Chapter 521 Commercial fleet (1/2)

We left the stall of Lane and we were headed for the adventurer guild. However, I am concerned about the girl in that eyepatch on that road.

“That girl, did you notice that I used the expert opinion? ”



I thought it was my misunderstanding, but something is still caught.

“Wow, it is amazing.”

In the beginning, we practiced in that plain, we had considerably strengthened secret ability and concealability. The signs to activate the appraisal are also suppressed than before.

To the extent that it is confident that you can not bear it if you do not even have a high level of appraisal sensation.

Anyway, I could not notice it unless I was concentrating too much on Amanda. Besides, even if it says to notice it was at best the degree of giving a sense of incompatibility “Were you seen?”

The lane was not that strong as I saw it. Even saying that the sensation is being sharpened, the movement was a thing with the hair growing on the amateur, and the magical power is also low. As an adventurer it would have been about F and E in rank.

Clearly, I never thought that I would be appalled. Indeed, I did not have the skills to perfectly appreciate the appraisal with her skills, and it should have been a status that I never realized something by intuition or sense like a strong man.

It was supposed to be -.

“… … lack confidence”

Appraisal is a very useful skill. Every day training is necessary to use quietly in ques- tion.

I practiced scatteredly on the plain devil’s opponent. Even for opponents with high capability of the sensing system, they are getting proficient to the extent that they do not notice the appreciation of the appraisal. So, now I was in the middle of practicing human opponents.

However, I will not use it for the king or the guild master indeed. They use common people in the town where the possibility of noticing appraisal is unlimitedly low, travelers who pass each other in the way they do not fall under this appraisal.

No, there is still a slight possibility of being noticed. There is a possibility that it has a coincidence detection skill by chance. But, if I said such a thing, I am afraid of the appraisal skill and it becomes useless.

It is too stupid to seal this skill on the grounds that it is scary to be able to use appraisals, failing in emergency situations. It can only be said that it is bad.

No, if you just activate an appraisal you will not fail. However, in order to suppress signs at the time of skill activation in combination with secret skill, practice is necessary as it is.

It is a world with a system like a game, but it does not exert the same effect everyone uses it, and it will improve only by training if you train.

The expert opinion is the same. You must go and do not go well.

I did not forget the words of Diaz? However, it was only advised that if it began to appraise to royalty etc, it would be a profane crime. It was not told that we should not use appraisals. Rather, it was a warning to use well.

In accordance with the advice, I planned to practice by using appraisal as opponent who is as cheap as possible … ….

I am worried about lanes as well. For a while do not refrain from practicing appraisal as a human opponent?

If I had thought about such a thing, a signboard of an adventurer guild was coming soon.


“Yes, welcome to the adventurer guild!”

When you enter the guard of Kialazen, your reception sister will welcome you with a smile.

“Your request – is not it?”

“I came to see my request”

“After all it’s an adventurer, are you alone?”


“That is funny, is not it?”


“You did not stick to the commercial fleet, do you?”

“Are you a school student?”

“Do you know, maybe a foreign country was born?”


“Oh, it’s a commercial fleet -”

My older sister explained it. Commercial fleet is a large fleet that is swimming in Lake Vivian. Oh, Vivian Lake is this huge lake.

There are many big towns and cities on the banks of the lake bigger than the small country, and it seems that the fleet is regularly visiting those places.

Their work is diverse, trading trading special products and selling. The feet of adventurers and travelers’ movement. Purchasing of fishery and materials in the dangerous lake center. Furthermore, it will provide entertainment such as circus and bard and do regular checkups by doctors etc.

“Can we have so many boats?”

“Because it is not a single one, you must not be called a fleet, is not it?”

“Well, are you a lot of boats?”

“Yeah, a lot, I do not know the exact number, but there are over 10 large ships, medium and small ships were more than 50”


That’s amazing. There will be more people than a little village when you go there.

“Have you been around this lake since hundreds of years already?”

“Who started?”

“That’s funny, I do not know whether it is true or not, but this lake Vivinia used to be a sea long ago.”

“Has the sea become a lake?”

“Let me tell you that there was a small lake and that lake and ocean have joined together and it became a big lake.The name of the small lake is taken over by Vivian Lake.”