Part 14 (1/2)
They grinned at each other, aht processes were
”We'd better approach froreed ”Suppose we cross to the eastern shore, then walk up until we're in sight of the house It's close to the northern tip, anyway”
It was alhts appeared in the houses south of thehts showed far up the beach where the fancy froghts anywhere on the island
”Just two houses occupied,” Rick said
”We'll probably havethe week end,” Scotty answered ”The people in the house south of us must have left, but they h the pal sky There was a slight breeze, just enough to make the palms whisper It reh The reef wasswells that had come all the way across the Atlantic sounded like subdued thunder as they broke It was dark now, and only the white of the breaking water could be seen
They walked up the eastern shore until the lights of the frogmen's house were directly opposite, then turned toward it,with caution
”Take it easy,” Rick whispered ”They may be outside”
As they drew closer they could see that the lights were in the front rooht that cah open inner doors
”Wait” Scotty whispered ”I'll see if they're out front”
Rick sat down to wait as Scotty vanished Few could equal his pal when it caly short time Scotty reappeared ”No one out front,” he reported ”They're all in the living rooether they walked swiftly and silently to the rear of the house The door of the roo rooaht of a kerosene lamp Rick studied the face of a heavy-set, dark-hairedhim The man wore a T shi+rt that displayed the heavy muscles of arms and chest
His face was square-jawed and powerful, the eyes set deep under bushy eyebrows His hair was short and curly, sprinkled with gray He looked like one used to coination pictured hi his cutthroat creith iron fists
The others were not visible through the door The boys moved silently to the side of the house and drew back so they could look through the living-roo, perhaps in his twenties, and he had an unruly shock of blond hair Once he , but a scar crossed a nose that had been badly broken
The third man sat with his back to them Rick touched Scotty's sleeve and they went around the house via the back The vieas blocked by an open door
Scotty put his lips close to Rick's ear ”The front”
Rick led the way, ht spilled out of the front s and the open front door They reached a vantage point and looked in The third man was clearly visible The boys reached for each other at the samefound the _Water Witch_ anchored on the reef close to the place where the boys had found the bar shot There was no sign of activity at the fancy frogmen's house, and the boat was tied up as it had been the previous evening Apparently they were late sleepers
The Spindrifters tossed coins to see ould make the first dive, and the lot fell to Rick and Tony They donned their equipun while Tony selected a wrecking bar from his equipment
It took ten ain
This ti a float to a projection and unwinding line while the float rose to the surface
Tony started at one end of thebar Rick joined his rose to envelop theh so they could see, then Tony hooted his triumph The pull had exposed rotted timbers This had to be a shi+p! But was it the _Maiden Hand_?