Part 37 (1/2)

Edge. Thomas Blackthorne 38270K 2022-07-22

”Aren't they? You've hired these guys for a reason. Something frightened you.”

”Oh, my G.o.d.”

”Your opponents think you're cracking up, which is why they're moving against you, subverting your shareholders and mounting takeover bids. Am I right?”

”Just who are you, Mr c.u.mberland?”

”Perhaps one of your security folk can tell you about Ghost Force, and the kind of people it turns out. I mostly do corporate training, including system security, not hunting for runaways.”

”My friend Adam recommended your a.s.sociates, but how can I know whether to trust them?”

By a.s.sociates, Broomhall meant Geordie Biggs and his freelancers.

”This Adam was the person who introduced you to Dr d.u.c.h.esne?”

”That b.i.t.c.h. Yes.”

It would be better for Josh's plans to say nothing about Suzanne, for Broomhall to a.s.sume there was no connection between them. That would be good strategically. But the battlefield was one thing; how he felt about Suzanne was something else.

”She gave Richard confidence to leave a bad situation. She probably saved his life, since he was about to go up against a blade. In St Michael's, I mean.”

”But the school... No, they wouldn't allow it.””Don't you remember being a kid?” said Josh. ”How much of what went on around you was hidden from teachers and other adults? How much, Broomhall?”

”I... Christ. Oh, Jesus Christ.”

Josh smiled. ”I believe your son is an atheist. Did you know that?”

”What do you mean? He's too young to have any... Oh. Are you a father, Mr c.u.mberland?”

A stillness curled around Josh; a silence coalesced.

”My daughter's lying brain-dead in a hospital bed. Your son is safe. Don't think you're the worst parent in the world, Mr Broomhall, because you're not.”

Josh hadn't expected to reveal anything about himself. That was not how the game was played.

”I'm sorry.” Broomhall rubbed his eyes, then held out his hand. ”My name's Philip. Pleased to meet you.”

It took a moment.

”I'm Josh.” He reached out. ”Good to finally meet you, Philip.”

”Just don't ever call me Phil. I hate that.”

”I promise I won't.”

The physical attack had been a botched kidnapping, not an attempt, and it had taken place near Moscow. Josh had known something must have happened, and that was it: a failed s.n.a.t.c.h on Russian soil. But the problem had not been local.

”I've done nothing to p.i.s.s off the Russians,” Philip told Josh. ”If anything, I'm making a great deal of money for everyone.”

”No victims? No one losing their jobs, their land polluted by waste, compulsory purchase orders on their homes so someone can build corporate premises?”

”Actually no. Not as far as I know, and I do investigate.”

”So you think it was someone employed by Tyndall, taking you out on foreign soil?”

”It would be the final straw. My whole group of companies would collapse, while Tyndall and his friends would plunder the remnants.”

”You'd never prove a connection,” said Josh. ”There'd be so many corporate layers and cutouts, the trail would break long before you could prove that Tyndall said something to someone that resulted in a criminal act.”

”That's what Adam told me.”

”This Adam, do you trust him in your gut? I mean, free of doubts, straight from instinct?”


”All right. Without Dr d.u.c.h.esne's help, I could never have found Richard. If you agree he's unharmed, I want you to drop the lawsuit action.”

”I... She helped?”

”If Richard needs saving, she's the one to do it.”

”Christ.” Philip curled his lower lip beneath his top teeth. ”So my atheist son needs saving. You want to know something funny?”


”I thought of going to see her myself. You know, making the appointment for Richard, but then I would show up myself. Because ever since Elena died... Well.”

”Maybe you can do that later.”

”Yes, maybe.” Philip looked down, then up at Josh. ”You didn't like it that I insulted Dr d.u.c.h.esne, did you?”


”All right. So you think I shouldn't see Richard. But I want to talk to him.”

”Of course.” Josh reached inside his pocket, and pulled out another phone. ”We'll call you on this.”

”Look, Mr... Josh. I believe you have Richard and he's safe, although exactly why I believe you, G.o.d knows. But why keep him away? This place is a fortress.”

”Yes, and inside it all alone, you could easily be cracking up, hitting the booze and going nuts, worried about your missing son.”