Volume II Part 37 (1/2)
TOKYO, November, 1898
DEAR MRS FENOLLOSA,--I see that my little word ”sympathy”--used, of course, in the fine French sense of fellow-feeling in matters _not_ of the common--was as true as I could wish it
_I_ aive thanks,--and very earnest thanks; for I confess that I felt a little nervous about your opinion Independently of the personal quality which makes it so precious for eneral way, the opinion of a number of cultured ladies whom I never have seen, and never shall see, but who are much more important as critics than any editors,--for they _azines, but in social circles And I was a little bit afraid of my new venture in ”Retrospectives” I picked out the little piece sent you, because it had a japanese subject as a hanging-peg,--so that I thought you and the professor would feelit
Well, you are one of my Rewards in this world: I don't know that I can expect any better return than your letter for a year's work on a book,--and I certainly do not want anything better In this particular case too, with a new venture, encouragement is positively a benefit as well as a pleasure In other cases, it ht make me too well satisfied with my work, and tempt me to be careless, or at least less careful
I see Mr Edwards has gone; and I aain,--for he is in every way a entleman Probably we shall have a book from him some day; and it will not be a common book, for that man is incapable of the _common_: he will think hard, work solidly, and put his own square-set Oxford self into every thought It will certainly be interesting
My best thanks for that volu for Watson; and there are bits in that book of delightful worth I shall venture to i it just a ”weeny” bit longer,--to copy a verse or two
I sprained o, and after a week in bed and bandages, ain, but I aerous after dark soood; for my next book is almost ready for the publisher
And now that you understandnew--at least understand theh to write me so very pleasant a letter,--I a so rare a visitor I as till the hatching is done and the shells are broken With all best wishes and thanks,
Very truly yours, LAFCADIO HEARN
TOKYO, November, 1898
DEAR McDONALD,--I have your precious letter It caistry-business being neglected--but I thought it my duty to make the remark As one of my students says: ”A friend is a man to who to tell you so much more than ”suspicions” I think it time;--and I want you to listen, and to think over it
You do not understand my situation
One reason that you do not understand is because you are a bachelor Another reason is because you are a naval officer _and_ a bachelor,--consequently to a considerable degree independent of social conventions of the smaller and meaner kind
I am in a somewhat critical position and time Don't make any mistake about it Small as I am, I have mountains to lift; and if you do not realize it, you cannot help it, but can only get your fingers crushed
Only your fingers--mind! but that will hurt more than you think
Here is my fix: I have ”down upon me”--
I Society Civilized society conspires to starve certain men to death
It ed men; I may become one yet
II I have down on me the Church By Church, you must not think of the Roman, Greek, Episcopalian, etc, persuasions,--but all Christendo in every shape Do not be deceived by a few kindly notes about enuine,--but they signify absolutely nothing against the great dead weight of more orthodox opinion As Professor Huxley says, no man can tell the force of a belief until he has had the experience of fighting it Good! Church and Society together are pretty vigorous, you will acknowledge
III The English and American Press in combination,--the press that represents critical opinion in London as well as in New York Don't ed by the publishers The policy is to praise the work--because that brings advertise combination, rather On my side I have a brave Aood will of the japanese Governuely aware that ood
Now you may say, ”How important the little mite thinks himself,--the cynosure of the world!” But that would be hasty thinking I am pretty much in the position of a book-keeper known to have once embezzled, or of a man who has been in prison, or of a prostitute who has been on the street These are, none of them, you will confess, _important_ persons But what keeps them in their holes? Society, Church, and public opinion--the Press No et the whole world's attention _if_ he does certain things Talent signifies nothing Talent starves in the streets, and dies in the ginhouse Talent helps no one not in some way independent of society _Temporarily_, I _am_ thus independent
At this moment the pressure is very heavy--perhaps never will be much heavier Why? Because I have excited soht succeed You eneral, or anybody in special, _thinks out these thoughts_ Not at all
Society, Church, and Press work blindly, instinctively,--like machinery set in motion to keep a level smooth The machinery feels the least projection, and tries to flatten it out of existence,--without even considering what itmakes no difference