Volume II Part 32 (1/2)
TOKYO, February, 1898
DEAR FRIEND,--Two or threeof pleasure--a di very pleasant had occurred the day before Then I remembered that the pleasure had co, nevertheless, day after day, in consequence partly of the conviction that such a letter should not be answered in a dull e work this past week has beena study of subjects that I thoroughly hate, but --the literature and spirit of the eighteenth century
Well, even now, I do not quite knohat to say about your letter To tellof your father's spirit more than pleased me--not because I could quite believe it, but because you did Your father must have been a very fine man, without any pettiness,--and I have more smallness in me than you can suspect How could it be otherwise! If a man lives like a rat for twenty or twenty-five years, heof the disposition peculiar to house-rodents,--ree to let you take all the trouble you propose to take for me merely as a matter of ”thank you” I must contrive ways and ation, for that could not be done, but at least to make you quite sure that I appreciate the extre with hesitation to-day (chiefly, indeed, through a sense of duty to you),--for I fear that you are in trouble, and thatto reach you at the worst possible time However, I hope you have not lost any very dear friends by that terrible accident at Havana I think you told me that you were once on that shi+p, nevertheless; and I fear that you must receive some bad news My sympathies are with you in any event
My Boston friend is lost tothe serious effect upon friendshi+p of taking to one's self a wife,--a fashi+onable wife It was meant to be exactly like the old letters;--but it wasn't Paymaster M M must also so to say;--they all say that!
They all assure you that they _both_ love you, and that their house will be always open to you, etc, etc, and then--they forget all about you--purposely or otherwise Still, one ought to be grateful,--the dropping is so gently and softly done
Affectionately ever, LAFCADIO HEARN
TOKYO, February, 1898
MY DEAR FRIENDS,--I aether, as that will saveto the differing charave me, as you surmised, sincere pleasure to hear froreeable, though I fear sootten letter I think I ances in those days I _know_ it--in certain cases: anyhow I should be afraid to read ain As for my old ambition then expressed, I don't quite knohat to say The atte direction--though whatever I have learned of style has certainly been due rather to French and Spanish studies than to English ones I have now dropped theories, nevertheless; and I simply try to do the best I can, without reference to schools
Do you know that I had a dim notion always that Mr Albee was a millionaire,--or at least a very wealthy dilettante?--which would be the best of reasons for never sending hirateful ree possible) I am, _selfishly_, rather pleased to hear that the price of a book is so over--because the fact permits me to offer him a volume occasionally Otherwise indeed I wish he were rich as my fancy painted him
You say that you have not read ”all my books on japan” Any that you particularly care to read, I can send you--though I should not recommend the ”Glimpses,” except for reference ”Kokoro” would probably best please Mrs Albee, and after it, ”Out of the East” Hereafter I shall send a copy of every ”new book” to you Of course I shall be glad to have the pleasure of seeing Mr Albee's ”Prose Idyls”--many sincere thanks for the kind reards, faithfully ever,
TOKYO, May, 1898
DEAR MR ALBEE,--My best thanks for the ”Prose Idyls” The book leaves on the land suer in ht have written ”The Devil's Bargain:” it is a powerful rotesque hu out of tone in the gallery of opti: the whole effect, toreference to the daed spot at the back Then ”A Mountain Maid” estion of that beautiful and erie_, as the French call it,--that wholly instinctive shrinking fro of woirl could not herself possibly explain
Indeed I fancy that only evolutional philosophy can explain it at all
analogous conditions in the boy of fourteen or fifteen are orthy of study--already I had attempted a little sketch on this subject, which _may_ be printed some day or other: ”A Pair of Eyes”
My next voluht call _metaphysical idyls_, perhaps, at its latter end I fear you will think the of the sunshi+ne of your soul
However, each of us can only give his own tone to the thread which he contributes to the infinite warp and woof of huards to Mrs Albee, very gratefully yours,
TOKYO, February, 1898