Chapter 528 Lake Adventurers (1/2)
“Hey, are those people?”
“That is a horseback horse, why did Jiji’s call you?”
“They also have recently slacked, I’d like you to awaken the first one here, do not show off the strength.”
“Or do you not want to show the inside of the hand?
“No way.”
Clearly, it will not be like fighting to show the inside of the hand. Besides, I and Urush understand, but rather Fran Francs is pleased. It is an opportunity to improve the status of black cats.
It was enough to worry whether it was too motivated.
“Oh, it was good, it was bad to collect without confirming in advance”
“To tell the truth, Jijiya is brutal”
“I do not want to say to a thick Babaa of the face’s skin!”
While doing such a story lightly stretching, one man came up out of the train horse.
Among them, the adventurer clearly has the power of one step. Rank C. Depending on skills and abilities it seemed B was not amusing.
What is your appraisal?
“Oh, what should I do? ”
(Naturally it is necessary to appraise a stranger who does not come approaching)
“Really? ”
(If that is the case, then at that time, just do it, leave it or run away.)
It’s simple! It seems that I was stupid I was suffering.
I used the appraisal with my shoulder loading feeling, it was quite strong again. Is the status rank C high order? Although it is weaker than Colberto, it is well balanced with its water magic, underwater behavioral system skill, trap sensing and so on. High evaluation other than combat strength, you can say it is an all-rounder.
“Hi, I’m sorry I pushed you. I am a rank B adventurer and I say Roblen.”
“I. rank -”
“Oops, leave it alone as a name”
“Okay, I am a Franc”
“Oh, I’m thinking I will learn a lot today.”
A franc that holds back the hand held out. It is a refreshing handsome look of black hair, but he looks like he’s not a bad guy. And rank B?
“Anyway, Gilmouth. Is there any meaning to conceal her true identity, some people are aware of me besides me?”
“Rather they do not notice that they are negligent because the ears to buy information and the eyes that see each other are also rotten!”
“Hah, it is harsh ……”
“Wow, laughter! Well, low rankers are nice, but it’s a problem that there are so many people who despise franc even among C, D! It’s been too long for lukewarm water to feel dull That’s it. ”
“Well, I have not had any major incident for about 20 years now,”
“Because you are like that of Ace, adventurers of Lake Vivien are also stupid! They are said to be amenbos in the kingdom’s guys!”
“Is it strange to say?”