Chapter 524 Delivery of scallops (1/2)

“Wow, I’m lucky! ”


“No way, you come across a commercial fleet just entering Ceftent”

The next day after collecting the spirit grass at the bottom of the lake.

I witnessed the back of the lake from the back of the urushi running lightly on the shore of the lake, there were a number of huge boats anchored on the shore of the lake. As not all ships will enter the harbor at the same time, it seems that they will use the harbor in turn for days.

As Chiarazen’s Ahoko-san (name has not heard) said, if we add together, we will have more than 50 ships. As often as it is densely packed, ships do not collide with each other.

“Urushi, see from the top”

“On on!”

Urush rushes up to the sky at a stroke using skill of leaping in the air.

“Oh, looking at it from the top, do not mess up.”


Before saying spectacularly, the ship was too much and it was overwhelmed. However, I understand well that the size of the biggest ship is from above. The ship which seems to be a big flag ship, among large vessels, was the size like a fortress.

Perhaps it’s over 150 meters in length. There is about 30 meters wide, is not it? Due to the strong magical reaction, it seemed to be loading magical propulsion machines. No, magical power is also felt from the hull. Perhaps you are strengthening with magic? Or it might be using special materials like demon trees.

It is not a comparison with a luxury passenger ship, but it is much bigger than a ferry that I have seen before.

“I will go to town”


“Deliver to the Ceftent’s adventurer guild, and listen to the commercial fleet,”


When I entered Ceftento, it was crowded with a lot of people. Although it is a big town than Chialazen, it is not a different number of times. However, the bustle was different between heaven and earth.

It will be the effect of the commercial fleet. It is a population of Kingdom of the Kingdom of Kingsel. It is a level at the festival.


“Mom Mom”

“It’s straight as it is”

Because of the crowd, I induce francs whose visibility is not at all. Fortunately the adventurer guild was a tall building, so if you proceed with the roof as a landmark, you never get lost.

While struggling with crowds and good odor stalls, rare stalls and their guests, they managed to get to the adventurer’s guild. However, inside was crowded as well as being outdone.


“I guess they are adventurers on commercial fleets.”

The adventurers of the commercial fleet would have said they would go down the ship at the port of call and do the request. The number of young adventurers is also in agreement with the story I heard in Kialazen.

“Do not line up …”

To this number of people, the number of counters is not enough at all. However, that would be useless. I only include this a couple of times a year.

We have added extra counter temporarily, but it is still not enough.

“it can not be helped. Let’s line up ”


It was good that Urushi was in the shadow. Any size would have been in the way.

However, gaze from the surroundings concentrates on the flanks in line. Everybody might have watched the franc as I went wrong. It is accustomed to getting noticed wherever you go, but it is unusual to be seen as guns by everyone from the moment you enter.


“Ah, Thinking, they are all here, except us,”