Part 4 (2/2)
”Better not go there,” says a young urchin in the crowd; ”a man was stabbed down there last night.”
Encouraging; but we enter, and grope along about a hundred feet, and a door opens on the right, the girl we have followed darts out, up like a cat, over a high fence, on to a roof, up that, into a garret window, with a wild laugh and ringing words, ”You didn't do it this time, you old Protestant thief, did you? You want to catch me, to send me to 'the Island.' I know you, you old missionary villain you. I heard Father Phelan tell what you want to do with the poor folks at the Points; you want to turn them out of house and home, and build up your grand houses, and make them all go to hear you preach your lies; you do, you old heretic, but you didn't catch me. I'll plague you again to-morrow.”
We entered her home--the home that the missionary was trying to turn her out of. Can it be possible that human nature can cling to such a home, and refuse to be turned out, or occupy a better one.
The room is one of a ”row,” along the narrow dark corridor we entered, half sunken below the ground, with another just such another row overhead, each ten or twelve feet square, with a door and one little window upon this narrow alley which is the only yard; at the end of which there is a contagion-breeding temple of Cloacina, common to all.
In ”the house” that we enter, a man lies helplessly drunk upon a dirty rug on the floor; a woman, too much overcome to rise, sits propped up in one corner. There is altogether, perhaps, fifty cents worth of furniture and clothing in the room.
And this is the loved home of one of the smartest, brightest, most intelligent little girls in this G.o.d-forsaken neighborhood.
The missionary made known his errand and was told that he might do anything he pleased with the girl, if he would catch her and tame her.
”For,” said her mother, ”what do we want with her at home--_at home_!--She is never here, only to sleep.”
Only to sleep! Where did she sleep? On the damp, bare floor, of course, where else could she sleep in that home?
The next morning various devices were contrived to catch her, to force her into a better home. All failed.
When did force ever succeed with one of her s.e.x?
If the serpent had _bid_ our first mother to eat the apple, she would have thrown it down the villain's throat, splitting his forked tongue in its pa.s.sage.
Finally it was arranged that a boy, noted as ”a runner,” should stand behind the door, and when she came with her jibes, sometimes provoking mirth, and sometimes ire, he should jump out and catch her.
”Catch me if you can!” and away went she, away went he, under this cart and over that. Now he will have her--his hand is outstretched to seize his chase--vain hope--she drops suddenly in his path, and he goes headlong down a cellar. When he came up there was a great shout, and a great many dirty bare-footed girls about, but that one was nowhere in sight. So back he goes, enters the door; and a wild laugh follows him close upon his heels.
”You didn't catch me this time, did you? Don't you want another race?
Ha, ha, ha.”
And away she went, singing:
”Up, up, and away with the rising sun, The chase is now before ye; Up, up and away with hound and gun, The chase is now before ye.”
It was a chase that cunning must catch, strength could not win.
Everybody said she never could be caught and tamed. She had run wild all her young years. She was not by nature vicious, but she was most incorrigibly mischievous. She was, so everybody said, and he ought to know, beyond the hope of redemption. Yet everybody was mistaken. Reader, you already know this girl, for this is ”Wild Maggie, of the Five Points.” This is the kind, sweet, tender-hearted Margaret, you have read of in a former chapter, ministering to the wants of that poor widow and dest.i.tute children, living in comfort, with neatness and industry, and her father, in a happy home; and that father the poor, miserable, wretched, besotted drunkard, whom we found in that wretched hole, in that dark alley in Centre street.
What a change!
It was a change for good. It was a deed of mercy to redeem such a child as this from a course of life that has but one phase--one worse than useless object--one wretched termination.
What magic power had wrought this change?
Words of kindness, charity, hope, teachings of the happiness attendant on virtue, religion, industry; by these the worst can be redeemed.