as there is a target in front of me, I couldn’t bully or strike others, the so-called ordinary people

Maybe it’s because I’ or just because of spontaneous pity, but I always have so to stop my own conduct

My training in the military is primarily to scrape down such huht

But, someone like you do not have any hu You must have left them somewhere when you were born Their creed is “I will always step on souideline for action, you only use pure calculation You only take an action if you judge you cannot receive harm from it

There is no risk associated with bullying Ogiwara for you, so you can bully hiht process, was it not?

You beat him, kicked him, and took his money

You knew he didn’t really have leefully trashed the place where he lived with the old man Did you really want him to suffer that much?

But, now he died And Your fun time is over Your father cannot hide your crimes anymore At last the time has come for you to pay for what you have done

And even so, on’t you accept the blue badge that ive you some symphathy if even just a little?

Looking at your normal attitude, it’s not like you at all Please tell ainst your father?“

“Shut up, shut up, shut up That guy… even though he’s dead, how do I say this… Insects arethan him Merely bullied like that and he already breaks Hh Really, until the end, he’s such a useless person”

Everyone, including me, in this roos dictate


“Corporal, stop it!”

Before I can stop her, Corporal Elizabeth had already hit Leonard hard

“I’ll release a statement that the one who hit the suspect was from the defense force, not from the police I’m really, trully sorry”

I apologize to Officer Fiona and Sergeant Miles

I put Corporal Elizabeth outside the room Maybe a spirit just doesn’t have self-control How troublesome