Chapter 473 Great spirit use (Part 475 part) (2/2)


“To be precise, he stopped mass destruction and saved the city.”

Although it is a long ago story, there was a small country in the land north of which is now the territory of Kingzel. It is a kingdom of the Raidos Kingdom, which was hostile to the Kingdom of Kranzel for many years.

However, the position of a small country that is caught between the great powers and is toppled by the political circumstances of both sides is unstable. I do not know when it will be a battlefield, the country and the people must always prepare for the war.

In a situation where even a small national budget is pressed by military expenses, it was not even possible to enrich the national strength, and always had to continue receiving the support of the Raidos Kingdom as a poor country at all times.

It was King of those days that tried to break down the situation. He watched the spirit magic as an inexpensive fighting force. It attracted excellent spiritists and tried to develop spirit magic.

However, spirit magic is difficult to handle. There are few things with talent and it is very unstable. Even if the same spirit trainer uses the same spirit magic, the effects go up and down violently due to the physical condition of the operator, the mental aspect, the mood of the spirit. Moreover, the spirit was fickle, had a mental structure different from a person, sometimes did not understand the instruction exactly.

Recognition by adventurers and military is difficult to detect, power is perfect, but it is too unstable. It is difficult to operate without being a high-level operator. It is such feeling.

Particularly important is the part of instability. It is easy to run away. There are accumulations that elves etc. have studied spirit magic for thousands of years, but it seems that even for those who are not so, it is difficult to control.

And a small country also makes a big mistake. Several spirit surgeons tried to summon the superior spirits and chewed them up, and it caused them to go out of control. Besides being a miracle or a nightmare, it was a great spirit that was summoned.

In the spirit, there is a spirit of a miscellaneous spirit, a lower spirit, an intermediate spirit, an advanced spirit, a great spirit, a great spirit, a king’s spirit, and if it becomes a great spirit, it has the power equivalent to the threat level A.

What if it runaway? Small countries and others will ruin your whole house. In fact, even at that time, too, the small spirit was vacated by more than half of the land by the great spirit of the wind that kept running for five days, and it seems that more than 50,000 people were killed for deaths.

It was Klimt who had already guarded Alessa’s guild master to quell the great spirit at that time. He himself did not participate in this experiment and only took care of himself, but from the outside it seemed that he summoned the great spirit.

Moreover, he contracted with the great spirit at that time, but it seems that it became a factor to accelerate misunderstanding that it seemed as if he ordered the spirit summoned by the sight.

“In fact, I saved the perpetual destruction of the people in a small country, but I do not think it is insane to infiltrate the enemy country and try a contract with a large spirit with low probability of success. Well, success Because it was made, it is probably a genius as a spirit artist. ”

“But, because of that, Klimt has greatly weakened.”


If I contracted with a super heinous existence like the great spirit, did not it become stronger? It seems not to be amusing to be a rank S adventurer, though.

“We constantly stick our nerves to hold down the great spirit that sleeps within ourselves, restricting usable magical powers and bringing life force to it in secret. Besides, the physical body is also weakened It seems like ”

“Although it should have been a style to fight multiple exercise gymnastics originally, it is also said that it is also difficult.”

Is it that the ability has weakened at the price of keeping the great spirit inside itself? Moreover, it is difficult to summon a spirit, because resources such as control power are always being given to it.

“But we can not fight, because in case it comes to us, we can use the great spirit.”

“Kukuku, I will blow away everything, I am the great spirit of the wind”

“If that happens, there will be great damage in the vicinity as well, and Klimt will not be alone, I heard that he has used it in battle with the dragon only once in the past, but at that time he wandered around the boundary of life and death From

Is not that neither surrounding nor Klimt alone?

I thought why such a guy was made a guilty master of Aressa, but as an adventurer guild the raids kingdom seems to be an unfortunate enemy.

If there are no adventurers in any domestic area, if there is an adventurer guild in the place where they dominated, it is enough to execute all the assets and collect property.

It is Klimt that the guild has placed as a trump card in order to prevent the Kingdom of Klangel, which such a country goes south and giving preferential treatment to adventurers, weakened.

“But even though I keep the trump till the end of the end, that’s why I put Amanda and Jean in Alessa so that Klimt can not fight as much as possible.”

In other words, it will be more than Amanda’s destructive power. Klimt seems to have been a terrible guy more than I thought.